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"One Month Load"

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Started by #165747 at 08,Jun,11 13:53
I started on 6/5/2011 and will not jerk off till 7/4/2011. A whole month in total just to see what it's like to abstain that long. I was told that your penis can gain size while holding off from masterbation. I believe it because, I jerk off only once a week now, do to school and work being in the way all the time and I noticed a gain in girth and length. (I'm 6.5" length and 6" Girth now) instead of being 6.2" in length and 5.6" when I was jerking off everyday! I also feel bigger and more mature too, now that I jerkoff once in a while, my erections are always rock hard, solid and fully engourged with blood to the max! And I last longer during intercoarse and sex as well as being aroused and getting hard without even having to think about it. Oh yeah, I also quit drinking alcohol too! Wish me the best of luck this month ......

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New Comment

By WristThick at 17,Jun,11 00:37 other posts of WristThick 
I call bullshit on this whole thread.

By #147052 at 08,Jun,11 14:50
Be glad that you are young and full of cum. As you age you will find out that your body changes-some you may not agree with but have little hope in changing.

Adult Discussion Forum