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Ever felt humiliated by seeing a bigger cock

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Started by indianguy568 at 19,May,23 03:21  other posts of indianguy568
Guys have you ever felt humiliated or incompetent by seeing a more endowed man. Maybe even someone who can spew more cum than you can.

Similar topics: 1.The untimate Glory Hole Experience   2.let's vote about "longdick" out or in??   3.Humiliate me please   4.Humiliation   5.any extreme cock comparison experiences?  

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By Jimjim at 01,Jun,23 23:00 other posts of Jimjim 
I have a cousin that is younger than me but was always way bigger
By Letscompare at 05,Jun,23 06:01 other posts of Letscompare 
That’s hot
By Jimjim at 08,Feb,24 23:59 other posts of Jimjim 
It was definitely hot even if it was embarrassing

By hotcock33 at 07,Feb,24 18:30 other posts of hotcock33 
Yes/no...go to nude beach and am open in change rooms, and have cum to realize most men are bigger than me. Used to bother me a bit, but now I find it a turn on
By wycowboy at 08,Feb,24 16:17 other posts of wycowboy 
Exactly. My small cock works just like their bigger cock and can give just as much pleasure so why worry about it.

By exhibit at 05,Feb,24 17:42 other posts of exhibit 

Yes, but I do have something to offer.

By boc at 04,Feb,24 20:29 other posts of boc 
not yet.

By Maxi at 04,Feb,24 10:31 other posts of Maxi 
I have a small dick so itґs normal for me that te most guys are bigger tham me.

By mrseveninches at 04,Feb,24 04:10 other posts of mrseveninches 
I still feel humiliated every time I see my partners big cock. I have a decent sized dick, but his is much bigger. His cock is 8.5 inches long and really thick. My dick seems small compared to his big thick cock.

By Exposure101 at 17,Jul,23 17:41 other posts of Exposure101 
Not usually. I can get a little embarrassed at first blush but usually I just kinda enjoy it.
But if I know they're younger than me and have substantially larger meat than mine... that's a little different. Like my little brother is bigger than me and that one always kinda gets me whenever I think about it.
By Bottomfag420691 at 01,Aug,23 00:19 other posts of Bottomfag420691 
I get that hmu

By Moench at 17,Jul,23 21:17 other posts of Moench 
At my school ,together with my friends, yes. I feel embarrassed seeing my friend big long dicks. But now ,I think I am special, having a little penis and like to show when ever I cane

By Blade at 17,Jul,23 03:53 other posts of Blade 
I had 5 friends, one being my cousin, that would sleep over. I compared dicks with all of them, and I was the biggest.

then I got a new friend that was taller and bigger than me. I was skinny at that time. I was on bed and he was on floor. He came over to see my dick and I was totally soft. He touched it, then went back to floor quickly. I said something to him and he didn't say anything, so I got down and asked if I could feel his. (it was completely dark) He said sure and I felt around. He pullled his pjs down and his dick was completely hard up against his stomach. I could almost hold his dick with two hands, and he was so thick my fingers didn't touch around his shaft. I was incredulous. I pumped his dick a few times, but I didn't want him to cum on my floor, so I stopped. hehehe

Then I was thinking omg he thinks I'm super tiny cause I wasn't hard, and here he is fully hard. I got hard touching him so I went back to bed hoping he'd come back up but he didn't. I felt my won shaft and felt so skinny. it was a blow to my ego. But then I wondered how small my other friends were that I was bigger than them.

By Arinn at 15,Jul,23 09:29 other posts of Arinn 
I had the smallest dick in high school phys Ed class. I was embarrassed and somtimes humiliated. Having bigger tits than most of the girls my age was even more humiliating.

By Cummingforyou at 15,Jul,23 05:56 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Was in Finland a few years ago where going to the sauna was a traditional culture . Of course one rule was on entering was no swimsuits or shorts . I was in a hotel spa and off course had to respect the culture so stripped bare in the changing rooms . I pulled on my penis to make it look not to small when flaccid or getting out of the pool would shrink it . Used to love look at the different penis sizes and shapes . Came across this 15 or 16 year old and was shocked and embarrassed by the size of his member . It was huge for a guy was his age uncut and so thick . The one time I was embarrassed

By galaxy123 at 14,Jul,23 10:05 other posts of galaxy123 
Yes, at school. I went to an all boys boarding school with no privacy and lots of games and rituals. I developed late so was teased and humiliated by the other boys the vast majority of whom had larger more developed genitals.

By #691730 at 14,Jul,23 01:47

By routemaster at 08,Jul,23 07:53 other posts of routemaster 

By nekekal at 07,Jul,23 23:23 other posts of nekekal 
No. I would not mind having more cum, but I doubt that more cum feels better. Mine feels great. As far as bigger, I just feel sorry for guys with bigger cocks. Women are afraid of mine. Finding some one to fuck a bigger cock must be very hard.

By #662360 at 02,Jun,23 07:34
Yes, but the humiliation is sometimes followed by the excitement of having the other guys cock bigger than mine to play with!

By #662906 at 26,May,23 03:21
Yes when I was 14 years old fooling with an older neighbor

By wycowboy at 19,May,23 13:43 other posts of wycowboy 
Seeing a cock that is bigger than mine is not a big deal, most cocks are so why feel discouraged or incompetent? Same thing with spewing more cum. I don't blow big loads never have and never cared. I had 3 awesome boys with my little cock and small loads so I am satisfied.

By indianguy568 at 19,May,23 07:56 other posts of indianguy568 
I love comparing cocks. I try and search up men who are well endowed on Grinder. Last week I met a guy who beat my cock into submission in a cock fight.

By Sailem49 at 19,May,23 05:12 other posts of Sailem49 
No I love to see cocks bigger and harder than mine and if they shoot a big load of cum al the better

By gayguy at 19,May,23 03:42 other posts of gayguy 
No Every cock I see is bigger than mine

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