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Started by #79221 at 02,Feb,11 10:27
Who likes to lick around a guys arse? I like to try to work my tongue in, guys really seem to love it.

Similar topics: 1.RIMMING   2.ASS LICKING   3.RIMMING IS WHAT I PREFER   4.Rimming   5.Massaging, rimming, pegging  

New Comment

By #510951 at 01,Jan,18 21:06
I love rimmimg

By #522126 at 28,Dec,17 15:03
Love doing it to a woman but never in a million years to a guy.Love it being done to me.

By exhibit at 26,Dec,17 13:23 other posts of exhibit 
I like to give and receive. But, in giving there must be a pussy immediately adjacent. So no men. To make it a most enjoyable experience and one that will be repeated, there must be a long hot mutual shower prior to the activity. Clean is a must. It really kills the moment when you get a first look and its like an open sewer.

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Dec,17 12:52 other posts of foreskinlover52 
After years licking my wifes pussy and asshole I turned gay and continued licking mens assholes! I enjoy rimming men and having mine licked also! So sexy having my tongue in a mans ass before fucking him!

By #516354 at 20,Dec,17 04:53
My ex Mistress wife used to make me lick her ass which I did not enjoy doing that much.Later when we met people from another site(male and female)I was made to lick their asses as well.After a while I did start to enjoy doing it and to this day still do!

By #270555 at 14,Dec,17 23:35
my all time fav is rimming a guy or woman just the smell i can cum mmmmm

By #546428 at 08,Dec,17 09:05
I luv rimmin asses, damn

By cumaddik at 01,Feb,14 18:38 other posts of cumaddik 
I LOVE getting my ass rimmed by another man so much!!!
It just make me SO HORNY!!!!!
After a few minutes of being rimmed by a turn's me as slave and i beg for him to use me, fuck me, and pump his loads balls deep in my ass

By #131063 at 01,Feb,14 17:03
The risk of acquiring Hepatitis A is very likely, but you guys will never learn... I know, because I did recover from Hepatitis A when I was about 21...the doctor told me one more week without any proper treatment and I would have been dead. It took me 30 days of bed rest and another 6 months before I was 100%. It took a full year before I could move back out of my parents house. However, it was never proven how I got it, but this IS one of the possible ways. Between us, I don't think it was bad water or tainted seafood. I was young and stupid and while I didn't think rimming was hot at all...I fell prey to aggressive peer pressure. I doubt any of you guys realize how easy it is to acquire Hepatitis. Especially the one who likes the smell or taste. If you smell or taste feces, you are likely ingesting feces. And, because I have direct experience, I know that showering and 'being clean' has no effect. All it takes is a microscopic speck of excrement under the right circumstances.

By DeepThroatThis at 11,Jan,14 12:24 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Love getting my ass licked by a hot chick almost as good as tea bagging !

By #102374 at 12,Dec,13 05:38
Mmmm I love my ass played with.
By routemaster at 10,Jan,14 00:24 other posts of routemaster 
Don't we all

By pornlover59 at 14,Dec,13 14:28 other posts of pornlover59 
I love eating asshole&having mine licked m or f!
By routemaster at 09,Jan,14 23:48 other posts of routemaster 
Me too!!!!

By pifad at 12,Dec,13 05:42 other posts of pifad 
Love love love it!

By iluvcox at 12,Dec,13 02:04 other posts of iluvcox 
I've only got to lick a guy's anus once.And he was too uptight to enjoy it. A quick lick was all but I have devoured many girls assholes with my tongue and it was enjoyed by all.

By Ben74 at 25,May,11 14:29 other posts of Ben74 
Love it, giving and receiving. The thought of being so nasty and dirty turns me on so much everytime...the taste and smell also!
By #316057 at 09,Dec,13 03:26
you have mine any time

By spermkiss at 02,Feb,11 23:48 other posts of spermkiss 
I sure do. After sucking cock, licking a guy's ass hole is my next favorite thing to do.

By #135959 at 02,Feb,11 12:13
Never done it would love to try it though

By #316057 at 01,Jan,70 00:06
you can Rim mine

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