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Started by #171511 at 18,Jun,11 17:51
How often is too often?
I wank about 2-3 times a day... at least, it's just so addictive. How often is normal?

Similar topics: 1.What kind of porn do you look at?   2.Have you ever caught someone masturbating?   3.who is masturbating now   4.Keep myself from masturbating until my girlfriend comes home.   5.Playing with your cum/precum while masturbating?  

New Comment

By taurus at 10,Oct,11 12:57 other posts of taurus 
Everyday at least 3 times. Sometimes even more.

By #7976 at 18,Jun,11 19:02
Normal is about averages and what is accepted as a norm by society. Whether two or three times a day is too much by some socially prescribed norm isn't really the question. Is it too much for you is the really question? Does it interfere with other things in your life? Has it had a detrimental impact on your life? Answer these questions and you'll know whether it's too much or not. Good luck.
By #171511 at 18,Jun,11 19:17
Thanks It doesn't interfere with my social or uni life so I guess that's absolutly fine I just wonder how often others wank too. How often do you do it?
By spermkiss at 26,Jun,11 17:54 other posts of spermkiss 
First of all, for all practical purposes, there is no such thing as excessive masturbation. Whether a man does it once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day or once an hour, if he wants to do it, he can get an erection, he can reach a climax, and if it's not interfering with other aspects of his life, then he's doing it the right amount for him.

And while there are no adverse effects to masturbating, there can indeed be adverse effects to abstaining, especially when a man reaches his mature years. If a man's usual sexual outlet is partnered sex and if he loses his partner because of death, divorce, lengthy illness or prolonged separation, then he should take up the slack with his right hand (unless he's a leftie). He should keep the systems "up and running" and the "juices flowing" because if he stops having orgasms he may find it difficult or impossible to start again.

Masturbation is neither sick nor perverted. Quite the contrary, it is a normal, healthy and wholesome thing to do. So jack off as much as you want and enjoy it. Not only does it feel good, but it is also good for you.
By #143536 at 29,Jun,11 13:04
Completely agree!!

By #7976 at 08,Sep,11 13:36
In my younger years, before I was married, I came sometimes for or five times a day. Once I became sexual with my lovers, it remained the same but I was typically being fucked or jerked off by a mate. Now that I'm approaching senior citizenship it's more like once a day and sex is less frequent but that's a matter of physical aging. I hope this helps in some way.

By #67405 at 20,Jul,11 08:11
i do it about 2 times per day, and iv been doing that ever since i was about 14. my record is about six times

By #143536 at 29,Jun,11 13:07
At least once a day, several times on some days. Hell, I'm getting ready to jack right now after reading some of these comments!

By hornyteacher at 19,Jun,11 10:22 other posts of hornyteacher 
twice a week usually, though stress times can be once a day in the morning
By #171511 at 19,Jun,11 10:40
There's the difference between men and women, twice a day to twice a week. Whatever's good for you I suppose
By hornyteacher at 24,Jun,11 10:00 other posts of hornyteacher 
i awoke before alarm this morning, had two nice orgasms in 20 minutes, first was on my back, knees out feet together; the second i was squatting...
By #171511 at 26,Jun,11 23:48
I'm back up to 3, maybe even 4 a day. I love the holidays
By hornyteacher at 27,Jun,11 11:44 other posts of hornyteacher 
6am, pelvis rubbed against bed, was done in a minute..

By 3fdfd at 24,Jun,11 10:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
Nice looking BIG dick Masturman. I can see why you like to play with that whopper.

By 3fdfd at 24,Jun,11 10:17 other posts of 3fdfd 
Mid-late teens into my 20's - 2 or 3 times a day - at times. Now, some decades later, usually once a day.

By #34386 at 18,Jun,11 19:57
Usual once a day unless to busy. weekend free could be at least twice if not go out

By pifad at 18,Jun,11 19:35 other posts of pifad 
Lately with the influx of hot cock on this site I find myself jackin off 3 times a day. When I'm feeling really pigish, I'll step it up to 4 or 5 times.

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