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Black dicks

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Started by #90958 at 05,Feb,11 11:17
recently I seem to be addicted to black cocks. I can't stop thinking about how it would be to suck one. anyone feel the same way?

Similar topics: 1.Big black dicks?   2.White Dicks Cum More Than Black Dicks   3.Black Dicks ARE SO HORNY   4.mixed races   5.HUGE UNCUT BLACK PENIS  

New Comment

By #599905 at 16,Nov,19 03:34
If u like black cocks check out my page

By deepchocolate2071 at 11,Nov,19 10:49 other posts of deepchocolate2071 
Would you consider mine? It' available to be sucked and it loves Pussy & Ass.

By SluttySarah069 at 25,Mar,19 17:02 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I love black cocks both to fuck me and to suck off

By #88663 at 05,Feb,11 16:32
I've never had a black cock but I would love to try it!
By #583473 at 23,Mar,19 07:05
I was the same
And when I finally tried
Omfg its just great
Im now addicted to black cocks

By #535695 at 17,Mar,19 11:28
Mmmm sucked my first BBC. This young guy (35) and I had been messaging for weeks but our schedules did not work. Finally today he had the day off and I was home for a couple hours when he messaged to see if I was available. Heck yes, I did not want to miss the chance to finally suck his fine looking cock.
He wanted me to play some tranny porn to break the ice. When he came in he quickly got undressed and wow what a fine body. I took off my clothes too even though I was only going to do him I wanted to be able to wank a little as I got excited. I kissed up his thighs to his balls, licked and kissed his balls and finally took his fine cock into my mouth where it quickly grew. I deep throated it as I reached up and played with his nipples and ran my hands over his chest. I was really enjoying this and apparently he was too. Lol As I deep throated him he held my head, gently but firmly, making me take his whole cock! Then I really went to work, sucking the whole cock as I worked my tongue under the head and stroking just the base a little. I could tell he was getting close and when he let loose his load it filled my mouth. I kept my lips around the cock savoring the flavor and getting every drop before I finally swallowed. I kept gently sucking as he slowly went soft. Damn that was good. See his pic in my pictures

By #581394 at 04,Mar,19 19:08
My first guy was Bangladeshi. I reckon I ve never had better

By knewbi at 04,Mar,19 17:45 other posts of knewbi 
Love all cocks. Haven't met one that I did not like.. But.. agreed, there is something very sexual about a stiff black cock just waiting for me to give it some attention...

By #545468 at 01,Mar,19 15:21
Yep. Sure, I love all cocks, but there's something about a black cock ...

By cumonme1 at 01,Mar,19 12:10 other posts of cumonme1 
I would love to try sucking a big black cock

By #535695 at 26,Feb,19 23:02
Mmmm, I finally got to suck one. His cum was yummy.

By arabmejo at 26,Feb,19 12:31 other posts of arabmejo 
me too 🔥🔥🔥🔥♠

By #447569 at 13,Jan,14 03:56
I have been wanting to suck a black cock for years, but I live in Canada and we don't see many in my area. Keep traveling to the States, but haven't had any luck. I think the tones and depth to black skin is so great. Throw in a black cock and that is truly exciting. Maybe going to Arizona this spring, any takers?

By *kmadeau* at 11,Jan,14 03:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
black dicks are very nice, but black asses even more! I like them so much

By routemaster at 11,Jan,14 02:51 other posts of routemaster 
I've sucked and been fucked by lots of black dicks in my time, every one a winner

By andrew999999999 at 09,Sep,13 20:29 other posts of andrew999999999 
I was curious about black cocks, and would think about what it would be like to suck one. I'd look at pics of black cocks, and watch porn with black men in, straight and gay, and wank off to them. I did get to suck a black guy after about a year of wanting to, and I loved it. I've sucked maybe 12 black men off in the last 4 years. Some more than once.
By #293669 at 11,Jan,14 02:47

By #389093 at 11,Sep,13 22:28
i want so much to suck and to tesdet my ass with black mmmmmmmmm

By horny4sho at 20,Aug,13 19:22 other posts of horny4sho 
I love big black dicks!!!

By #220845 at 20,Aug,13 18:04
I've sucked several large black cocks, delicious.

By bigone21 at 20,Aug,13 17:33 other posts of bigone21 
Like all kind of dicks, I LOVE black dicks!

And I'm always curious if it would be a pink or a black dickhead if the foreskin is retracted!

Both is good and beautiful and sexy, but just thinking about that makes me horny!!

By #45646 at 18,Jun,13 14:30
The thought of a black cock makes me hard

By #3997 at 07,Feb,11 19:27
I would lend my cock to all of you
By #136712 at 11,Feb,11 06:39
Me first
By #3997 at 11,Feb,11 18:27
I like your thinking

By #45646 at 05,Feb,11 16:56
In my dreams

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