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24 year old virgin hispanic female in tx

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Started by Jay at 09,Feb,11 12:49  other posts of Jay
I'm looking for a circumsized white or Latin guy to take my virginity. I am a butch female lesbian that has only been with females and I want to try some dick. Please be disease free as I am.

Similar topics: 1.Who's a virgin on here???   2.who wants a virgin   3.18 Year old virgin want to loose it   5.Any woman want my virgin cock?  

New Comment

By #436014 at 24,Dec,14 21:31
while you're at it make sure it's a nice cock and suck it at least for a bit. there's nothing like sucking a nice hard cock.

By cazzoduro69 at 24,Dec,14 15:22 other posts of cazzoduro69 
damm to far

By leopoldij at 08,Dec,14 12:36 other posts of leopoldij 
are you still a virgin?

By #41858 at 08,Dec,14 04:03
Only circumcised?

By Texas979 at 17,Nov,14 13:29 other posts of Texas979 
I would love to have a talk with you. Message me and let's talk

By greatct at 17,Nov,14 11:38 other posts of greatct 
Sweet thing, would love to pop your cherry with my fat circumcised, disease free cock, but only after I eat your pussy and frig your clit. Are You game?

By Gntlmn at 14,Feb,11 03:17 other posts of Gntlmn 
I'd love to accept your offer ---absolutely disease-free---

By Jay at 10,Feb,11 18:51 other posts of Jay 
Well than thanks

By Jay at 10,Feb,11 09:35 other posts of Jay 
By the way I'm not a fake. All the pics are of one pussy, mine. If you believe me hit me up if you don't that is fine.
By boc at 10,Feb,11 16:53 other posts of boc 
Yes, they are very nice. I prefer short fingernails, and tomboyish women anyways.

By Jay at 10,Feb,11 09:32 other posts of Jay 
Butch is more masculine but I have small hands regardless of there being no nails in that pic. I keep them short because I don't like dirt under my nails so I end up cleaning them so much they break

By #134474 at 09,Feb,11 15:28
Strange that 1 of the pic's shows a mans hand on pussy...why wasn't he good enough..I believe this is a farce.
By boc at 09,Feb,11 15:54 other posts of boc 
I guess you never saw the "man hands" Seinfeld episode.

By #7976 at 10,Feb,11 01:31
It might be that when she says she's Butch guys, it means she has elected to have very manly hands. Just a guess here but it seems probable.

As for your virginity darlin, if we weren't so far away I'd at least discuss it with you. Your on an interesting quest to discover your sexuality and it should be with a man who will show you how to make love to a man, not just screw you to claim a virgin victory. Good luck with your search and be picky.

Adult Discussion Forum