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Started by #10258 at 20,Jun,09 23:38
about my small cock! does anyone else enjoy it?

Similar topics: 1.Make Fun of Me!   2.small penis humiliation   3.Why the hell does it get men off to be humiliated for their small dick?   4.Humiliation   5.Ever felt humiliated by seeing a bigger cock  

New Comment

By #516354 at 25,Mar,20 10:24
Yes,I love being humiliated but not just for my small cock.Before I got married I was embarrassed about showing my small cock especially at public urinals and seeing most had much bigger cock than mine.After a short while of being married my now ex wife and I discovered b.d.s.m and that I enjoyed,amongst other things,being humiliated.We used to cam on Alt and when people made humiliating remarks,especially females,about the size of my cock it would turn me on.

[deleted image]

By leopoldij at 07,Aug,16 01:13 other posts of leopoldij 

By #20814 at 16,Aug,09 13:22
I've never understood why anyone would want to be humiliated. Please explain.
By #482767 at 09,May,15 17:30
Becuz they small can't do nuthin so all it can't do is get hard when being humilated.

Look I don't get it either buddy that's not a good thing to get off to. Its humilated, embarrasing and some people take them seriously and kill themselves. Why is that arousing?
By small_dik at 11,May,15 02:25 other posts of small_dik 
Why is any sexual fetish arousing? SPH is a sexual fetish. Just like not all sexual partners like BDSM, watersports, BBW, CBT, furry etc. etc.

Everyone is different. Don't assume every guy with a small dick likes SPH.

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