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jacking of with friend

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Started by #288576 at 01,Aug,12 00:03
Have you ever had "help" jacking from say a friend ect. Share the experiance

Similar topics: 1.Jack off   2.Need help!!! I want to know how to make jacking off better   3.jacking off outside?   4.Who else likes sniffing their asshole while jacking?   5.Jacking off to yourself?  

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By #303909 at 19,Jan,13 08:05
How I miss the good old days... I still get jerked off by my boyfriend but it was great when I did it with a straight friend.

By #299180 at 22,Oct,12 17:40
Although I am a gay male I have several straight friends that come over and we have group wanks together. I've always wanted to cross the boundary and touch their cocks but I figure when they are ready they'll let me know.

By #144674 at 20,Oct,12 08:44
69yr old & still have mutual

By pablo37 at 17,Oct,12 17:28 other posts of pablo37 
O sure miss having a fuck buddy sigh....still lookin

By iluvcox at 16,Oct,12 05:07 other posts of iluvcox 
I watched a porno with a friend once and he pulled it out and jacked off in front of me. After thinking about it all the next day I invited him over .He pulled it out again but this time I sucked him off until he came.

By #305812 at 12,Oct,12 00:32
Numerous times. I cant remember every man I have jacked off but I would guess its around 20 plus. I started jacking other men/boys when I was in my teens.

By Ablaze at 11,Oct,12 21:14 other posts of Ablaze 
Many times. I love it.

By #291618 at 11,Oct,12 20:32
No i never helped a frien nor a friend helped me but it sounds like fun i wish i could have triied it when i was on highschool i just wanked with a friend like 6 times but just watched each other
By #308072 at 11,Oct,12 20:33
I'm telling you that you sure as hell misses out.
By #291618 at 11,Oct,12 20:48

By #220845 at 28,Sep,12 23:08
When I was about 13 vacationing in Colorado my cousin and I enjoyed each other daily. I still think about it.

By #305812 at 28,Sep,12 17:56
It happened about 10 years ago. A friend was staying over for the night. We were watching a porn dvd and we both got a little heated and pulled our pants off and masterbated each other. A few months later we fucked each other in the ass and sucked one another too.

By Arlo at 08,Aug,12 13:16 other posts of Arlo 
Minnesota here--loved to jack off with friends as a ****. Would like to do it again--discreetly. Anyone?

By #64328 at 03,Aug,12 19:06
Yes, Growing up I had several buddies that were as horny as I was and Jacking off together was a great sexual release. Very exciting times and I have fond memories of those times. I would have to believe many boys did and those that didnt im sure at least thought about it.

By #220845 at 02,Aug,12 08:31
Love to reflect on those times

By #261269 at 02,Aug,12 03:02
Haven't had one for over30 yrs. woudlike a discreet one now

By slipper at 01,Aug,12 21:18 other posts of slipper 
When in jrhigh I did a couple buds the same age. I found it interesting and enjoyed the feel in my hand. Each was notibly different from my own, one much larger and the other quite small. For some reason I declined their offers to do me, in return. I found it interesting to do them, but somewhat disappointing since I'd have loved to do another uncut... but, alas, mine was the only one around at the time.

Jack ON!!!

By spermkiss at 01,Aug,12 06:17 other posts of spermkiss 
Who hasn't? Most guys do this sometime druing childhood or adolescence. It's part of growing up.

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