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What is your favorite thing about your OWN cock?

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Started by Antonek at 04,May,24 21:12  other posts of Antonek
So guys, as your personal opinion, what is your favorite thing about your own cock? Obviously, you got what you got, and surely at some point, you wished it was either bigger, fatter, longer, maybe smaller, that it shot huge loads etc. Well, hopefully you’ve come to peace with it, and you likely have given someone plenty pleasure and satisfaction from it. So, what do you like about your own cock?

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By hungduck2004 at 06,Mar,25 07:50 other posts of hungduck2004 
I like how much it grows when hard. I'm avg maybe even below avg when soft

By #730538 at 26,Feb,25 08:34
i snapped my frenulum few years ago can now pull my foreskin all the way back. the feeling you get when having sex when the foreski[deleted image]n pulls down deep is amazing..
By german_guy at 27,Feb,25 17:34 other posts of german_guy 
yes do agree cause I know what you are talking about

By Jack101 at 25,Feb,25 19:34 other posts of Jack101 
My head of course. I love the way it swells up and I watch the precum run down it.

By knewbi at 24,Aug,24 14:04 other posts of knewbi 
I love my cock because it is the one place that I can always be sure to find pleasure if I play with it long enough.
By nekekal at 25,Feb,25 19:21 other posts of nekekal 

By Cody8789 at 05,Feb,25 19:35 other posts of Cody8789 
My favorite thing about my cock is: he never sais no
By PITBULL at 06,Feb,25 21:35 other posts of PITBULL 
no to what? fucking
By Cody8789 at 24,Feb,25 04:05 other posts of Cody8789 

By german_guy at 23,Feb,25 16:50 other posts of german_guy 
I am very happy that I am uncut....

By SluttySarah069 at 23,Feb,25 14:07 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Being cut and having a nice head which a lots of guys love

By thickswingercock at 23,Feb,25 03:50 other posts of thickswingercock 
how long i last and how many times i can cum

By Lvphose at 19,Feb,25 10:18 other posts of Lvphose 
That I can make my lady make oral pleasures sound when I fuck her!

By SV1952 at 18,Feb,25 16:35 other posts of SV1952 
My Glands

By hair_today at 18,Feb,25 16:26 other posts of hair_today 
The girth

By LovelyFriend at 16,Feb,25 23:17 other posts of LovelyFriend 
it's hard,veiny and has a big head

By #728889 at 13,Feb,25 15:46
My skin bridge [deleted image]
By cut5x5 at 14,Feb,25 16:15 other posts of cut5x5 
Very sexy!

By Gulpereel at 24,Aug,24 13:00 other posts of Gulpereel 
My big helmet head
By Circuit at 27,Aug,24 16:49 other posts of Circuit 
Yes! And your awesome circumcision!
By Gulpereel at 27,Aug,24 17:24 other posts of Gulpereel 
Thank you

By babycok at 13,Feb,25 13:08 other posts of babycok 
I wish I had one of those on the end of my little cok
By Gulpereel at 14,Feb,25 00:11 other posts of Gulpereel 
Thanks. Most guys wish.

By casado at 13,Feb,25 15:02 other posts of casado 
falhou rarнssimas vezes. Sempre pronto.
--------------------------------------- added after 33 seconds

By phart at 27,Aug,24 01:23 other posts of phart 
it allows me to take a wiz almost anywhere on planet earth without having to sit down.
By Arlo at 10,Feb,25 03:40 other posts of Arlo 
Outdoor plumbing heats the hell out of sitting down, YES! The world is our urinal. YES!

By lovetolickyou at 09,Feb,25 21:49 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I love that although I have a loose circumsion, there's enough skin left on the bottom that I can jerk off with all my fingers and my thumb underneath my cock shaft and it feels wonderful.

By quint at 05,Feb,25 21:04 other posts of quint favourite thing is that he is all mine .. but I'll share him!
By german_guy at 06,Feb,25 19:18 other posts of german_guy 

By Hairless at 05,Feb,25 19:27 other posts of Hairless 
Everything about my cock is pleasing to my eye. And hand.

By LGA6969 at 04,Sep,24 13:19 other posts of LGA6969 
the head especially when it gets hard and swollen

By hair_today at 04,Sep,24 10:21 other posts of hair_today 
It could be longer and prettier, but it still gets very hard. And since it's the same age as me (67), that's no small thing.

By lovetolickyou at 03,Sep,24 19:08 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I like the fact that it's a chameleon...It can turn into something bigger or smaller. I have a loose circumcision - the foreskin normally covers the back of my glans, and it tends to look smaller with part of the head hooded, but when I get really hard, it retracts and my cock looks bigger and it shows that the head is bigger than the shaft. When I'm soft, I can use my finger to push it inside, totally retracted under my foreskin and inside my body, or I can squeeze it so the foreskin covers the glans. When I'm fully erect, it seems longer which I like too. I've sometimes played with ice, using it to induce shrinkage so it looks short and stubby, or push ice inside the foreskin so my whole cock wants to retract producing a big bump that seems to blend with my balls. I love it when people visit my gallery and comment on how many ways my cock can look. It's fun to play with, and it feels different being sucked depending on what size and shape it is.

By Tempp at 28,Aug,24 23:28 other posts of Tempp 
I like its size, and proportion of head size.

By #721541 at 28,Aug,24 21:44
It stays hard after I orgasm , its uncut and its a great toy to play with

By Jamie at 27,Aug,24 01:02 other posts of Jamie 
That at my age it still works

By quint at 25,Aug,24 20:00 other posts of quint 
I love my cock.. ever since I got it for my birthday!!

By PITBULL at 24,Aug,24 16:38 other posts of PITBULL 
I love my cock because I have made some bottom guys cum hand free when they sit on it

By routemaster at 24,Aug,24 06:16 other posts of routemaster 
My foreskin and the fact it gives me endless hours of pleasure and totally free of charge too

By groundrelay at 24,Aug,24 04:37 other posts of groundrelay 
the weight it gains from soft

By Cody8789 at 23,Aug,24 18:34 other posts of Cody8789 
The favorite thing about my cock is… I can play with it when I want and it never tells me it has a headache
By Jamie at 23,Aug,24 18:42 other posts of Jamie 
what if you beat it
By Cody8789 at 23,Aug,24 18:43 other posts of Cody8789 
I beat it and it still don’t complain
By Jamie at 23,Aug,24 18:47 other posts of Jamie 

By jonns at 23,Aug,24 18:05 other posts of jonns 
I love my everything about my penis but most of all
I love my 4skin

By Smoothsilk at 23,Aug,24 01:17 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Feels amazing to have my balls massaged.

By #703990 at 18,Aug,24 13:33
I love my cock, great girth and length. But I really love my foreskin and I also really love the shape of my head, i especially like how I can see the shape of my head under the hood.

By #711801 at 18,Aug,24 12:44
Everything but I love my 4skin!!!

By nekekal at 08,May,24 16:15 other posts of nekekal 
The pleasure it gives me and has given me. Cuming feels so good and the occasional orgasm is spectacular. It is always there and always wants to play. By far my favorite body part. It is a nice size and easy to play with, but it's real joy is to give me pleasure and I love it.

By gayguy at 07,May,24 02:33 other posts of gayguy 
I can play with it whenever and how often I want

By #714538 at 06,May,24 19:47
I know my cum is safe to eat.

By wycowboy at 06,May,24 15:39 other posts of wycowboy 
The [;easure it hae given me for 50plus years

By Cody8789 at 05,May,24 05:14 other posts of Cody8789 
I like that I can play with it anytime I want and it doesn’t complain that it has a headache
By Gntlmn at 05,May,24 07:30 other posts of Gntlmn 

By Louis at 05,May,24 10:21 other posts of Louis 
Well said! 🤣

By t-rex at 06,May,24 11:55 other posts of t-rex 

By Gulpereel at 06,May,24 11:02 other posts of Gulpereel 
I get a lot of compliments on my big helmet head.

By #703990 at 06,May,24 01:42
Hmm, I would have to say girth bit I also love my foreskin and my head

By t-rex at 06,May,24 01:27 other posts of t-rex 
It’s mine and I love it 🤣

By LGA6969 at 05,May,24 13:33 other posts of LGA6969 
The head is my favorite

By hair_today at 05,May,24 13:08 other posts of hair_today 
Yes, wish it were longer but I'm happy that it's still rock hard as I near 70 ;-)

By #714736 at 05,May,24 12:15
I like that it is like the tide, it ebbs and flows.

By thicknsmooth at 05,May,24 09:53 other posts of thicknsmooth 
The big beautiful cut head and the long thick shaft I do wish it had more bulging veins though and another 2 inches in length I would love it to be 9 inches

By boc at 05,May,24 07:47 other posts of boc 
I like that my girlfriend likes to smack it against her face and the thud sound it makes.

By #711401 at 05,May,24 05:17
Always wanted to be longer and thicker but I guess I've come to terms with it the way it is. My favourite thing is showing it off - wanking while others watch.

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