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Showing Cock in Public

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Started by #122498 at 22,Feb,11 10:00
I like to show off my cock in public and walk naked in public places.

Similar topics: 1.Fond of Showing my Dick in Public   2.how do you determin if it is safe to masturbate or get naked in public??   3.PROUD or NOT about YOUR COCK ???   4.Please rate me   5.ballstretching in public  

New Comment

By Dickventures at 15,Oct,19 05:13 other posts of Dickventures 
By #603065 at 28,Oct,19 13:57
Nice cockhead
By Dickventures at 29,Oct,19 00:29 other posts of Dickventures 
Fits pretty well in mouths

By #583549 at 28,Oct,19 14:02
Nothing is better than a smooth cock at a ballon festival!
By Dickventures at 29,Oct,19 00:31 other posts of Dickventures 
I feel like warm coffee and the food might be, but opinions vary

By doedeldi at 28,Oct,19 16:06 other posts of doedeldi 
Only on nude beach.

By geranium at 28,Oct,19 08:49 other posts of geranium 
By #583549 at 28,Oct,19 10:53
Nice photo! Where is this location?
By geranium at 28,Oct,19 12:56 other posts of geranium 
it s a small river located in the bavarian alps. extremely cold water
By #583549 at 28,Oct,19 13:07
I have been in the Bavarian alps.And I have family in Braunschweig.

By #583549 at 28,Oct,19 02:03
I go on nude hikes in the woods where I live!
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours

Lots of nude hiking photos on my page!

By spermkiss at 30,Oct,11 23:46 other posts of spermkiss 
If you want to walk around nude in public come to San Francisco. There is no state wide law against public nudity in California but some municipalities have them. San Francisco does not. In warm weather in the gay neighborhoods it is not at all unusual to see men walking about totally nude.

There are also certain annual events during which public nudity is traditional: the Bay-to-Breakers foot race in May, the Gay Freedom Day Parade in June and the Folsom Street Fair and the Castro Street Fair, both in September.
By HoneyLips at 28,Oct,19 01:46 other posts of HoneyLips 
I LOVE San Francisco!!!

By Yando at 13,Oct,19 16:31 other posts of Yando 

By Yando at 13,Oct,19 16:31 other posts of Yando 

By PeterPeter at 01,Apr,13 10:29 other posts of PeterPeter 
you like?

[deleted image]
By #265525 at 01,Apr,13 19:45
very hot
By #121361 at 07,Jun,15 17:46

By #121361 at 07,Jun,15 17:42
On the road !!! [deleted image]

By #121361 at 07,Jun,15 17:40
On the Fuelstation [deleted image]

By #194437 at 07,Jun,15 12:47
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #121361 at 07,Jun,15 17:37
Looks great !

By Yando at 06,Jun,15 13:54 other posts of Yando 

By #449239 at 04,Jun,15 14:01
yes i love being naked

By #390153 at 02,Jun,15 20:21
In sept im going to maspalomas cant wait to walk in the dunes with a hard on

By leopoldij at 02,Jun,15 18:09 other posts of leopoldij 
If, by exposing my cock, knew that I could get blowjob I wouldn't. But when I know that I will get a slap in my face, I don't.

By #10886 at 16,Mar,11 01:01
I do it all the time at the beach!

[deleted image]

By slipper at 07,Jan,12 06:41 other posts of slipper 
Wish I had that kind of beach... wait! Hell, I wish I had any kind of beach!!!

By Vita at 01,Jun,15 19:48 other posts of Vita 
you so hot !!

By #281008 at 01,Jun,15 01:34
sorry dont show my cock but i do show my diaper in public

By #443033 at 30,May,15 18:57
I used to pull out my cock when walking on roads with no cars or people on it. If I car passed I would either pull it back in my pants or pull my shirt down. Sometimes I'd just say fuck it and let them look.

By #352017 at 21,Apr,13 23:08
I would any chance I got. I live in the U.S.A, and people here are so uptight about nudity that it is sickening really. Why is it so offensive? My son, when he was 4yo, got in trouble for peeing in our OWN yard by someone passing by on a road they didn't belong on. I live way out in the country where boys peeing on trees, nude swimming in ponds ect ect. is the norm really. We atv,fish,shoot guns, hunt ect ect and have been on many outings where it's the norm. But why does "urban" and "city" folks have such a problem with that. Seriously
By #243908 at 24,Apr,13 14:23
I agree! So many americans are uptight about nudity; although, i'm not sure of the reasoning. I too am from a rural area where skinny dipping in a pool or pond is nothing out of the ordinary. there are so many sexual and negative conotations about being naked. Its a shame really...

By #250164 at 23,Apr,13 23:36
I've modeled for artists and art classes for about 20 years. This is 99% in the nude. Therefore, showing my cock in public means absolutely nothing to me as I do it regularly. There's no sexual attachment to this.

By Beercan10 at 01,Apr,13 00:38 other posts of Beercan10 
I've shown mine in public many, many times. I find it amazing what some women will do if I show them my dick. What would you do?

It hit the table with a thud
By bigone21 at 19,Apr,13 20:54 other posts of bigone21 
I would put a ruler next to it!! Always curious!

By #358284 at 22,Apr,13 13:24
I'd drop to my knees & begin sucking!!

By #365473 at 22,Apr,13 08:24
I go naked in the sauna does that count too

By #378799 at 22,Apr,13 07:59
Me too.

By #307565 at 21,Apr,13 23:28
I went to a local race track this weekend. Stood and the beginning so everyone walking by out side could see.

By #213543 at 01,Apr,13 18:31
If I see a guy I find attractive in a bar, I'll lift my skirt to show my cock. I never wear panties!!

By #201155 at 31,Mar,13 18:50
Don't we all!

By #361268 at 31,Mar,13 15:46
I go naked walking in the spring and summer i do it every year it's great fun

By #217865 at 10,Jan,12 14:09
I love to be naked at the beach and feel the sun heat all over my body! [deleted image]

By #48602 at 29,Oct,11 19:44
in england it is illegal to show bits in public but if i could do it i would.
By #94263 at 10,Jan,12 11:06
Not technically true. Technically, there is no law against being nude in public in the United Kingdom. Simple nudity is not ****. However,using nudity to "harass, alarm or distress" others is an offence against the Public Order Act of 1986.

In practice, this means that if you are nude, minding your own business and practicing good nude beach etiquette on a beach that is unofficial but, by common consent, considered to be a nude beach, you are unlikely to have any problem. In England and Wales, if someone - a policeman or a member of the public - asks you to cover up, you should do so or you could be arrested. To be charged, someone would have to prove that you were deliberately trying to cause offence. But in practice, refusing to cover up when asked could cause you a great deal of inconvenience. In Scotland, where they are less tolerant of public nudity, you are much more likely to end up in the slammer.
By #94263 at 10,Jan,12 11:07
the censored bit should read i.l.l.e.g.a.l

By slipper at 07,Jan,12 06:40 other posts of slipper 
Live where I do and the next place you'll be showing it is to your cell-mates.

By Walker at 06,Nov,11 19:51 other posts of Walker 
I love showing off but you have to be careful. Not too many good places like San Diego's nude beach. Found one by accident in Florida and had a great time with my sister-in-law. Mostly it's a let them catch me naked in the bathroom with the door unlocked. But in public in a crowd only the accidental up the shorts peek if I notice a girl who is a crotch watcher. They never tell. Have a neighbor catch me with her camera a few times as I was posing for an accidental cock shot

By #113997 at 01,Nov,11 02:59
I would love to be naked in public all the time. I've done it at the beach and in some parks. I like like the freedom and yah know, showin off the goods
By spermkiss at 01,Nov,11 04:02 other posts of spermkiss 
And you've got really fine goods to show off.

By #197779 at 31,Oct,11 23:54
I've have had some outdoor experience and some public nudity before! It's awesome, exspecially public sex...
By spermkiss at 01,Nov,11 04:01 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree. Sex in private is, of course, really fine, but it is oh so much better to have sex with others around. To know that there are others with you and that they are enjoying your coitus along with you makes the sex so much more fulfilling and validating. As you said, it's awesome.

By #173302 at 30,Oct,11 03:54

By Stiffcock47 at 27,Oct,11 14:12 other posts of Stiffcock47 
Love getting naked outdoors

By #177947 at 26,Oct,11 06:30
I like to go stream fishing in the mountains, when it's warm enough and no one around I like to strip and fish naked. Almost got caught by a couple lady anglers one time, darn wish they had been a few minutes earlier and caught me while I was still nude.
By spermkiss at 26,Oct,11 16:21 other posts of spermkiss 
When you go fishing you use a six inch worm for bait.

By MoeJoe at 25,Oct,11 15:59 other posts of MoeJoe 
If a girl flashes her tits in public, everyone thinks it's cute, sexy and somehow accepted.....if a guy flashes his cock....he's labled a pervert and his life is ruined for good.

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