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are guys better at sucking cock and women beter at giving oral to women

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Started by #280873 at 21,Jul,12 09:24
OK everyone just thought I'd se what you're opinion or personal experience I can't comment for the ladies but I think its all down to experience and how its done what do u think guys can another guy suck cock better than a lady and can a lady give a lady better oral than a guy can

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New Comment

By SluttySarah069 at 02,Dec,24 15:56 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Women don't seem to have much of a clue about either wanking or sucking a guy off - I always prefer a guy for cock fun.

however, I've always managed to give the women great oral - but they may not know any better as I don't think any of them were lesbians.

By Allalexallday at 02,Dec,24 01:59 other posts of Allalexallday 
Guy suck cock better hand down. Every guy that has sucked me off deep throated me and most swallow cuz the love a creamy hot load

By Jamie at 25,Aug,24 00:13 other posts of Jamie 
Haven't been suck for few years when I was young like 16 a older man suck me all the time he paid me all the time he suck my cock..when I got married I wanted my wife to suck me she try but hated. So yes guys suck cocks better..

By nekekal at 24,Aug,24 22:54 other posts of nekekal 
From my experience, guys suck cock better than women. Men suck cock because they want to. Women suck cock because they cannot figure out how not to. Loving your job makes all of the difference in the world.

By thicknsmooth at 24,Aug,24 02:01 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Well coming from someone who has had my cock sucked since I was a young boy I would have to say that the guys do it much better they worship the cock

By #436014 at 07,Nov,13 03:23
let's just put it this way, the best cocksuckers in the world are probably gay men, the best pussyeaters are probably lesbians. but those are only statistical averages!

By #59855 at 25,Jul,12 18:28
From Matt's Wife: There is nothing logical about this thought process. It shows a lack of education.

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