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Why the hell does it get men off to be humiliated for their small dick?

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Started by #449110 at 22,Apr,14 02:47
I never quite understood this. I mean, I am average and am not even small, but I have seen many of these small cock humiliation videos online, and they depress me. Hell, many times the dudes in the videos don't even have a small cock but just an average one, and then they compare their cock to some black guy with a huge Mandingo cock and it looks tiny by comparison. Hell, these guys would even make my dick look small as well, and I feel embarrassed next to these guys. How can men get off to being humiliated for having a small dick?

Similar topics: 1.I LIKE BEING HUMILIATED   2.Small dick humiliation   3.Humiliate my little dick and degrade me   4.Small balls to humiliate   5.Ever felt humiliated by seeing a bigger cock  

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By Zainn122 at 23,Jan,24 16:05 other posts of Zainn122 
I don’t get off on knowing I have a small one, but I do get off on the idea knowing people are staring and talking about my tiny penis, as it captures major attention in the urinals and changing rooms, compared to average cocks

Like, every gay,straight guy know not to stare at someone’s junk in the urinal/changing rooms but when your “below” or even “above” average. You will definitely hear people talk about it or atleast give you extra 60% more attention.

However I get too much attention in changing rooms as 95% of the times I’m the only “circumcised” Pakistani in the changing rooms. So think guys also get curious on seeing a cut penis on a smooth skinny body like mine.

It’s has to do with attention and childhood memory as I still remember people seeing my genitals when I was a child and would laugh and point it out, especially adults at that time would point it out to my parents. My parents also used to tell relatives and friends “he has an underdeveloped micro penis”
since the time I was in my nappy’s, so I’ve had attention on my Willy since day 1.

Most westernised parents would never tell anyone about their sons penis issue but Since my parents are traditional Pakistanis they had no problem telling everyone about my tiny issue. So now I’m at the age where I get off from people seeing how tiny I am, especially men.

I didn’t know how small I really was untill I turned 12/13 and saw flaccid penises were bigger than my erection. The first time I touched and sucked, I was shocked when I realised his cock had “weight” to it when it got erect so that’s when i became a full on sissy for big cocks as I realised I had a small useless penis compare average guys.. some guys love my tiny cock but the ones who hate it, they still love my bootyhole 😂 so either way, I still the get attention lol

By #588327 at 10,Jun,20 07:50
Don't people want positive enforcement about their bodies. Everyone should feel comfortable about their body. Then we can all have good sex or just have fun being naked

By wycowboy at 09,Jun,20 14:14 other posts of wycowboy 
I'll be 57 soon and have quit being worried about what anyone thinks of my small cock long ago. I can satisfy any woman with it and that is all that really matters.

By #518391 at 26,Mar,20 12:10
I've always been embarrassed by my small cock- it seems to be the tiniest in the showers; but as I get older I have come to accept it and don't worry any more what anyone thinks. So it's a locker-room problem rather than bedroom problem. But I certainly don't crave any humiliation!

By #592419 at 26,Mar,20 10:00
Negative reinforcement rewards

By Alwaysnude at 23,Mar,20 18:34 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] for me the attention they noticed that turns me on
--------------------------------------- added after 1849 hours

[deleted image] the attention

By #516354 at 11,Sep,17 02:18
Very true bil47.My ex Mistress/wife used to humiliate me in various way one being the size of my dick and another was to make me wear her panties whilst doing a cam session.Her favourite thing was to take me dogging,make me strip naked once there and whilst having her 'fun' get the guys to make fun of me and her make fun of me too.

By #536019 at 08,Sep,17 13:01
Getting aroused by sexual humiliation is part of dominance/submission sexuality. Obviously, people can get aroused by being tied up, or spanked, or role-playing being a submissive sex-slave. Being verbally humiliated fits right in.

By rockhard4 at 09,May,15 23:14 other posts of rockhard4 
I'm small and definitely don't like the humiliation thing either. I'm fine if someone leaves a comment on how small I'm it's their opinion nothing I can ddo about it. But I guess whatever floats your boat.

By #471466 at 09,May,15 18:34
I love it because I am tiny soft but it does grow!

By #444014 at 22,Apr,14 03:23
It is a fetish buddy. A fetish 'broadly speaking' is sexual gratification from an act 'normal' society would call odd.

I don't get the humiliation thing myself.
But hey,it takes all sorts to make the world go round.
By #447598 at 22,Apr,14 10:30

By #449110 at 23,Apr,14 09:55
This is the best explanation I've seen yet.
By bella! at 23,Apr,14 14:10 other posts of bella! 
I don't understand how humiliation can be sexually gratifying and yes, alexblue's explanation is one of the best explanations I've seen.

By _avg_ at 22,Apr,14 05:17 other posts of _avg_ 
Why the hell does it get men off to be praised for their huge dick?
By JeffinKS at 22,Apr,14 13:26 other posts of JeffinKS 
really your going to ask that?

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