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what do you prefer a bald pussy or hair

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Started by #108627 at 21,Nov,10 00:37
Do men prefer a woman to shave bald, or a landing strip?

Similar topics: 1.WHAT TOO DO WITH MY PUBIC HAIR   2.Who else does not like hairy pussy?   3.pubic hair for men   4.Pubic Hair Styles   5.Public Hair for Men  

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By #61033 at 12,Feb,11 05:47
I prefer bald or short trimmed.

By Gntlmn at 11,Feb,11 05:27 other posts of Gntlmn 
The more hair there, the better!

By #1047 at 03,Feb,11 14:25
i prefer women to be shaved near the lips and either bald or just a little hair above

By #95006 at 03,Feb,11 14:15

By #43094 at 03,Feb,11 05:26
I prefer hairy

By boc at 29,Jan,11 14:28 other posts of boc 
A perfect triangular bush.

By Stiffcock47 at 29,Jan,11 12:41 other posts of Stiffcock47 
shaved with a landing strip

By mack at 28,Jan,11 03:26 other posts of mack 
bald is beautiful baby

By #6568 at 20,Jan,11 15:57
If a woman has a nice detailed vulva with interesting labia that protrude and a raised clit hood then it looks much better chaved or with a small tuft......

......However, if a woman just has a simple 'slit' or crack then it's better with some fur, otherwise it looks plain or even like a child,...not nice!

By #26410 at 19,Jan,11 05:13
Shaved, just like WetnTasty's. your pics made me cum,

By #26410 at 04,Dec,10 05:10
Since i love eating pussy so much i prefer shaved, I dont like getting a curly hair in my mouth, but as long as the pussy taste good, i dont mind the hair too much then.

By #114253 at 21,Nov,10 04:49

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick
Started by sjm at 04,Nov,10 11:08

What would you rather fuck a shaved pussy or a hairy one?
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By stringman at 04,Nov,10 11:14 Hide

A pussy with short or shortened pubic hairs may be good for licking or fucking as a shaved pussy for me. A bush is nothing for me.

By Stiffcock47 at 04,Nov,10 13:13 Hide

I like to fuck a shaved pussy

By wabbitz at 04,Nov,10 13:30 Hide


By Dokflesh at 04,Nov,10 14:02 Hide

Any holes a goal !!

By aeroplane at 04,Nov,10 18:07 Hide

hairy one every time

By XTexMex2 at 04,Nov,10 18:54 Hide

Doesn't matter at all. As long as it's warm and wet that's all I ask. Doesn't even have to be tight.

By dwayne375 at 04,Nov,10 19:11 Hide
I prefer shaved but,I never say no to a pretty pussy.

By iluvcunts at 04,Nov,10 20:30 Hide
A hairy one.

By Ihaveabigone at 04,Nov,10 23:10 Hide

Shaved one. Definitely

By [deleted member] at 05,Nov,10 03:01 Hide
Shaved man, i dont want thoes horrible curly bastarts getting in my mouth and distracting me !

It looks scruffy and messy , trimmed and hort is fin but shaven and clean is goooooooood

By hardjones1 at 05,Nov,10 04:34 Hide

Shaved is always better, but pussy is pussy and I never say no.

By botanic at 05,Nov,10 06:09 Hide

definitely a hairy one ... much sexier , better aroma , much more erotic .

By hstick at 05,Nov,10 07:26 Hide

A pussy is always nice. Whether hairy or not I love them!

By stiffun at 05,Nov,10 07:50 Hide

prefer shaved or at least trimmed...But if it's a nice jungle I'll explore it.

By nyc8038 at 05,Nov,10 08:24 Hide

Hairy: looks warmer and more inviting.

I won't say no to a shaved pussy, but that is my absolute last preference.

By bigger at 05,Nov,10 08:26 Hide

look at the pics on my account. i lik and fuck it, shaved or not. but its hoter to lik a shaved wet pussy and dont vorget the asshole

By my-dixie-wrecked at 05,Nov,10 13:52 Hide

I prefer shaved or neatly trimmed, but I've never kicked a hairy pussy out of bed before either...

By darkshadow at 05,Nov,10 13:53 Hide

i would go with shaved, less hair in your mouth

By BushPilot at 05,Nov,10 17:26 Hide

Absolutely a wonderful bush to cushion the pounding not to mention the added sensation of those wonderful hairs gently rubbing up and down my cock as it moves in and out.

By numberseven at 05,Nov,10 23:10 Hide

Only shaved ! One that has been procured with a plucked border, shaved smooth with a double bladed silicone edged razor then loofa scrubbed clean and drizzled in almond oil. Scented to taste.

By jimcockflash at 06,Nov,10 18:47 Hide

Shaved with a nice landing strip.

By Mac1 at 07,Nov,10 03:10 Hide
A nice hairy bush is all I want but if it is shaved I wont complain

By neller at 08,Nov,10 05:29 Hide

all my partners like my hairy pussy .. none has ever asked me to shave .. and anyway I wouldnt !

New Comment
By #114253 at 21,Nov,10 04:50
If only I could read
By #59855 at 04,Dec,10 05:05
Is that supposed to be funny? She can start another thread if she wants to

By #3997 at 23,Nov,10 20:05
To me it depends on the surface, looks different on some pussies then it does others

By #43515 at 23,Nov,10 17:27
Shaved bald and smooth like new. Or ultra furry

By DarkMax at 23,Nov,10 12:12 other posts of DarkMax 
I like bald pussy

By #95006 at 23,Nov,10 11:34
Bald for sure

By fancyabit at 23,Nov,10 04:14 other posts of fancyabit 

By botanic at 22,Nov,10 12:45 other posts of botanic 
hairy hairy hairy

Adult Discussion Forum