It happened to me only once. I was at a nude beach lying in the sun with a gentle warm breeze blowing. As I lay there enjoying the atmosphere my dick started to twitch and before I knew it I had cum spewing from my dick! I wasn't even hard. Made a little bit of a mess.
All the time ! Sometimes..answering an email with an erotic message......with no erection at gushes out . MOST often though ,is with penetration ..extra rigid and long, the girth not as important ,for multiple hands,or erection .
Hell yes! Not very often and only in the right circumstances, but definitely yes. A few times while dressed, just by mental stimulation, through online chat. And more than a few times by touching or stroking an erotic area not my cock, typically my asshole or balls.
By #88520 at 07,Aug,15 20:13
Yeah my cock started pumping cum just from a girl blowing air along the head after she had teased me for way too long.
Haven't managed to pull that off by myself though
By #482836 at 07,Aug,15 13:16
Once, the first time I listened to that isabella valentine jackpot thing. Hasn't worked on subsequent attempts, although it does get me very very close, 2 or 3 strokes and I'm jizzing everywhere
I tried this, if I play until the point that I feel I'm close and let go, I can cum without my hand around my cock, but I can't actually cum without touching it at all
I did just once when my lady fucked me in the ass with a strapon dildo.
By #173969 at 20,Aug,12 07:00
I can squeeze my legs together and it moves my clit: )
By #64328 at 20,Aug,12 07:06
My girlfriend in High School could make herself cum by squeezing her legs together.. Totally Hot. Beautiful photo gallery by the way
By #291618 at 18,Aug,12 08:29
yeah specially when im reading a nice hot erotic tale u should try it u can feel like the main character
By #201155 at 13,Aug,12 11:46
Yes, if I use my prostate massager. It feels incredible. Almost too much to bear sometimes, knowing that you are almost a 'passenger' in the whole process, which occasionally feels like you'll never stop cumming
By #64328 at 13,Aug,12 09:01
I never was able too. I had a friend that could and I always thought it was amzing to watch. He called it doing pull ups. He would just keep flexing his dick and he could cum
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Haven't managed to pull that off by myself though