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Started by #256856 at 30,Apr,12 06:30
most of the time observed so many fake profiles & the other day it's deleted. Why don't all the permanent members( like cum4steffi, johns, luvmyclit) make a group & discuss various topics which will be fruitful. What's the meaning of the discussion on a deleted member's topic.

Similar topics: 1.Friends of Cum4Steffi   2.Negative comments.   3.Things discussed in the S.A.S. group this week.   4.Lonewolf is not alone anymore... changing member name   5.What's sexy about pissing?  

New Comment

By #5532 at 01,May,12 05:06
Sometimes quickly deleted people do manage to post a topic that is worth commenting on. More so than some of the "rate my cock, would you such my cock, do you swallow, would you fuck a penguin,,,,etc".. . Just let folks post and the topic either lives or it dies. Nobody is forced to read them or to respond to them.
By #89828 at 01,May,12 18:39
Wait! There was a "would you fuck a penguin?" thread?! Damn...SO sorry I missed that one...
By #143536 at 03,May,12 15:27

By #81191 at 03,May,12 14:24
excellant discussion here from a deleted member /forum/thread.php?id=1140&p=1

By bella! at 30,Apr,12 22:27 other posts of bella! 
The only issue I really have with the dicussion forum is the so many of the "new" discussions are basically the same. How many guess the size of my dick *or* rate my cock and I will rate yours *or* would you fuck me topics should we have going? One member suggested that a member opening a new forum discussion be charged points. joystick, there are so many members with diverse backgrounds coming from all over this world, I bet that there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be shared. You're right, we need better topics of discussions rather than the lame matters....
By bigone21 at 30,Apr,12 22:59 other posts of bigone21 
yes bella! and the one that suggested to opening a new thread be charged points was me. and the thread was down in a few hours, because 40 people asked, am i big, want to fuck me, show your .... page 2 and forgotten!

but YOU saw it!!

By #81191 at 30,Apr,12 09:58
A dicussion on a deleted members topic could be fruitful unless its on the lines of remarks about his dick. Depends on the topic

Adult Discussion Forum