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Top or Bottom

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Started by #242954 at 26,Apr,12 03:41
Are you a top or a bottom?

Similar topics: 1.Help Guys   2.Top or bottom?   3.Hey Guys, Mainly Tops   4.gays, which one do you prefer?   5.Strictly bottom suckers and cock size  

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By #566722 at 08,Sep,18 16:58
For my first time I would like to try both.First top and then I would let a that guy fuck me too and be a bottom.

By Michael19 at 19,Aug,18 20:38 other posts of Michael19 
I'm mainly a top but I can take one up my ass too

By #533479 at 19,Aug,18 15:05
I'm not sure - maybe you can tell me [deleted image]

By shavedpubis at 15,Aug,18 02:54 other posts of shavedpubis 

By raybo36 at 12,Aug,18 22:38 other posts of raybo36 
I was wondering if the size of a guys dick plays a role in whether he is a top or a bottom. Is it preferable that a guy with a big dick be a top or vice versa?
Also having said that, do you think I would make a better top or bottom?
By cumjohn at 13,Aug,18 08:56 other posts of cumjohn 
Actually there are bottoms with bick dicks. I have dominated once that kind of guy. His dick was about 22cm. Im mostly top and my dick is "only" 15cm.

By andrew999999999 at 14,Aug,18 17:12 other posts of andrew999999999 
I'm a top mostly, and have fucked guys with small dicks, but I've also been fucked by guys with below average dicks.

By joyraja at 14,Aug,18 07:59 other posts of joyraja 
bisex, top

By arabmejo at 13,Aug,18 17:46 other posts of arabmejo 
I'm bisexual. Bottom I prefer 💘

By cumjohn at 12,Aug,18 14:47 other posts of cumjohn 
Used to be versatile btm, but now im versatile top.

By #496187 at 12,Aug,18 12:59
I’ve always been top and love it but really, really want to try bottom so any tops here in the UK - esp London- please feel free to get in touch. Tight Virgin bottom available.

By #476377 at 12,Aug,18 10:03
Started as a top, but mostly a bottom these days.

By bikev at 12,Aug,18 07:05 other posts of bikev 
100% Bottom and available.

By onthelose at 11,Aug,18 21:12 other posts of onthelose 
I don't know for, sure lets just do it for awhile and let me figure this out. Might take a while to know what I like .

By #544423 at 11,Aug,18 15:59
top. i love bein the one doing the fucking. tho i love a finger in my ass or havin a cock dipped in slightly too

By Nottsplaymate at 10,Aug,18 19:04 other posts of Nottsplaymate 

By #529150 at 10,Aug,18 14:31
96.99999% a top. I really do enjoy a cock sliding in my crack though especially if it’s wet with pre-cum and or cum! I do like my hole poked at while this is going on.

By #294721 at 09,Aug,18 00:34
Depends on my mood. I enjoy both

By Smoothie71 at 08,Aug,18 13:38 other posts of Smoothie71 
Mainly bottom

By #536019 at 08,Aug,18 10:49
Both, but prefer to be a submissive bottom.

[deleted image]

By up-for-it at 08,Aug,18 08:11 other posts of up-for-it 
Both, i just don't want to miss anything!

By #516354 at 08,Aug,18 04:01

By #561335 at 08,Aug,18 02:22
I am a bottom little whore I love dick it my favourite thing I love taking men's dicks

By #543035 at 11,Oct,17 07:18
I'm both. Fuck and be fucked. Hard.

By Nottsplaymate at 08,Oct,17 11:01 other posts of Nottsplaymate 

By #443738 at 08,Oct,17 09:44

By #535417 at 01,Oct,17 16:49
i 100% a bottom slut I am a submassive whore I love getting my ass fucked hard

By #62846 at 01,Oct,17 11:10
bottom only

By #536760 at 01,Oct,17 07:38
Depends if I'm sleepy.

By #449168 at 01,Oct,17 00:07
I prefer bottom

By MrBone at 30,Sep,17 23:45 other posts of MrBone 
Top, but I like my ass hole fingered.

By What-once-was at 30,Sep,17 19:58 other posts of What-once-was 
I'm a bit of both but enjoy being top more

By TinyLittleGuy at 30,Sep,17 19:44 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
I have to be on top , my dick is really small and can only get it in on top , if on the bottom there isn’t much to ride and it always falls out

By cumaddik at 30,Sep,17 16:10 other posts of cumaddik 
100% submissive bottom just love it so much!
By #513635 at 30,Sep,17 18:57
Mmmmmm me too

By andrew999999999 at 14,Aug,17 20:15 other posts of andrew999999999 
I had my first gay experience about 8 years ago, which was 69ing, and I was a strict top for about 5 years. That changed when I was fucked for the first time about 3 years ago. I'm still mostly a top, and enjoy it more, but with the right guy with a good sized cock, being a bottom can be great too.

By #435701 at 14,Aug,17 17:20
Is it just me or do there seem to be many more bottoms than tops?? Everywhere I look @ sex ads for men, seems to be the case.

By bigone21 at 27,Apr,12 22:53 other posts of bigone21 
first: what is the defenition of top/bottom?

my defenition is:

TOP: the deep desire to fuck and being in control;

BOTTOM: the deep desire to BE fucked and to BE controlled.

(open for discussion!)
By bigone21 at 27,Apr,12 23:01 other posts of bigone21 
in my own defenition i'm top, and being fucked is "not my thang"

yet, assplay, even heavy assplay and fisting, i like BOTH ways! but even than, i still have control. i may coach the other to where i want it to go..!

By #204766 at 30,Jan,15 13:14

By #516354 at 13,Aug,17 09:49
Although my first gay experiences were as a top(see blogs on profile)I now class myself as a bottom.When I married my ex wife we got into B.D.S.M. and I ended up as her submissive.On the advice of some people we used to cam with on another site she purchased some dildos and a butt plug to use on me.It was not so much the 'deep desire to be fucked' as you say bigone21 but more the desire to please her as my Mistress.As was the desire to please her when she invited a Master to our house to give her some lessons(blog on profile).When the Master asked her if he could fuck me I could of used my 'safe word' and said no but I let him.Again I wanted to please her and it was not the desire to be fucked.

By #536462 at 13,Aug,17 06:53

By #204766 at 30,Jan,15 13:15
Bit of both but mainly a bottom

By foreskinlover52 at 30,Jan,15 11:44 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I like being a bottom..I enjoy haveing a cock deep inside my ass giving so much pleasure for a top!

By #482690 at 29,Jan,15 01:40
I like being a bottom

By #249167 at 27,Apr,12 10:52
About 70% bottom. Love the feeling of a knob in me, but also like to be in a sexy ass

By #225670 at 27,Apr,12 01:59

By #181785 at 27,Apr,12 01:54
Top with the ladies Bottom for the guys

By gradurgaur at 27,Apr,12 00:08 other posts of gradurgaur 
both i love to feel cock in my ass and feel my cock in hot ass

By #254088 at 26,Apr,12 14:44
Top w/ my gf, bottom with guys
By #240539 at 26,Apr,12 22:35
same with my gf, bottom with guys...good to meet ya!

By Ray10754 at 26,Apr,12 09:29 other posts of Ray10754 
Bottom here although I have topped a few times

By #220845 at 26,Apr,12 09:09
If I choose one Bttm. But I have been a top many times

By #187578 at 26,Apr,12 07:46

By #190275 at 26,Apr,12 03:46

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