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Turned on by comments on your pics?

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Started by #70487 at 28,Mar,11 20:52
Does anyone else get turned on by the comments on their pics? I love the comments teling me what people would do with my cock...

Similar topics: 1.turned on by your own pics   2.Let's exchange comments? I make comments on your picture, and you mine!   3.Have you ever recognized someone on line?   4.Is your girl hot!?   5.Comments not showing?  

New Comment

By #502711 at 17,Jun,18 01:40
I love it! Guys, girls, & everything in between. I don't mind!

By #491116 at 11,Jun,18 17:00
Absolutely! My goal, on this site, is to show myself off. So, I'm happy to hear from people who are looking!
By #502711 at 17,Jun,18 01:39

By #525566 at 13,Jun,18 21:32
I just made a short video of me shooting a load and I found that I loved to watch it over and over. Makes me almost "feel" the ejaculation over and over.

By doedeldi at 13,Jun,18 15:07 other posts of doedeldi 
If they love hairy dicks.

By #536019 at 13,Jun,18 11:24
Sure! That's why we post pictures of our cocks.

By #537175 at 13,Jun,18 08:56
oh yes , especially when they want to suck it

By #364662 at 13,Jun,18 04:28
Oh yes. One of the main reasons I'm here. Such a turn on knowing others are looking at your content and getting off to them.

By #554032 at 13,Jun,18 03:37
Yes its a turn on

By knewbi at 11,Jun,18 16:07 other posts of knewbi 
Of coarse.... Love the idea that someone likes my photos.... Like it even better when they either leave a response telling me what they want to do or contact me direct and chat about having sex together.

By #550094 at 11,Jun,18 15:05
I enjoy the compliments. I'm humbly flattered.
Yes, I even blush when someone compliments whatever
they see about me. Erotic, or Respectful, it's all good.
I can't thank folks enough for the kind words,
other than to return the same gestures in kind;
and pass it forward.

By Meandick at 30,Oct,15 19:44 other posts of Meandick 
I love getting comments on my pics and people messaging me telling me about my cock

By mess at 30,Oct,15 16:59 other posts of mess 
I also really enjoy getting comments and kind of does turn me on thinking someone finds them hot

By #457775 at 30,Oct,15 10:19
I do. It turns me on to read what people would do with my cock and my mushroom head. It also turns me on that most people comment about my big head.

By #473569 at 30,Oct,15 08:21
would prefer to see comments on pics rather than private messages. it help us know which kind of pics people like.

By #458576 at 29,Oct,15 11:59
yes yes yes with comment like this one
"It\'s hard to imagine a pussy that could be any more beautifully swollen than her\'s is right now. Both majora and minora. You\'re always fascinated with the beautiful color of her labia minora and you don\'t think it can become any more beautiful than it already is... then it becomes swollen like this... and really blows your mind. You don\'t know which you\'d love more, to be lightly touching it with the head of your cock, or your tongue. It would be some kind of incredible to dip the head of your cock into her wetness, then move it up through that labia and onto her clitoris when it\'s nice and wet. Wonder how many have jacked-off(or fingered their pussy) with the thought of her on their mind?"
--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours

[deleted image]

By #148183 at 04,Apr,11 12:48
rate mine, any girls ere?

By hotone1066 at 03,Apr,11 00:06 other posts of hotone1066 
Oh yes, my dick gets hard just reading some of the comments!

By slipper at 02,Apr,11 23:31 other posts of slipper 

By #5532 at 30,Mar,11 07:57
Only the classy and tasteful comments
By #7976 at 01,Apr,11 18:26
Classy comments for a classy and tasteful lady. Sounds like a plan.

By PoopSmith at 01,Apr,11 00:14 other posts of PoopSmith 
Oh yes. Mainly bc im a virgin bc i was always scared my cock was tiny but iv never had a bad comment. Everyone says i have a fat dick with a big ol head and that really turns me on

By #122507 at 31,Mar,11 21:51
Yes, comments on my pics turn me on as well.

By #34386 at 28,Mar,11 22:40
Definitely yes to that

Adult Discussion Forum