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"My Step-dotter gots TITTIES!!!"

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Started by #491031 at 11,Jul,17 17:35
What the hell is the deal with guys posting (and bragging about)how they spy on their stepdaughters (or other female family members when they are showering or getting dressed?
Many of them talk about how they jerk-off while they do it.

Is it just me who thinks this is an extreme violation of trust/the right to privacy and totally fucking creepy?

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 22,Nov,18 00:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Woody Allen did it.

By #487013 at 14,Jul,17 00:44
My Brudder broke up with me but he said we could still be cousins.
By #527431 at 14,Jul,17 11:39
You are awesome ...

By cardinal at 14,Jul,17 03:16 other posts of cardinal 
All that role playing went straight to their head spending deranged hours watching porn no doubt about it.

By #520590 at 12,Jul,17 07:38
When I was young. I was **** by three of my family members. I loved it. But maybe that's why I jerk off and play with my dick now????
By leopoldij at 12,Jul,17 08:06 other posts of leopoldij 
You were what? The word was censored.

By #520590 at 12,Jul,17 07:39
And I like dick. ????

By bella! at 11,Jul,17 19:34 other posts of bella! 
You gotta Step-dotter?

Well I'll be!
By furluvr at 12,Jul,17 05:55 other posts of furluvr 
I know, right? The things one can learn here.

By #527431 at 12,Jul,17 01:22
Not just you, my friend. I think you are so right on this one!

By #510842 at 12,Jul,17 01:12
It's not just you, I feel the exact same way.

By 2nice at 12,Jul,17 00:49 other posts of 2nice 
That's an old school post. I remember that...haha. It's fucked up, but sad funny.

By Andthisisme at 11,Jul,17 21:31 other posts of Andthisisme 
On a couple of occasions members have started to talk about such things and when that happens I am immediately off. To be honest I am not sure that it is not just a lot of bollocks with some sad guy having a fantasy. Whether it be true or fantasy anyone expressing those sentiments should be deleted immediately.

By #460385 at 11,Jul,17 17:43
If they're jacking off to their family members. Mutha fuckers need to be locked up.
By #491031 at 11,Jul,17 17:54
And chemically castrated--for the safety of the women involved. There are just some lines that should not be crossed.

Adult Discussion Forum