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wish more would say where they're from...

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If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #81570 at 13,May,11 19:19
like city and state... come on people... I'm lonely...

New Comment

By #562152 at 08,Aug,18 22:37
the moon

By jayman73 at 08,Aug,18 01:22 other posts of jayman73 
12 miles from where Mickey Mouse lives.

By #491031 at 07,Aug,18 13:43
Has anyone noticed that the ex-member who started this thread and asked others to post their location kinda neglected to reveal his/her own?
That seems a little odd, doesn't it?
By 2nice at 07,Aug,18 22:57 other posts of 2nice 
And, they are no longer a member here.

By #564174 at 07,Aug,18 17:51
Oscoda, MI here!

By #249167 at 07,Aug,18 09:57
Melbourne, Australia here

By #564125 at 07,Aug,18 00:58
If you're anywhere near Thousand Oaks California, I gotta hand here for you.

By #461818 at 06,Aug,18 23:10

By #275407 at 02,Aug,18 18:34
By #562152 at 03,Aug,18 13:59
the flay one??
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

FLAT,,damn autocorrect

By #562152 at 03,Aug,18 13:58
Valdosta, Georgia,,i don't hook up with anyone unless my boyfriends vet them,,,and i don't do it often, but,,i show my face to the world and i do tell you if i like you

By #535819 at 03,Aug,18 11:04
Cape Cod, Massachusetts

By #532695 at 03,Aug,18 03:17
Not looking for hookup and need to maintain anonymity. Not going to be any more specific than my time zone.

By knewbi at 02,Aug,18 17:25 other posts of knewbi 
IE Southern Calif

By #556114 at 01,Aug,18 14:44
the villages, fl.

By #563477 at 01,Aug,18 08:34
Johannesburg South Africa

By #550094 at 01,Aug,18 04:21
Cohoes NY

By #563493 at 01,Aug,18 03:53
Toronto here

By WristThick at 19,May,11 01:09 other posts of WristThick 
Toronto, Canada here.

By #107983 at 18,May,11 19:36
Brownhills, west midlands, uk

By #68656 at 15,May,11 15:00
In my case I come from that strange, unexplored, contra-rotating and upside down half of the world known as the Southern Hemisphere.
I come from South Australia.
John S.
By #7976 at 17,May,11 20:30
Just reading that makes my head spin. But then, from your perspective we're upside down. Cheers John.

By #147052 at 17,May,11 15:52
billings, Montana, USA

By pifad at 17,May,11 12:52 other posts of pifad 

By #146802 at 17,May,11 01:56
any from wv

Adult Discussion Forum