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Big Nipples? (on guys)

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Started by #69808 at 08,May,11 04:41
I'm just wondering what the general opinion is about larger nipples? Are the gross? Do you like them? If you have big nips, leave a pic showing all of us!

Similar topics: 1.nipples hardwired to cock?   2.For women: who has the biggest nipples?   3.Guys, show us your nipples!   4.who else plays with there nipples as there touching there cock   5.Broken nipples  

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By jayman73 at 19,May,15 00:11 other posts of jayman73 
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I think the right one is kinda big.
By #485312 at 09,Aug,15 02:41
hey jayman, give it a big tweak for me *lix*
By jayman73 at 09,Aug,15 05:44 other posts of jayman73 
You got it.

By foreskinlover52 at 13,May,15 07:50 other posts of foreskinlover52 
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
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By #446733 at 01,Mar,14 23:02
Do you like my nips?

[deleted image]

By Brad at 11,Feb,14 11:38 other posts of Brad 
How do I download pic of my huge nipples & my large cock + cute tight ass ??

By Brad at 11,Feb,14 11:36 other posts of Brad 
I luv large nipples on men...I luv to play with them & suck them ! See my huge nipples. I enjoy having them licked, sucked, constrained, etc. the more attention the better. Huge nipples on male or females r 4 me real turn !! What do u think of mine ??

By #27618 at 24,Aug,11 08:34
Well,,,some of us guys (me included) have large areola and pronounced nipples,,,,,,,,something I have hated and endured ridicule (from idiots) since puberty. I would have loved to be like the other boys at school and have normal male sized nipples and areola,,,,,but I didn't.

In 1996 I pierced my nipples and wear nipple rings,,,,,,so if someone wants to stare (as they do) then they may as well look at my pierced nipples.

A lifetime of embarrassment is hard to overcome,
By spermkiss at 10,Sep,11 21:31 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey man, don't be embarrassed about your large areola and pronounced nipples. They are an asset, not a liability. Many men would give their right nut to have nipples like yours. I, for one, think large nipples on a man are HOT, HOT, HOT! And I'm sure that I'm not the only one. It's really exciting to see a man wearing a snug fitting tee shirt with his nipples showing thru. What I don't like is areola that are smaller than a dime and pinhead size nipples.

By #94227 at 26,Jul,11 05:39
I got larger nipples

By pifad at 08,May,11 05:33 other posts of pifad 
I love big nipples on men. Especially those big pepperoni nipples.

Adult Discussion Forum