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is it wrong to think about this

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Started by #138368 at 04,Apr,11 10:56
i am very much bi curious, i often think about huge cocks inside cuming up me and masturbated over it countless times but have never tried it. this is purely a fantasy at the minute im just scared incase people would find out ..

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New Comment

By #131547 at 04,Apr,11 11:02
I have never done it either but I would love to suck your cock and fuck your ass
By #44017 at 04,Apr,11 11:51
Me too...Would love to join the both of you!!!!
By #102837 at 22,May,11 09:58
i'd love 2 join in with all of u mmmmmmm 4 cocks

By spermkiss at 08,Apr,11 06:35 other posts of spermkiss 
As slipper has so wisely put it, you can think about anyting you want. You can even act on your thoughts if you wish.

And so what if people find out. Homosexual conduct is no longer a crime in the UK, and it hasn't been for decades. I'm gay and totally out, everyone knows it, family, friends, neighbors, even the government. I was married to my husband in a civil ceremony at City Hall and our marriage is a matter of public record.

These days there are gay and bisexual people throughout all parts of society in every nation of the Western World and hardly anyone makes anything of it. So if you're bi curious that's OK. It's your life, you can do anything you want.

By slipper at 06,Apr,11 01:20 other posts of slipper 
Last I heard you could still THINK about ANYTHING you want! The only way others can find out is if YOU act on those thoughts--YOUR choice. So, THINK IT and enjoy!!!
By mikeyd270 at 06,Apr,11 06:55 other posts of mikeyd270 
Took the words right out of my mouth.
By slipper at 06,Apr,11 18:11 other posts of slipper 
You now have room for something else!!!

By sailor at 05,Apr,11 12:35 other posts of sailor 
I dream about it too. Sometimes i get so close to trying it, and then chicken out because I worry about disease. Maybe one of these days. I love to have a nice shaved knob to fondle.And see what it is like to get a guy hard, and cum in my mouth.
Good luck you.

By #150240 at 04,Apr,11 11:07
Get ot there and actually try some cock and see if ya like it and stop worrying about what other people think.

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