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should i shave?

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Started by #216440 at 02,Aug,12 18:00
should i shave my pubic? any idea? thanks!

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question?   2.to people who shave   3.to shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ?   5.to shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By cumonme1 at 18,Oct,14 12:24 other posts of cumonme1 
yes yes yes

By CreativeOne at 05,Oct,14 13:20 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 05,Oct,14 16:18 other posts of 3fdfd 
Beautiful dick & great balls but I like you lots better hairy
By CreativeOne at 18,Oct,14 01:23 other posts of CreativeOne 
Thank You "3fdfd" ... Glad you like this shot !

By siona76 at 05,Oct,14 05:42 other posts of siona76 
I prefer shaved but it's your body. Do what you want.

By jayman73 at 05,Oct,14 05:26 other posts of jayman73 
I say yes. Give it a try. Shaved is great.

By bigone21 at 03,Oct,14 20:00 other posts of bigone21 
and the poster is gone before i could even say: "YES!!"

By #440920 at 03,Oct,14 05:46
Yeag shave it feels great
By spermkiss at 03,Oct,14 13:19 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree. Shaving his pubic region, indeed shaving his entire body from the neck down, is something every man should do at least once in his life.

By #288581 at 02,Aug,12 22:04
Yes get it shaved off

You will love it all smooth.

I shave all my body and have done for years.
Bald from the eyebrows down
By bradyD at 04,Aug,12 02:19 other posts of bradyD 
I second that. The best is right after a very close shave and you oil up a bit and it's just so smooth, you can't stop rubbing your hands all over it

By #62682 at 03,Aug,12 23:39
Yep! Get it all off, smooth as a snooker ball!

By #285812 at 02,Aug,12 22:12
No....just trim it up a little

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