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Who likes shaved dick?

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Started by #20236 at 03,Aug,09 12:50
I love to shave my cock (see my pics) and love to see other shaved cocks. All that hair just gets in the way and doesn't look very attractive especially when wet. Anyone else feel the same?

Similar topics: 1.who likes shaved pussys   2.Help me decide, shaved or hairy   3.Shaved, un shaved Dick?   4.Shaved Pussy   5.Snapchat Fun // Questions  

New Comment

By SluttySarah069 at 17,Apr,19 16:29 other posts of SluttySarah069 
My pubes are trimmed but I shave my leg,armpits,arse and tits.

By #585534 at 16,Apr,19 23:51

By #583549 at 14,Apr,19 12:04
Shaved smooth all the way!On mem and women!

By #518391 at 14,Apr,19 09:36
I think the hairier the better! This is mine..
[deleted image]

By #584365 at 10,Apr,19 14:48
Shaved cocks are just a little nicer than hairy ones.. just my opinion

By 3fdfd at 10,Apr,19 09:02 other posts of 3fdfd 
I like dick period. Shaved dicks can be beautiful but I really like them better if their natural hair has grown in

By #463848 at 10,Apr,19 08:43
It feels better with the hair off; especially when using lube.

By #565188 at 05,Apr,19 20:04
Mines shaved j295ve999cc5pic

By #178518 at 05,Apr,19 19:24
Love shaven cocks

By #583549 at 24,Mar,19 17:46
I like a smooth shaven cock,ball,body.I shave every night in the shower.Feels great!
By german_guy at 24,Mar,19 19:32 other posts of german_guy 
me, too
By #583549 at 24,Mar,19 20:24
Yes,for me I think that it is more hygenic as in very little body oder.

By niginni at 23,Sep,09 14:18 other posts of niginni 
sorry dont , remember puberty and they start to grow giveing the feeling your a man now !! have shaved before a few times found it a pain, and itch like hell when they grow back,, im keeping my pubes
By 3fdfd at 10,Mar,19 11:20 other posts of 3fdfd 
You look great with your thick heavy pubic hair. That plus your uncut dick. Glad you let it grow back in.

By CreativeOne at 05,Oct,13 00:49 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 10,Mar,19 11:03 other posts of 3fdfd 
You know I love your dick but you look much better hairy. Especially since your dick gets quite hairy

By Smoothie71 at 10,Mar,19 09:15 other posts of Smoothie71 

By #463848 at 06,Mar,19 11:28
I do. Most look better. I shave mine partly to avoid hair getting trapped under my foreskin but also a smooth dick feels better in my hand... mine or another's.

By #555337 at 14,Feb,19 07:50
I've been shaven for as long as i cam remember. Only a couple woman didn't like it. But that was ok. Not loke o wanted to marry them. Now rhat im older the only hair on my body is my long hair. Every where else
It either fell out or stopped growing.

By #393930 at 06,Oct,13 06:18
[deleted image]
just as requested

By #201155 at 06,Oct,13 05:42
I much prefer shaved in every way

[deleted image]

By cumaddik at 06,Oct,13 05:18 other posts of cumaddik 
I love smooth ones

By #220845 at 04,Oct,13 14:58
Short trimmed bush is OK, as long as Cock and balls are shaved.

By andrew999999999 at 04,Oct,13 14:37 other posts of andrew999999999 
I do. Like mine shaved, and I like to suck shaved cock too.

By Stiffcock47 at 20,May,11 14:36 other posts of Stiffcock47 
I love shaved cocks and balls.

By Ray10754 at 19,May,11 11:16 other posts of Ray10754 
Shaved is the only way to go,been shaving since i was 16 never looked back from there,shave cock balls pubs and ass every day in the shower,second nature for me just a normal action for me after all these years.
love seeing and playing with shaved men and woman

By hipster at 23,Sep,09 17:13 other posts of hipster 
Mine is silky it that way....

By MoeJoe at 23,Sep,09 11:34 other posts of MoeJoe 
To each his/her own...I prefer totally smooth face to toe, and have been for a long time...that's for me, obviously not for others.
By MoeJoe at 23,Sep,09 11:39 other posts of MoeJoe 
Here's an observation perhaps for discussion about I stated I prefer the shaved smooth look on guys, but for women I prefer some pussy hair, and for some strange reason underarm hair turns me on...go figure. Maybe it's just that I'm a contrarian...we have been brought up to believe that men are supposed to be hairy, so I go hairless, and women are supposed to be hairless, and therefore I lik'em hairy! LOL Let's leave that for the psychiatrists!

By sailor at 05,Aug,09 21:31 other posts of sailor 
Like the smooth look. When God mad dicks, he covered up the ones he did not like.

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