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What is your favourite type of cheese?

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Started by #85875 at 01,Nov,10 20:32
Mine is chedder

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By pifad at 02,Nov,10 02:39 other posts of pifad 
Dick cheese
By #69967 at 02,Nov,10 20:55
You certainly don't go to the finest restaurants I can see. But then if you've ever tried cheese in America, maybe that is better - though I'd skip it personally and go for Gruy?re or English Cheddar
By MoeJoe at 03,Nov,10 08:44 other posts of MoeJoe 
Wow...a cheese expert too....
By #69967 at 03,Nov,10 14:27
Well if that's your definition of 'expert' I guess so..
Nice contribution ( zZZZzzzzzzZz..)
By MoeJoe at 03,Nov,10 19:22 other posts of MoeJoe 
No it certainly isn't my idea of an expert, but you seem to posture yourself as one when it comes to many topics....and if anything gets boring around here it's the steady diet of pap that spews forth from your spew forth your next petty little bit of snidery and we'll all yawn again.
By #69967 at 03,Nov,10 19:32
Well you do keep reading it Mr. MoeJoe McDull yawn forth and reap~

At no time was a declaration of 'expert' made on my part part ..that's your interpretation..

Live with it or turn away.. If you could inject some life in to your tedious thoughts it might just make it to your fingers enough to type them~
By MoeJoe at 04,Nov,10 08:59 other posts of MoeJoe 
I assume that when you say "inject some life", that you mean snide and smarmy comments with the intent of having everyone here rolling on the floor in uncontrollable laughter.
By #69967 at 04,Nov,10 17:53
Wrong assumption
By MoeJoe at 04,Nov,10 22:26 other posts of MoeJoe 
I think not....

By fila1305 at 04,Nov,10 09:19 other posts of fila1305 
A cheese discussion? Here? Okay.

I prefer something they call 'Graskaas'.

And no it's not made from the 'grass' you're thinking of.

It's a young Gouda, made from the first milk after the cows are back in the meadow after winter.

By #10886 at 02,Nov,10 01:14
Fromunda cheese!
By spermkiss at 02,Nov,10 01:24 other posts of spermkiss 
I presume that you mean cheese that comes fromunda a foreskin. That's my favorite, too. Yum.

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