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Guys, when did you suck your first cock?

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Started by #149428 at 24,Dec,11 00:28
I was 14

Similar topics: 1.Guys Has anyone ever paid you to let them suck ur cock.?   2.Would U suck my Cock for $20   3.I want to suck cock   4.Love men but don't like cock... my sexuality is weird...   5.Cock Sucking Addiction  

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By thicknsmooth at 18,Aug,13 04:16 other posts of thicknsmooth 
It was the summer that I was 8 yrs old, and he was the same age! I loved every minute of it! You can read about it in my blog. I tell the hole story!

By #275560 at 16,Aug,13 23:55
wow! some replies here gotta be bullcrap!...5,7,8..etc!

come on?!?!!

well...mine was actually my best mate at the time. I confided in him that i was "confused" and that i might be Bi or gay. we got pissed one night and he called my bluff!

i blew him good but he didnt cum, to many narcotics!...he couldnt blow me coz the previous week i was banging my girlfriend and i snapped my "banjo string!"....u know what i mean. my cock was in pain and i couldnt pull my foreskin back,,,,,,,ouch!!!!

anyways....that night (of the blow job) was never mentioned ever again...ever!...

By #405102 at 23,Jun,13 18:39
My first experience sucking a cock came when I was 9 years old. My older cousin who was 19 years old was visiting us. Come bedtime I had to **** with him and another cousin who was 18 at the time. Shortly after going to bed, the older cousin reached over and took my hand and placed it on his cock. I was not sure what to do but I fondled the best I could and he became quite hard. He then pushed my head under the covers and told me to suck it. I began sucking his huge cock and to my surprise it tasted very good to me. He slowly fucked my mouth while I sucked and after about 5 minutes he thrust forward and shot his load deep into my throat and told me to swallow it. I gagged a bit but swallowed and slurped his cum down. When my other cousin saw what was going on he cried out, hey I want some too and spun me over and pushed his cock in my mouth. I sucked away on him and he also shot his load. I gobbled his cum down and within a few minutes Lee had me sucking him again. this went on a good deal of the night, first sucking one then the other. I didn't complain, in fact I loved it.
By bella! at 23,Jun,13 18:57 other posts of bella! 
Really? Really! Wow! Not sure if that's truth or complete bollock. Whatever it is, it's fu@ked up.

By hunnngry at 01,Aug,13 10:17 other posts of hunnngry 
Man that got me so hard same thing happened to me with my cousin but just one tho

By #389093 at 23,Jun,13 23:34
i suck just dildo or toys

By #389093 at 23,Jun,13 23:33
i like so much suckin but i never suck any cock

By #211891 at 23,Jun,13 11:19
In the 1970s I saw an ad that a guy was looking for someone, a blonde was his preference. I am not blonde but I was getting gay-curious. Went to the address and met Ken. We chatted and discovered similar interests. When he went into the bathroom I took off all my clothes and was stretched out on his bed looking at a magazine. He was pleasantly surprised to see my naked body and began fondling my cock and balls. Soon we were sucking each other. Thank you, Ken. You were my first, but far from my last.

By jackthestripper at 18,Jun,13 09:00 other posts of jackthestripper 
I was 5 with my 8 year old neighbor. We hid in the tool shed outside my house. We sat on the cement, legs crossed, talking about playing with each other as we usually did, or get each other hard (he did most of it, but I liked it). Then he got on his knees and pulled his sweat pants down, along with his tidy whities. "Wanna try something new today?"

By #390287 at 18,Jun,13 04:59
I was 9 when i first sucked my cousin's cock, he returned the favor and we contnued doing it for years.

By Odin_york_pa at 17,Jun,13 14:21 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I was 8 years old

By #64328 at 20,May,13 18:05
I was 12 when I realized I could suck my own. I even let a friend watch me do it because he didnt believe I could

By #299180 at 20,May,13 13:00
When I was 12. One day after 6th grade my best friend from across the street did our usual jerk session at my house when he asked if I wanted to try something different. I asked what did he want to do and he said put his dick in my mouth. It tasted so good; been hooked on cock ever since

By #393145 at 20,May,13 09:39
I started very late. I was 27 when I first sucked a dick. Realized what I had been missing out on immediately.

By #344277 at 20,May,13 04:49
I sucked my first between the age 7-8 it was my cousin we used 2 suck each others cocks n rim each other n ever since then we became off n on

By #356859 at 18,Apr,13 22:07
I am 63 years old and have never sucked a cock, although I have fantasized about it for years. I have practiced with dildos and can deep throat 7 inches. I am guessing that a real cock would be a lot more fun that a plastic one. I want to swallow. Anybody on here live anywhere near Las Vegas?
By #248006 at 23,Apr,13 16:47
I feel so cheap....
By slipper at 20,May,13 02:26 other posts of slipper 

By #87811 at 19,May,13 22:30
I sucked my cousins cock when I was 9 and he was 15, he and I were all alone in his parents house and he had me go into the dark bedroom, He said put your mouth on this, I did it tasted funny but then after that I couldnt stop it was his dick but tasted so good and I was hooked, he later passed me around to his brothers and school friends, what fun!!!!
By #182552 at 19,May,13 22:53
Sounds like a good time to me. I love sucking cock.

By #365623 at 19,May,13 02:19
i started when i was 13 , i saw my **** suck a guys cock and ever since then i was hooked , i had asked a few old men if they wanted their cocks sucked but only 1 of them was interested , we went into the bushes and i was wanking him and just about to suck it when someone walked passed and the guy got spooked and hurried off. but i eventually got what i wanted about 2 months later , i went to our swimming baths with my sisters , they were old than me and the changing rooms were seperate so i was on my own , i loved watch the men get undressed and got caught staring a few times , most of the men kinda freaked out a bit because they were either with their sons or friends , but this time i went in and i always went to the lockers where no one else was because i could look and see the men getting changed or drying themselves off from a bit away , this time though i was sitting in my trunks when a man came into the area where i was and took a locker , he smiled at me and said hi , i kinda squeeked a hello back and put my head down , then he asked where my friends are , i told him i was with my sisters and he just nodded , he was a big guy broad shoulders and muscular but he had a beer belly but still pretty good looking , as he got undressed i noticed that he was pretty hairy , when he took off his shirt his belly kinda popped over his trousers and i could see his chest and back were covered in hair , i started to feel my cock getting hard and i put my towel over my crotch to hide it . he started to undo his trousers and i thought i was gonna faint , he dropped his trousers and kicked them off he was wearing briefs and they were just about keeping his bulge in place , i could see his balls sticking out the sides of his pants and his cock was looped over and down the side of his balls , my mouth was dry and my cock was twitching , i couldnt keep my eyes off him . he mustve have noticed because he asked if i was ok , i didnt even look up at him i just nodded and kept my eyes on his bulge , i heard him mutter something under his breath , then he put his hand on the front of his pants and started to give himself a little grope and moved his balls about a bit , then he turned to face me and drop his pants , his cock flopped down and his balls just slung down but not as far as his cock , then the man turned to face me and put his hand round his cock and lifted it in the air , he asked if i liked it and without thinking i said yeah , then i kinda came out of my trance and my face went red , he said its ok lots of men like to look at other mens cocks , anyway im think ill leave the next part of the story for another day , im off to have a wank and picture his big thick cock again

By Browningman at 28,Apr,13 20:59 other posts of Browningman 
I was 12 and 15 when i swallow first load of hot cum. So far i love it mmmm

By #250164 at 23,Apr,13 23:33
I was in my early 20's and had put an ad in the paper for a housemate. A guy named John called about it and soon into the conversation said something about being in bed together. I was soon at his place. He had a HUGE cock and wanted me to suck it. I didn't know what it would be like when he shot cum into my mouth and told him I didn't know what I'd do. Well, I swallowed it happily. Since then I've sucked off many men and have done so by now probably hundreds of times. I just wish I could suck my own cock.

By #358284 at 16,Apr,13 13:05
I began sucking dick at 6 & I've been sucking off Men's Dicks ever since, I'm 49 now!!
By #250164 at 23,Apr,13 23:30
Really, at age 6? You lucky guy - tell us about it. I wanted to from that age but was in my 20's before it finally happened.

By #220845 at 23,Apr,13 19:30
I was 16, I sucked one of my buddies in the front seat of my car we were parked on a dirt road.

By #377688 at 20,Apr,13 17:25
I always wish to suck my own cock but i could not as of now but
I always desire to be sucked by a girl considerably and i did not get it yet and i hope any day it hapens .

By #188764 at 31,Dec,11 12:20
I was 13, experimenting with sex-play with three similar-age boys. Mostly feeling each other's boners and jacking off together, but also some tentative sucking on dares.
By #198522 at 19,Apr,13 21:50
i was about that age too, camping with my best friend, we still play a couple times a year

By dealer69 at 18,Apr,13 12:29 other posts of dealer69 
When i was 14. I spent the night with a friend and he made me suck his dick. I remember when he pulled it out of his pants it looked different then mine. He was uncircumcised and bigger than me. A lot bigger. I did not want to do it but he promised he would not tell. I remember shaking when I started. It didn't take long before he came in my mouth. It was odd because he had a lot of cum. Also as he came in my mouth I also came in my pants. I showed him my Dick and the small cum load in my underwear after we were done and he made fun of it. Then told everyone at school how small my Dick was. I haven't sucked a Dick since but have often thought about it.

By #359452 at 17,Apr,13 09:03
I was 16 me and a friend skipped class hid out in the locker room and sucked each other off then he fucked me it was amazing I loved it

By #6437 at 16,Apr,13 10:41
I was 25 and have been a cocksucker since. MMMMMMMMMMMM 64 now

By bigone21 at 15,Apr,13 21:35 other posts of bigone21 
when i was 10 or 11, very innocent scene.

By #281008 at 15,Apr,13 21:26
well,i have only ever had one cock and never been able to suck it

By #269759 at 11,Dec,12 03:02
Sucked my friends cock at a sleepover when we were 12. Repeated it many times that summer, then I moved away.

By #187578 at 28,Dec,11 07:34

By Uncut_Dick at 28,Dec,11 07:08 other posts of Uncut_Dick 
I was in 7th Grade... so I was around 12 years old. He was my best friend. Have not sucked one since... but have thought it a lot. About how good it felt having a cock in my mouth.

By #205314 at 28,Dec,11 02:05
its was small im still looking to suck something 7.5 or bigger

By #217865 at 25,Dec,11 08:47
When I was ****! It was from our eightteen year all nextdoor living sun of the neighbours! We kept doing it the whole summer!

By #201583 at 24,Dec,11 09:01
Early 1997

By #174977 at 24,Dec,11 07:14
I was 18!

By slipper at 24,Dec,11 04:52 other posts of slipper 
Mid 60's here and haven't had the chance since I was in my early teens when I had the chance. But, then it never seemed to occur to any of us (a couple of friends and myself) I guess, since none of us did so.

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