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Pubic Hair Styles

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Started by #177288 at 05,Jan,13 06:05
Do you like to shave your pubis hair?

What style do you prefer bermuda triangule, landing strip, Brazilian, bikini or just totally bold

How often do you shave your penis or trim your pubis hair?

Please post your comments and nice pics

Similar topics: 1.Styles of pubic hair   2.black pubic hair   3.keep your hair natural!   4.Anybody who dye their pubic hair?   5.pubic hair for men  

New Comment

By #285354 at 12,Aug,14 10:03
It's a seasonal thing for me. I like to shave my balls in the summer for comfort and trim a bit around the base of the shaft.

[deleted image]

By #44980 at 10,Aug,14 15:49
I shave every time I shower so that she doesn't have to stop to spit or hack up a pube!!! [deleted image]

By #337566 at 05,Jan,13 20:51
[deleted image]
I prefer natural hair ahahahah
By spermkiss at 07,Jan,13 16:29 other posts of spermkiss 
Your thick black is so hot that it would indeed almost be a sin to shave it off.

By #265525 at 17,Mar,13 18:04
Great bush and nice thIck cock as well

By 3fdfd at 09,Aug,14 09:15 other posts of 3fdfd 
I like the natural look

By #360027 at 15,Mar,13 00:30
Welcome to a smooth landing

[deleted image]
By Chandu at 17,Mar,13 19:14 other posts of Chandu 

By #287950 at 17,Mar,13 16:54
how do you like mine?

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 17,Mar,13 18:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Cute dickstache. I like it.

By raybo36 at 16,Mar,13 15:51 other posts of raybo36 
like to go with the landing strip

By #303133 at 08,Jan,13 19:25
By #133285 at 21,Jan,13 16:33

By pifad at 15,Mar,13 02:36 other posts of pifad 
Love it!

By amateurmfeet at 07,Jan,13 18:43 other posts of amateurmfeet 
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:53
Nice pic
By amateurmfeet at 14,Mar,13 22:19 other posts of amateurmfeet 

By #116968 at 01,Mar,13 18:33
Love your collection of pictures!!!
By amateurmfeet at 14,Mar,13 22:20 other posts of amateurmfeet 
thank you which one would you say you like the best?

By steve8211 at 03,Mar,13 19:16 other posts of steve8211 
I shave it all off once a week! Just feels better! Most women I been with like it that way!

By Mikedick at 03,Mar,13 13:52 other posts of Mikedick 
prefer natural, its an effort

By #201583 at 03,Mar,13 01:33
I get the Manzillian twice a year.

By #125079 at 21,Jan,13 07:24
[deleted image]

I usually shave everything at least once a week
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:52

By spermkiss at 03,Mar,13 00:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you look great hairless. Keep on shaving and keep your pants off.

By #10886 at 21,Jan,13 14:47
[deleted image] Smooth balls, smooth dick, and some nice blond pubes!

Daily shave and pluck.

Do blondes have more fun?
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:51

By spermkiss at 02,Mar,13 23:58 other posts of spermkiss 
There is something really hot about a guy with an all over suntan and pubes that are sun bleached blond. So keep your pants off and your jewels and pubes out there in the sunshine.

By spermkiss at 02,Mar,13 23:53 other posts of spermkiss 
Totally hairless from the neck down. Permanent removal with a laser.

By #187007 at 02,Mar,13 23:48
I think,its nice to trim....and often go completely bald

By #240539 at 01,Mar,13 19:08
lasered 'full brazillian' smooth & love it!!!

By #323075 at 08,Jan,13 11:40
I prefer a landing strip. Moreover I shave my balls and the shaft of my penis. That I do everything 2 days.
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:49
Nice shave. I use to have landing strip Also. I switched to triangule a couple of months ago

By #143894 at 21,Jan,13 20:32
My current pubes

[deleted image]
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:44
Nice shave. I like your under wear

By #137089 at 30,Jan,13 22:56
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:41
Nice shave

By #343762 at 29,Jan,13 21:52
Check my hair style...

[deleted image]
By #177288 at 01,Mar,13 04:41
Sexy triangule

By duncanidaho at 21,Jan,13 14:01 other posts of duncanidaho 
just leave a small area bleow my tum - shave the rest almost every day to keep it nice and smooth /h49sv46rhw2npic.html

By dura2000 at 08,Jan,13 19:24 other posts of dura2000 
Yes, I have been shaving for 10 years, leaving a landing strip. I do so in the shower, so daily. I don't seem to be able to upload a photo to here. You will have to click on my profile. Let me know what you think.

By #284666 at 05,Jan,13 07:46
I would totally love to see someone sporting a Jerry curl down there, or maybe some lines on the side like Vanilla ice.
By bella! at 07,Jan,13 18:58 other posts of bella! 
But jerry curls are jerry curls because of all the oil used to define each curl. Now that would look really funny! Silly fairy!

By boc at 08,Jan,13 11:10 other posts of boc 
I agree. And I am tired of all the crew cuts.

By boc at 08,Jan,13 11:09 other posts of boc 
I'm trying to get mine to be a mullet.

By #303909 at 05,Jan,13 18:35
A bot of a trim now and again...
[deleted image]

By #220845 at 05,Jan,13 18:12
I do like to experiment with styles when I am not shaved smooth

By #249167 at 05,Jan,13 10:06
I just give mine a bit of a trim every few months to neaten things up

By #220845 at 05,Jan,13 09:07
Shave my chest, tummy, bush, every day in the shower, my Cock and balls a few times a week.

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