Started by Bguy90 at 09,Oct,12 02:40  other posts of Bguy90
Similar topics: 1.Jack off 2.Jacking off for 60 minutes+ 3.jacking off outside? 4.Jacking off to yourself? 5.Anyone else jack off to videos/pics of themselves naked/jacking off? New CommentComments: |
Yeah, I agree with you. You should see him in a bra.
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Ladies and gentlemen, doesn't that picture make your private parts get all tingly?
Looks like something went horribly wrong! Someone page the Site Medical Officer!!
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If you don't have or want a vibrator you can just rub little circles around that spot, on the ferenilim just at the bottom of your dick. Very good cum too but different. You'll get super hard and start throbbing with pleasure before exploding. You don't want lube for either.
The longer you go before cumming the better it'll be. I'd been at it for about an hour here while chatting and just browsing the site.
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I don't usually edge, which is going until you are about to cum then backing off. I usually try to stay on the plateau until I want to cum. It's easier this way, but edging is more exciting if you can resist going over.
Other things you can try are using butt plugs or dildos but that takes practice. If you want a bigger load drink a bunch of water an hour or 2 before you start so you are hydrated. If you are getting to the 30-45 minute mark take a break for a few, and have a Coke or coffee or something with caffeine in it as the caffeine helps improve blod flow a bit. An energy drink would probably be best now that I think of it. This will let your dick flush the blod that's been in there for a while and re-energize you to go longer. Don't drink more than 1 energy drink if you take a second break. Have water or a coke or tea or something.
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There will be a lot of spunking to these
Another way is to stand and put your fist on a flat surface at a suitable height and then fuck your fist keeping it fixed in position; rather than moving your fist up and down your cock.
This is the best way to masturbate.
The closest I've regularly cum to (an ex liked it when she was on her period) is apparently referred to as "hot-dogging"... (rubbing a weiner up and down between the buns)
As for pussy me if the girl can use them right it feel as good as being wanked off..
It is really fine to be in a three way with a guy who really enjoys anal penetration. I like to suck his cock while the other man fucks him. The dual stimulation of his prostate from the guy fucking him and my oral service to his dick will cause him to explode in a massive orgasm. A cocksucker's delight.
And this has nothing what-so-ever to do with sexual orientation. Take me, for example. I'm as gay as they come, but the pleasure I get from anal penetration is so slight that it is almost nonexistent. That's not to say that I haven't been fucked. I have, hundreds of times. If the guy is really hot, the knowledge that he is using my ass for his sexual pleasure is enormously rewarding. But the physical pleasure just isn't there.
On the other hand, I've fucked a lot of straight men in the ass who gave every outward indication that they were really enjoying it. A few even climaxed while I was doing it. Let me take that back, MOST climaxed while I was doing it, but they required some penis stimulation from their own hand or mine. A few climaxed WITHOUT penis stimulation.
You like anal stimulation and anal penetration. You can come very close to climax with toys you have manipulated yourself but just can't quite make it all the way. You have contemplated having an assistant wield the toy.
You have at least some interest in other men to the point that you'd be comfortable jacking off with another man. (Have you actually done this?) I conclude from this that you find it at least a little exciting to witness another man's climax and have him witness yours.
Before I go on, let me say that neither of these things necessarily means you're gay or bisexual. Roughly half of the male population gets at least some pleasure from anal stimulation/penetration, including a lot of straight men. And virtually all men like seeing other men's dicks and seeing other men climax. There is a reason that the ejaculation is called the "money shot" in porn, all porn, straight and gay. It's what the viewers are there to see.
Continuing, you claim to be open to many things and are always willing to try.
OK, let's put it all together. You very much want to experience a climax while being anally penetrated and stimulated. The best way to do this is to have a man mount you, penetrate you, stimulate you with his in and out stroking and at the same time stimulate himself to climax. The psychological boost of knowing that he is climaxing inside you very well might be all it takes to put you over the top.
But if you just cannot do this, probably the next best thing would be a lady with a strap on.
Two, do it in public. Knowing that others are watching and enjoying your pleasure along with you adds to your own pleasure.
I haven't got one but I am always tempted to buy
2. Sex is all in your head. Stimulate your grey matter to increase your pleasure.
Like this you mean?