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What do guys with "showers" think of guys "growers"

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Started by #55295 at 20,Sep,11 17:23
You're in the changeroom at the gym and some overconfident dude whips off all his clothes to reveal a monster swinging cock, while you stand there with Mr Shrinky. So what do you guys with the "showers" think of the guys with "growers". Are you mocking them in your head, or don't you give a shit?

Similar topics: 1.Growers and showers   2.Is my cock small?   3.Growers vs Showers?   4.Communal showers at the gym   5.Shaving and manscaping  

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By Dong69 at 25,Feb,17 23:17 other posts of Dong69 
Over a period of time,any girl can accommodate any guy know matter how big the guy is,it just takes time for them to adjust, look how a vagina can expand during the birth process for crying out loud !!!
By TinyLittleGuy at 31,May,17 19:57 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
but not how small it is , i fuck my wife and she doesn't feel much between her legs unless i put a sleeve over my tiny thin dick

By 3fdfd at 22,Feb,17 01:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
Certainly among the largest soft dicks I ever saw in my life was on a guy in my college P.E. class - in the gym shower. It was so long that his head hung out below the towel he had wrapped around his waist. For all anybody knew that could have been his max when he got hard ... if it could get hard. He wasn't anybody I knew particularly well, so I never talked cock with him.

By #64328 at 18,Nov,16 18:21
I learned early on there are growers and showers. I had a friend in school that we all thought he had a big one. He hung about 5 inches soft and in jr high that seemed huge. He spent the night at our house many times and one night we were talking about sex and other horny stuff and I asked him to get a boner and show me. He agreed if I would too. I told him he was probably bigger because I heard black guys had bigger and it hung down bigger than the rest of us in the school showers. By the way he was black. Being a little reluctant to compare with him we got them out and got boners. His was about an inch longer hard than when he was soft. Mine double in size and i was actually slightly longer by about an inch. Before we did it I thought he was going to be much bigger and that's when I realized it impossible to tell from a soft one how big their boner would be.

By kebmo at 16,Nov,16 21:43 other posts of kebmo 
I met a grower only once. He was a big burly oil worker and I was shocked at how small it was. I thought it was a tiny little cock until it got into my mouth. Then something wonderful started to happen. This is the result. He's on the right.

By #352017 at 06,Mar,13 21:56
I have a friend who is very open minded about things. One day the conversation turned to cocks(I don't know how lol) He is str8 and is very hung, an honest 9.3" and thick. He tells me he HATES it and would give anything to have a "normal" 6" hard penis. He says he will never experience what it's like to be deep throated or never know what it's like to get his whole cock inside a girl, not to mention it very rarely gets as hard as it can cause it's too big. According to him, girls have actually walked out on him because of how long and thick it is, they did not want that inside them at all. As of right now, he is very seriously considering a penis reduction surgery. My point is, here is a guy very hung and a definite shower, heads whip around in the gym lockeroom, who is envious of the growers and short penis guys out there. He always says"Not to be gay, but I would love to trade you cocks" I don't want his either
By bigone21 at 06,Mar,13 22:41 other posts of bigone21 
i don't believe a word you say about this imaginairy "hung" straight friend of yours with a dick he tells you to be (exactly) 9.3 inches!! haha!

anyway, he has to live with what he has! erectile tissue of the penis can NOT be lengthened or shortened.

and hey, big deal! every man has to live with what he's got!

(btw, i might have a friend that owns 20 million dollar. he wishes to be poor, so people would like him for his character and he would have a reason to get out of bed in the morning to attent to his underpayd job... isn't that sad..???)

By #339790 at 01,Jul,13 12:53
I have heard the same thing from guys around the world. They say the only way to go balls deep in in a asshole...and all say a woman will not allow them to go balls deep into any hole...I do not have that problem LOL...
By boc at 01,Jul,13 13:46 other posts of boc 
An asshole is capable of even less expansion than a vagina. What you have heard from guys around the world sounds like bullshit. You and the person who started this thread are naive and clueless in regard to women and this issue. Perhaps your perception of the shower/grower seen in the locker room has overshadowed reality.

I am in between a grower/shower. Women generally get to see it when it is a shower/sometimes men in the locker room as well. I don't care what anyone thinks. What matters is when I am goin to use it.
By bigone21 at 02,Jul,13 17:39 other posts of bigone21 
and you are clueless as to what some gay or bisexual guys can take up the ass!

my hand and underarm up until the elbow, dildoes 50 cm's. i myself take a fist up till 30 cm's.

most guys i fuck have no problem with my lenght, and i'm very happy about that, because i like to fuck ass!!

By bigone21 at 08,Mar,13 18:39 other posts of bigone21 
What is a grower and what is a shower??

I am +/- 14/15 cm soft and +/- 21/22 cm hard (= I grow about 50%). I know I'm a shower, but isn't that a grower too?

How much size (in percentage) do other guys gain?

By #242452 at 07,Mar,13 04:37
The thing is, you might see a guy whose dick is 5 or 6 inches limp and think he's a shower, when actually he's a grower...

By qhaos at 07,Nov,12 08:17 other posts of qhaos 
I would also ask the same question on the reverse side: What do guys with "growers" think of guys "showers"?
By #6568 at 07,Nov,12 08:41
You tend to ignore it except when they obviously flaunt it and then you wonder if it actually gets any bigger. men with large 'softies' often dont actually increase in size with erection, or only minimally. With more data/info about sex in recent years we now know that many 'large' men don't get very hard erections.

By #6568 at 07,Nov,12 08:37
Theres a LOT of ignorance about sexual matters. "Showers" just know that they are 'big' and that they are superior to the man in the changing room who has a small soft penis. They don't know, and would not believe that the small soft one can be as big or bigger than theirs. I used to regularly get 'playful' comments from male friends in the changing room but I always kept quiet about my actual 'capability'.....

.....Actually, as a "grower" with a huge difference between soft and hard, I have sometimes had trouble believing it myself!!...But it's true! When I was younger I used to find it amazing to watch and experience, and i'm bigger now than then!

By #221907 at 07,Nov,12 06:30
I am a grower and I have to say I absolutely love it. many girls do too. I am barely 3 inches most the time i am soft. right this minute, its about 2.5". But then it gets hard and once fully erect is 6.5". The best thing ever

By #147243 at 20,Sep,11 20:15
Man, can not help but look and compare a huge penis with your little one! Unfortunately my dick is 14cm erect if it is a 10cm soft, and while so whenever I walk into a bathroom. Satisfy my girlfriend but I am always afraid about what they will find the size of my cock!
What do you think of my penis?
By Ray10754 at 20,Sep,11 21:45 other posts of Ray10754 
Paulinho,looking at your proofile and viewing your photos I see nothing for you to worrie about , you have a great body,great looking cock and balls,and a nice firm ass (love that fact that your shaved also )

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