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Wife's past cocks?

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Started by #137025 at 24,Aug,11 22:31
Has your wife/girlfriend ever talked about the size of the past cocks she has taken?
Are they bigger than yours?
Smaller than yours?

Similar topics: 1.Where is The wildest place you have recieve a blow job/oral sex??   2.How many cocks your wife sucked?   3.I wanna fuck my wife and her friend   4.Do guys with big cocks get erections past 45 degrees? the past the past?  

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By #522126 at 14,Oct,19 10:10
Only one realy stands out in my mind of the many cocks my Wife has fucked and it was at a party where this guy had a huge penis ,at least 10 inches long and thick to go with it, we both commented on it and I dared her to fuck it, which she jumped at and mounted it reverse cowgirl style,it filled her completely and couldn't take the full length in as it pushed up to her cevix and stretched her pussy lips wide and tight around it,i watched as they fucked and saw her wet juices running down his shaft which soon pulsated as he pumped his spunk deep inside her cunt,he pulled out and her pussy was wide and gaping open with cum oozing out dribbling over her bum hole and down the inside of her thighs,it turned her on so much that she was practically begging to be fucked again! which she was and left the party some time later with a very sore and messy pussy!

By knewbi at 09,Oct,19 16:54 other posts of knewbi 
Oh hell yes.... Being swingers we always talked about the guys and gals we both had sex with. When we could remember that is... Many guys were larger than I am and I loved her to have as large a slab of man meat she was able to get. In the end it was always me she went home with.. Well, not always as on occasion she would go with one of the guys but after the sex was over she always came home to me...

By wycowboy at 09,Oct,19 15:11 other posts of wycowboy 
My wife says I am fine on length and girth even though I don't have that much of either. The only other cock she has had, that I know of, was her boyfriend before me in high school and she says he was not even close to my size, much smaller. She only fucked him twice before dumping him and I know our first time she was tight as hell so I believe her.

By Alwaysnude at 27,Nov,16 14:33 other posts of Alwaysnude 
my wife says iam just fine don't worry but I heard her tell her **** that I was really small compared to the other guys that's why she is with me her last husband had a really big dick twice as big as mine and was unfaithful she said little guys she can trust
By #472252 at 09,Oct,19 12:29
Wow she said you were small? I saw your pics your a true 7 inches with great girth

By #258892 at 02,Dec,16 17:40
My g/f talks more about present cocks she's having. It's pretty normal for either me to come home to her stuffed with a cock(s) or her come home to me with my mouth full of dick. Always leaving the bedroom door open whenever she fucks.

I've had a couple of guys who've come over to have me suck their dick, only to come home and find her riding that same guy's cock a couple of days later. Seems she figures out ways to slip her number to the guys I suck when they come by. They thoroughly enjoy it.
By thickswingercock at 04,Dec,16 05:37 other posts of thickswingercock 
my kinda woman!!!

By #515532 at 02,Dec,16 21:25
My wife has always been honest enough to tell me of her past boyfriends and their cocksize, she has always told me that I have the tiniest and most unmanliest looking loser cock that she has ever seen or played with and that all of her ex boyfriends had cocks that were at least 4-5 inches longer than mine and that their cocks were very much more manlier looking than my tiny cock

By LeatherAndLace at 27,Nov,16 17:36 other posts of LeatherAndLace 
My gf says I am in the top 5 but 2 of her ex's were huge! She says one was 11 inches and kinda thick and one of them was about 10 inches and really thick. Then there was a guy she says she fucked one time that was fucking huge but doesn't know his size!
By #524604 at 02,Dec,16 00:07
Wow.. Impressive

By #508255 at 27,Nov,16 07:17
All guys my gf has been with have been bigger than me that's why she sleeps with them

By #390248 at 26,Nov,16 13:33
Like many men, I can't help asking any long term partner I've ever had, even though I always know the answer before hand. The most common answer: "I've had bigger but yours is perfect". it never believe the second part of that answer, but oddly, it motivates me to do the most with what I have. Maybe there's a method to some women's honesty.

By iluvcox at 30,Mar,16 04:48 other posts of iluvcox 
I've had more cock than my wife
By #390248 at 26,Nov,16 13:22

By #510842 at 26,Nov,16 02:04
My ex and I have talked about it many times, however none of the discussions took place while we were together. She was the last person I've been with sexually and it's been a long time since I was with her. Luckily we're still friends and we vent to each other from time to time. She has told me I was the smallest of all the guys she's been with. The closet to me was just under 7" so I fall a good 1.5" below all the other guys she's been with but that being said I was in her top three as far as bringing her to the big O. She said that even though I was smaller my shape/size just seemed to hit all the right spots.

By #487206 at 26,Nov,16 01:41
My girl has been with 13 guys and I am about tenth place for size....she never wanted to tell me the truth but she finally did....her last ex was the biggest and the best she's ever had it makes me so horny when she tells me about how big his cock was and how good he fucked her

By #518223 at 12,Nov,16 09:33
My wife refuses to discuss past cocks that visited her pussy.

By #505990 at 11,Nov,16 22:59
All were bigger and better!

By diamund at 10,Feb,16 03:28 other posts of diamund 
all smaller
By 3fdfd at 11,Nov,16 21:09 other posts of 3fdfd 
Well, they'd have to be pretty damn big to be bigger thab you.

By #515531 at 16,Jul,16 23:08
My wife's biggest lover was 8 1/2" long but skinny (4" around at the base). Mine is only 6 3/4" long but very fat. She likes mine with the really fat head. She likes her pussy spread wide more than him having and extra inch that wouldn't fit in her.[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 11,Nov,16 21:07 other posts of 3fdfd 
yours certainly is far

By #311947 at 11,Nov,16 16:51
I have talked about it with every girl Im with. Some have had bigger and smaller. Im pretty secure with myself so it doesnt bother me. I like it
By 3fdfd at 11,Nov,16 21:04 other posts of 3fdfd 
You have a rather large cock. I'm sure most of your girls have enjoyed it.

By #355138 at 02,Feb,16 03:42
I have a 5incher my wife said it was tiny. Her ex had 8.5 inches.
By #472252 at 11,Nov,16 16:41
Well when you think about it he is a full 3 1/2 inches bigger no doubt more girth than you so at least she is truthful

By slipper at 27,Mar,16 22:46 other posts of slipper 
My wife hasn't had any... so, I make up fantasies about her doing so at various stages of our relationship and before.

By #508952 at 21,Mar,16 23:25
My girl friend said she had a 10" black dick and I'm only 5" but I think it's hot

By #355138 at 04,Mar,16 05:07
My wifes ex had 8.5 inch cock she thinks mine is tiny.
By #508952 at 16,Mar,16 04:01
Nice sane

By #485312 at 16,Mar,16 00:16
as a general rule, l dont like to talk about any cocks lve fucked in the past, why give a guy ammo to throw at you later. Even when asked about it, l avoid the answer as best as possible, men dont like knowing that they arent the biggest or the best fuck, so its best not to divulge any info of previous lovers *Lix*
By #358797 at 16,Mar,16 00:24
Haha. I know right. I learned that lesson the hard way... Nothing bruises a guy's ego quite like admitting you've had bigger.

By #508952 at 16,Mar,16 00:36
Why u not want to know about this its hot
By #485312 at 16,Mar,16 03:40
guys are jealous creatures too, for a very few they are ok with it, but for the most part, they h@te the thought of someone else fucking their partner *lix*

By #505990 at 02,Feb,16 17:09
My wife has always made it quite clear that I have the smallest dick she's ever seen! She talks frequently about her passed lovers and the men she's had since we've been together, which are many!
By leopoldij at 04,Feb,16 04:10 other posts of leopoldij 
Have you shared any of these men?
By #506488 at 04,Feb,16 04:20
I was sad for him..
By #505990 at 15,Mar,16 18:11
Don't be sad for me, I love my life!

By #505990 at 15,Mar,16 18:09
Oh yeah! Out of say approx 50 men she's been with, I've been involved in about 30 of them.
By leopoldij at 16,Mar,16 01:00 other posts of leopoldij 

By naked-porn at 02,Feb,16 16:49 other posts of naked-porn 
not bigger but larger

By #143536 at 30,Aug,11 16:57
My wife did when we were first dating. That's how I found out I needed magnum XL condoms. I never knew before then. But she told me I was a little bigger than a guy she was with that used magnums. That was the only time she told me about, though.

By #177288 at 28,Aug,11 04:58
oh yes, she says one a very small one, other almost same size as mine, but not bigger

By #7976 at 25,Aug,11 01:44
Interestingly, we've never talked much about our lives before we got married. I had been married for five years and she had never been married. She, late 20s; me early 30s so we both had lives before each other.

On the up side, there's virtually no jealousy in our relationship so it hasn't ever been of much interest as to what, who, or why the others existed. All-in-all, it's been a pretty good and stable marriage.


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