| The quality of SYD and SYC photos is head and shoulders above that seen on most other post-yourself-naked sites and newsgroups. This is primarily for the newbies to assist in maintaining the level of quality.
Basic photo tips:
? Avoid cell phone pics if possible. Even the best ones are of low quality, because phones aren't designed to be cameras.
? An image size of 640 x 480 (480 x 640 if vertical) is a good minimum size. Smaller ones tend to be difficult for seeing detail. The bigger the better, with one stipulation.
? Very large images that look quite good in the reduced size can look like shit in full size if they are grainy or a bit out of focus. Look at them on the computer before posting them. If they're fuzzy or grainy, it would be worth reducing their size by half to reduce the imperfections.
? Unless dark images are for artistic purposes, e.g., silhouette shots, they detract from the subject of the pic. If your dick or pussy can't be seen, why post it?
? Digital cameras are like computers: they don't do what you want them to do, but only what you tell them them to do. Here are some things to consider.
? Shooting against a bright background, such as a window on a sunny day, may result in a dark foreground object. Digicams tend to adjust for brightness based on the average of the entire image, and the bright areas tend to dominate. Many cameras have a metering method setting for using center-weighted or spot metering rather than the whole image, to allow concentrating on the brightness of your glorious boner rather than the window.
? Although the light that you are in might be considerably less than the brightness of the background, the automatic flash might not fire because of the background light. The camera might have a setting to fire the flash every time. If not, move to another position to avoid the background's effect.
? In normal mode, the minimum distance for sharp focus is typically a couple of feet. For tight close-ups, switch to macro mode. One of the menu buttons will have a small flower icon that allows autofocusing to within a few inches. Expensive cameras such as Nikon and Ricoh can focus to within an inch of the subject, although they're overkill for genitalia shots.
? The tradeoff in macro mode is the great reduction in the depth-of-field. Only a small range of distance will be in sharp focus, with everything else out of focus. This is most likely to be irrelevant when you're recording for posterity the fine details of your cock or clit, but one should be aware of it. And don't forget to close macro mode before taking longer-range shots (turning off the camera does that automatically).
? A cheap tripod can make a world of difference in image quality, since it avoids degradation caused by involuntary muscle activity when hand-holding the camera.
? A tripod also allows using the timer function that delays the shot for at least a couple of seconds, thus eliminating the camera shake caused by pressing the shutter button. On a ten-second delay, you can move away from it and arrange yourself for maximum erotic effect. :-)
? Autofocus is imperfect. If you're not within the AF zone, you'll get a perfectly-focused background and fuzzy family jewels, especially if your body is fairly close to the lens. Best bet: experiment to see where you have to be in the image to have yourself in focus rather than whatever is in the background.
? When you have your prized photos safely transferred to the computer, it would be worth examining them and maximizing them for posting so that we horny bastards will be whacking the willy to the best of shots. An excellent program is Irfanview ( www(dot)irfanview(dot)com ), the Swiss Army knife of freeware image manipulation and processing utilities. You can correct brightness, contrast, saturation, color balance, gamma and sharpness (corrects slightly-out-of-focus shots). You can add effects if desired. You can resize the image, crop it, rotate it, do horizontal and vertical flips, and save it in a lot of different formats.
? When you're satisfied, post your shots and let the world rejoice in your magnificent genitalia. |
I'll bookmark this topic for reference so I can read it
time and time again. Thanks!
Can you differentiate my photos taken from mobile phone taken with SLR?
Your pix are nice,..well lit and sharply focussed but have been downsized to go on the site...read the legend along the top edge to see how much. When you compare to pix made with bigger sensors you can easily see the difference....
.....That's not to denigrate your nice pix!
It really depends on what size screen (or TV) you are using to view the pix.
-10 points - image m2xnyxh4clig was in a wrong category - Feb 1, 18:25
-10 points - image fqj69zv6j6ri was in a wrong category - Feb 1, 18:25
I chose "normal dicks, main".
Can someone tell me which category I should have chosen?
Normal Dicks (Main)
Misc: blowjobs, penetrations, panties, body, etc.
Cock measuring
Pierced Dicks
Tortured Dicks
Modified Dicks
Cock Art
Pussies (Main)
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Use the light from incandescent bulbs(your regular house lamps). Incandescent light will give a nice warm look to your subject, and also impart a nice 'tan' look to your skin. Pictures of cum against your skin will look delicious in incandescent light; in flash or flourescent light, the cum won't show as well and your skin will appear very pale.
I you use "your regular house lamps" it will depend on their actual colour 'temperature' and the colour balance setting on the camera whether you do get a "nice tan" or a sickly yellow caste,..try to set the camera to 'auto-white balbnce' or 'AWB'. Alternatively, give it a test and adjust white balance manually until you get nice colour balance.
When focussing digital cameras, either use something to focus on which you then substitute for your cock,..or, use a mirror behind the camrera and half press the shutter button to make sure of the focus before taking the shot.
Try not to use the camera flash as it tends to make a bland result,...available light from windows etc will make a much better pic.