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who else plays with there nipples as there touching there cock

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Started by #339552 at 27,Dec,13 18:43
I like hot guys with sexsy nipples and a hot cock

Similar topics: 1.Cum without touching   2.nipples hardwired to cock?   3.Broken nipples   4.Possibly a bi guy   5.Any guys here into nipple play?  

New Comment

By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 19:19
Sometimes to get me more aroused I spit on my fingers and start rubbing my nipple all around.Then quickly my nipple gets hard and sensitive so I do the same with other nipple.That way I get those nipples hard and aroused.

By #275407 at 02,Aug,18 18:36
I rather play with someone else's nipples while touching my cock

By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 00:17 other posts of leopoldij 
"who else plays with there nipples as there touching there cock"

--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds

The correct spelling is:

"who else plays with they're nipples as their touching there cock"

By kebmo at 01,Aug,18 09:04 other posts of kebmo 
Who else plays with their nipples as they're touching their cock?

There you go!
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,18 17:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh really? I didn't know.
By kebmo at 02,Aug,18 01:53 other posts of kebmo 
I know.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through though thorough thought though.
By leopoldij at 02,Aug,18 09:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Nah, their are weirder languages.
In many countries.
And its not they're fault.

By foreskinlover52 at 02,Aug,18 06:12 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I have long nipples and always play with them! Makes me hard!

By #535695 at 01,Aug,18 22:01
I love pinching my nipples while I play with myself or receive a blow job. A few other guys have really got into my nice nipples.

By bikev at 29,Jul,18 12:51 other posts of bikev 
ME, gets me hard

By staudacher at 28,Jul,18 12:43 other posts of staudacher 
Actually just started that a couple weeks ago and found that I enjoy it

By Louis at 28,Jul,18 12:16 other posts of Louis 
I do, all the time! Instant hardon!

By #553294 at 08,Apr,18 03:42
Same here! I get rock-hard in seconds when I touch 'em!

I discovered that my nips were connected to my cock back in grade-school. Ever since I discovered that, I've played with my nips whenever I masturbate. Can't even imagine not touching them!

They're so sensitive, I think I could reach orgasm just by playing with them. I've come really close on numerous occasions.

By #143536 at 30,Dec,13 04:35
Every time! Can't jerk without touching them
By cumaddik at 07,Apr,18 23:20 other posts of cumaddik 
It's exactly the same for me!

By #445722 at 29,Dec,13 04:22
Everytime. Gets me way harder than if I dont

By #303133 at 28,Dec,13 18:49
I only play with here nipples and here cocks.
I don't like to travel just for sex...
By #23212 at 29,Dec,13 03:18
There, there, it will be OK. lol

(Wondering what kind of English grammar/spelling is currently taught in Norwich? )

By #23212 at 28,Dec,13 03:29
Hey 'matster', you win the 2013 SYD Spelling Prize! This is for the DIFFERENT kind of misspelling of "there", THREE times in ONE sentence!!

By smplcsms at 27,Dec,13 19:25 other posts of smplcsms 
A mate of mine gets hard the moment you touch his nipples. Three moments later he's dripping pre-cum !

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