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Naked at home?

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Started by #76545 at 16,Nov,10 08:07
Does anyone else like walking around the house naked?

Similar topics: 1.Naked home work   2.Big brother Gay what should i do (advice)   3.what do all of you at home nudist do if someone knocks at your door?   4.Full body naked   5.Naked at home  

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By #583549 at 18,Aug,19 10:44
I am getting ready to drive to the flea market nude.Toal round trip about 80 miles!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

I just got back from the flea market and driving nude on RT.80 is so much fun

By #462085 at 17,Aug,19 03:40
I'm naked now, very relaxing.
By #583549 at 17,Aug,19 12:29
Yea,I am still naked at 8:30AM.I will stay nude all weekend!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

I just finished cutting my lawn nude!I have a lot of trees so the neighbors don't see me too much!

By #583549 at 17,Aug,19 01:48
In about an hour I will go on my nightly nude walk on my property.Temp will be 72 degrees tonight!

By #596852 at 14,Aug,19 08:34
I usually always naked at home but now these days with my bro and his family staying I have to be dressed that sucks

By #583549 at 31,Jul,19 15:59
I just cut my lawn and jumped in the shower to cool off.I am now naked for the rest of the day!Always nude at home!
By SluttySarah069 at 13,Aug,19 16:26 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I've just cut the lawn - the sun was out and I fancied a bit of sunlight so I stripped off and did the mowing completely naked apart from my trainers (for safety reasons).
By #583549 at 13,Aug,19 22:02
Yea,it's great too do yard work nude!

By #583549 at 13,Aug,19 21:22
I am alway naked at home,including now at my computer!

By #513813 at 13,Aug,19 16:28
I'm naked right now

By #595638 at 12,Aug,19 14:42
I'm don't get naked but get down to my undies!

By #478298 at 12,Aug,19 13:33
I like to be naked in my backyard

[deleted image]

By #590925 at 11,Aug,19 16:28
All the time when I am alone.

By #588612 at 09,Aug,19 20:03
I am naked most always when home.All months of the year. Live in an end unit with lots of windows. The more men that see me the more erotic I get. Incredible turn on in past had sex few times. Nowadays its voyeurs voyeurs voyeurs. The same always. Wish a few of my neighbors would sell their property so new voyeurs move in. Looking for a few good men

By crystaldickie353 at 09,Aug,19 01:06 other posts of crystaldickie353 
As soon as I get home from work or wherever, I'm stripped down to, at most, my socks and underwear. Sometimes those come off too.

By #583549 at 09,Aug,19 00:43
Yes! I am always nude at home!

By #537175 at 08,Aug,19 11:18
I live in quite a small apartment , but usually when I get home from work and take suit off , I just wander around in whatever underwear I have been wearing . I have been known to slip those off as well . If my boyfriend is over then we both walk about naked . Fortunately the windows are not really overlooked , but if we are near window one of the blocks opposite would get a good view . We went on a camping holiday to France last year and it was attached to a nudist part which we had access to so long as we were naked ,so we went a few times . saw some nice cocks and had fun

By #595926 at 08,Aug,19 09:30
I be nude just in my room some times and play with my cock
[deleted image]

By #586354 at 08,Aug,19 03:24
[deleted image]

Home nudity almost always

By #595839 at 31,Jul,19 17:03
i'm naked at home a lot. It feels very liberating.

By #442079 at 31,Jul,19 14:07
I am naked right now...

By #595964 at 31,Jul,19 12:37
yes, love it

By #586736 at 01,May,19 20:37
I am always nude at home

By #583549 at 30,Apr,19 23:16
If no one is coming to visit,I am allways naked at home!

By #555431 at 30,Apr,19 17:45
I love being naked. I work from home and I work naked as much as possible.

By SluttySarah069 at 30,Apr,19 16:44 other posts of SluttySarah069 
If I'm home alone then I dress a a slut

By #578037 at 30,Apr,19 15:59
Sometimes When I was really horny and still lived with my mom I would stay naked in my room or I walk around the house or the back yard mostly after she went to bed or wasn’t home. I was only caught once naked upstairs but she has cameras in the back yard and I wonder if she ever watched the cameras when I was naked in the yard

By #206678 at 01,Mar,19 20:11
I try to spend as much time at home naked. Great feeling of freedom. I painted most of house in the nude!!

By #455846 at 27,Feb,19 22:57
I don t see why we should walk around the house clothed? If we re not going out , then why get dress lol. I sleep naked so I stay that way when I get up. I even opened the door a few times to get a parcel delivery. I don t think the delivery man even noticed.

By wycowboy at 27,Feb,19 12:38 other posts of wycowboy 
I must like it since I do it all the time
By #455846 at 27,Feb,19 22:54

By #545468 at 27,Feb,19 04:17
Absolutely I go nude in the house. I also garden nude and do outdoor chores nude. Gotta admit that the vibration from the tractor can get me going :-)

I have a sign warning others that a nudist lives on the property.

By #553294 at 13,Apr,18 23:35
You bet!

By wmw6cut at 13,Apr,18 23:24 other posts of wmw6cut soon as i get home from work, the clothes come off as i go to the shower and stay off till i leave the next morning....unless i have company over

By cumonme1 at 12,Apr,18 10:56 other posts of cumonme1 
Sure do I'm naked now I don't need to get dressed .

By cleansmooth at 12,Sep,17 02:20 other posts of cleansmooth 
I'm always naked at home. Cooking, eating sleeping. Just sitting watching tv. So much better than covering up.

By #541516 at 12,Sep,17 00:20
When I'm working from home, it means I'm gonna be naked for the day. Not wanking, or even surfing porn - just doing my usual stuff naked. I currently have a very high, dense hedge around my property which allows me to be completely naked doing gardening or just sitting out on the deck. Well, it used to be thick, but it actually had some bare patches, which in all honesty I was unaware of until recently. I was out in the garden working, naked as usual. I could hear someone next door hanging out the washing - Alexandra, the 40-something year old Russian divorcee next door. I carried on, secure in my thick hedge. After a bit, Alexandra called out, hearing me digging. "Hi Andrew, doing some gardening in the good weather?" I didn't look up but carried on working, but greeted her pleasantly. She's a nice person. We chatted idly for a bit and then she went back indoors, saying as she left, "Don't get burnt in this sun". It became a bit of a thing that we'd chat through the hedge as I sat or worked in the garden. I invited her over for coffee and when i let her in she looked slightly surprised. "Oh, you didn't need to dress up for me" she said. At first I thought she meant that I was dressed as though for a special occasion, but I soon realised what she meant. Turns out she had quite enjoyed the show and had specially enjoyed watching my cock swing as I worked. What am I suppsed to do now? The show must go on!

By newwt10 at 11,Sep,17 20:42 other posts of newwt10 
Love to be naked when I'm working around the house! Love to get a hand or something around here!

By #491232 at 10,Sep,17 02:25
Even around the compound of the house [deleted image]

By #494374 at 10,Sep,17 00:10
I don't know anyone who doesn't.

By #485312 at 09,Sep,17 23:36
theres not many places left in the world to be naked, so why not, your home is your sanctuary and you can what you like in it.. clothes are for shielding us from the eyes of people that don't want to see us ... laws are funny on this, here in oz, you can leave your curtains open on all sides of the house barring the ones that face public thoroughfares, so youre allowed to flash the neighbours, its up to them to close theirs if they don't want to look.. but recently l naked woman was filmed by a drone and this has started some debates about the legality of these new flying machines with cams... *lix*

By #532851 at 09,Sep,17 22:53
I like to jack off on the back deck steps. People can see my back from the road 40 feat away, but can't tell I'm jacking off cause my bottom half is blocked by the deck.

By #532851 at 09,Sep,17 22:47
I like to as much as I can ,plus outside a bit.

By #541336 at 09,Sep,17 00:32
All the time, every opportunity

By onthelose at 16,Jul,17 22:31 other posts of onthelose 
As much as I think it would be really sexy to be outside in the nude, there are some really prudish people out there who would call the police on you. That wouldn't be so sexy!!!
By #485312 at 17,Jul,17 05:34
you just have to pick the right spots and stay out of their way, by they time they call the police you should be long gone, just dont do it in front of a mall *lix*

By #537100 at 12,Jul,17 19:28
i do and out side

By #520590 at 12,Jul,17 07:52
I love being nude. Why do I feel so bad about doing it???

By #534799 at 10,Jul,17 23:37
I'm usually nude around the house as often as I can be. Especially in warmer months, saves on air conditioning.

By #440825 at 30,Mar,17 09:52
always naked can't wait till warm weather then i will be naked in the back yard by the pool.

By #289712 at 26,Dec,15 00:15
When the gf isn't here, like today, I am naked. When in my own place in the past I was always naked, and loved lounging on my balcony nude. Not sure if my neighbors could see me. I hope they could!
By #454258 at 30,Mar,17 05:54
you should try having your gf naked with you

By #275407 at 29,Mar,17 02:07
No, that's no fun. I like getting naked outside with the exciting chance someone will see me. Lol
By #527709 at 29,Mar,17 05:38
Haha I feel the same way. I would love it if someone caught me.

By #510842 at 29,Mar,17 02:41
I'm always naked when I'm at home.

By #521426 at 28,Mar,17 10:28
[deleted image]
I'm always naked at home..
By *kmadeau* at 28,Mar,17 18:46 other posts of *kmadeau* 
are you alone there

By #363802 at 28,Mar,17 23:00
Where do you live?
By #23212 at 29,Mar,17 02:18
??? You don't believe that he lives where he says he lives, on the top of his page?

By #524681 at 28,Mar,17 23:07
I love going naked at home. I always get hard and rub my cock a lot but that is a bonus as far as im concerned!

By #513813 at 28,Mar,17 19:50
I'm naked right now

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