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Big brother Gay what should i do (advice)

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Started by #310045 at 28,Dec,12 03:08
Hope to get some advice

one day when i was on my way back home i realized my brother and his friend(a boy) was at home just for some reason i went and peeked at the window and they were having sex my brother was fucking his friend in the ass this continued after about 15min they were done and i went in side
my brother was totally naked with cum all over him,i have seen my brothers cock so not much of a deal
but i asked is that urs and he said ya and just after a little while his friend came in to the room naked as well, he ignored me and they fucked again in front of me
i want my brother to fuck girls not guys help pls

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New Comment

By #68656 at 01,Jan,13 09:24
We have two possible options here, firstly and most likely the events described are fantasy, there are subtle errors and one or two other indications to that deduction.
In the possible event the activities described did take place then there was a serious breach of trust on behalf of the brother along with ethics and integrity.
Shiva would not be pleased.
By bigone21 at 11,Jul,13 20:36 other posts of bigone21 
"serious breach of trust on behalf of the **** along with ethics and integrity"

oh no, NOT again..!

but thank god, we all know this story is just bullshit, so JohnS, you don't have to ride your morality-train again (and again and again...)

--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

how come JohnS is NOT censored when he writes b r o t h e r and I am???? what the f*ck!! hahaha!!
By #301038 at 12,Jul,13 06:56

Some people are just special like that, they get to keep blооdy sесrets, frown upon illegаl and immoral activities if its against their moral code...

Maybe he never wrote "brоther" .... Just like I never wrote sistеr, incеst, blооd, illеgal, сhild, forcе... Or it would have been detected by the filter and blocked, now wouldn't it?
It's all in your head, my friend, just like it's all in the head of the larakashyapa4
By bigone21 at 12,Jul,13 17:28 other posts of bigone21 
Haha! Brilliant!!

And you are right Peach, it's all in my head! I dismissed it and now I write: school, green, no smoking, environment, church, toyota prius and cucumber without being censored!

I guess the censor doesn't know what I do with cucumbers when I'm not smoking! haha!

By #301038 at 12,Jul,13 18:51
Does school, green, no smoking, environment, church and toyota prius have the same future are the cucumber?

That's the only thing in common I could come up with
By bigone21 at 12,Jul,13 22:26 other posts of bigone21 
No, the cucumber has no future after I used it... Being atheist, I wish I could do the same with the church though!
By #301038 at 13,Jul,13 03:25
You can always use a whale's ass... it might just fit..
By bigone21 at 13,Jul,13 17:26 other posts of bigone21 
Well Peach, fucking a whale is against my is "against my moral code"! Haha!

By #408904 at 10,Jul,13 05:57
You are so not telling the truth. That is a fantasy. No guy would screw another guy/ or girl with jizz all over this junk and keep going in front of his bro.. would he? I have never understood those twin, mother daughter father son sites. Thats just wrong. Having sex with family or being in the room with family while they are having sex is off limits
By bigone21 at 11,Jul,13 20:49 other posts of bigone21 
what is wrong on your side of the world could be big fun on the other side! is it i l l e g a l? no??

the story is -like you say- a fantasy! so, are you blaming the guy for having an immoral fantasy??

if you have time on your hands go comment in some 5000 stupid threads here!! good luck!

By Ray10754 at 01,Jan,13 16:03 other posts of Ray10754 
I have a question for the poster! Why is it OK for you to be interested in both Male and Females (as your profile clearly states) and ins't for your brother?? Also, why is stroking and touching ok with you? (again as you clearly stated in one of your replys here on the thread),and what your brother is doing not? Bothe are Bisexual activities, just as much as anal with member of the same sex is!
There is definatly some thing wrong with this whole post!

By cocking at 28,Dec,12 04:13 other posts of cocking 
Maybe your brother would prefers guysr for you to screw guys rather then girls.

It is his choice if he prefer guys so let him be and get on with your life!
By #334262 at 01,Jan,13 15:37
Why is no on more concerned about the fact that his brother touched him against his will
By bella! at 01,Jan,13 15:55 other posts of bella! 
Wake up, the original poster is 19 years old, not 9. If he didn't like the fact that his brotha pulled down is boxers and was stroking him, then he needed to jump outta bed and punch his brotha into next week. Another option ( if he's non violent ) MOVE OUT, you're a grown man. For crying out loud, to suggest that he tells the momma or call the police/authorities?? Handle your own business like a man!

I would tend to agree with JohnS, this post sounds like total bollock and seems to be evolving........

By Ray10754 at 01,Jan,13 15:53 other posts of Ray10754 
Now mide you this is just my oppinion of the matter!
I would say that the above post is fiction,possibly a fantacy that the poster has, and with his most recent post,it seems as though I may be correct!

By #242452 at 29,Dec,12 07:48
I bet your brother is cute. If he likes cock, I'm sure he will get a lot of it.

By slipper at 29,Dec,12 06:52 other posts of slipper 
You asked what you should do... 1) give him privacy, 2) treat him the same as you always have, 3) get on with YOUR life!!!

By #328929 at 28,Dec,12 04:07
Your brother likes guys it doesn't matter if you want him to fuck girls. Do you want him to be happy and fuck guys or be miserable and fuck girls?
By #310045 at 28,Dec,12 04:15
i really dont know but its not natural that's y iam worryed
By #299180 at 28,Dec,12 15:43
You say it's not natural however you like to stroke your cock with other guys stroking theirs on Skype. Sounds like contradiction to me

By #326816 at 28,Dec,12 04:51
larakashyapa4 .... Your brother is still the same person he was before you saw him having sex with another guy. A person's sexual orientation does not define them as a person. Think about all of the things which make you love your brother, the life experiences which you have shared with your brother, the emotions, the feelings ... it is all still there. Nothing has changed. So don't try to change who your brother truly is. People who attempt to change an aspect of another individual's life will always find something else which they will try to change and on and on it goes. It places one person in a position of control and the other in a state of not living their own life as they see fit. You will see this scenario played out when religion and homosexuality clash.

Although it may be upsetting for you to suddenly realise that your brother is gay, it should not change the relationship which you have with your brother. Have a non-judgmental talk with your brother to find out how he feels. Get to know what is going on so that you can see if he really is happy with his life. If he is, and you can see it in his face, then that should leave you with the same feeling as the happiness of a loved one is the one thing which we all hope to see.
By #310045 at 28,Dec,12 05:33
thankx bro have to try talking to him abut this
By spermkiss at 28,Dec,12 05:37 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, you cannot change him. Be glad that he trusts you enough to put his sexuality on display in front of you.

By pifad at 28,Dec,12 05:03 other posts of pifad 
Oh yeah, and you are so concerned. Your profile says you like both men and women. What's that all about?

By pifad at 28,Dec,12 05:02 other posts of pifad 
You cannot make anyone str8 anymore than you can make someone gay. It is what it is. I can say this because I am gay and tried to be str8 for over 40 years. Doesn't work. You mess up lives and you end up being miserable yourself.
Leave him alone and let him live his life as he sees fit.

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