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Does anyone own a Fleshlight?

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Started by #54774 at 06,Sep,12 08:38
Has anyone got a fleshlight and if so which one. I'm wondering which is the best one to buy seeing as it is such an important purchase!

Similar topics: 1.should i buy a fleshlight ?   2.DIY fleshlight   3.fleshlight handsfree   4.Fleshlight.   5.Sharing your fleshlight with a buddy??  

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By #667453 at 03,Jun,22 22:31
I have yet to try one

By #303909 at 14,Oct,19 07:02
I have the ass fleshlight as well as the quickshot - different toys but equally nice, or rather great! Love them

By leopoldij at 13,Oct,19 23:02 other posts of leopoldij 
Real pussy is better than fleshlight.
Especially tight Asian one.
Check it out.

By onthelose at 26,Sep,19 04:43 other posts of onthelose 
I don't own a flesh light but I do own a pocket pussy. Its the same without the Cadillac price. It took some time to keep from Cumming right away . I had to practice and practice!!
By t-rex at 06,Oct,19 10:51 other posts of t-rex 
I have the same thing, and I had the same problem, lube that baby up, slip your cock in and the suction is amazing

By thebeewolf at 26,Sep,19 00:41 other posts of thebeewolf 
I've had two or three different ones over the years. The one I have right now is "ass in a can." They are all great. This one is just a little smaller than the traditional units. The one I'd really like to get is the Quickshot.

I think the real secret with all of these is how you use them. In my experience, there's a right way and a wrong way. The wrong way is to sit back (or lay on your back) and pump the Fleshlight up and down on your hard cock.

The right way is that you need to fuck it. Position it in a stationary location and fuck it with your hips going in and out. This is way better. I In fact it's so good I have to be careful not to go too deep on my thrusts lest I cum quicker than I wanted to.

By #536019 at 25,Sep,19 20:40
Not a Fleshlight, but I have a comparable masturbation toy called Tenga 3D. Smaller and less expensive than Fleshlight and comes in five varieties of texture for different degrees of stimulation. I have three of them and love edging for hours with them.

By Nicecockforyou at 25,Sep,19 19:55 other posts of Nicecockforyou 
I would enjoy trying one before I buy. They must feel good seems like every one has used one. Anyone giving lessons.

By #596639 at 25,Sep,19 18:56
I have 4 different inserts with different openings and insides. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with any of them. Very realistic feeling.

By leopoldij at 24,Mar,14 14:47 other posts of leopoldij 
I have one and my g/f uses it on me too.

By #136427 at 02,Feb,14 03:45
Wonder wave, abd I fuck it when the old.lady has a head ache

By xxx25 at 01,Feb,14 21:06 other posts of xxx25 
Photo of a middle leg from xxx25

By #119764 at 19,Aug,13 07:52
[deleted image] TENGA!

By skinb at 06,Dec,12 08:38 other posts of skinb 
I have two. They feel good, but its so much easier to use your hand. If you soak them it hot water its good, but a pain, and just cleaning and all is a hassle. So while they are great, I only use them every other month or so

By #134591 at 23,Sep,12 06:33
i have one and i love to fuck it. for example putting it between the bed's base and mattress makes for some good hard fun. but i do wish i instead bought one with a rough instead of smooth sleeve.

By xxx25 at 22,Sep,12 07:28 other posts of xxx25 
[deleted image]

This give me an exciting experience, believe me

By #268591 at 18,Sep,12 06:51
well I have two , one is standard the other is super tight , they are both fantastic , and both very different , yes you need to use a lot of lube , I also have a small male doll sex toy which is very very tight i blew my load straight away first time i put my dick inside . they are well worth the money in my opinion , and i think that they feel very different to the real thing mine are both asses

By #291618 at 10,Sep,12 19:59
Iv never tried one but i would like to try it just to variate a little from regular jo even tough i havent tried them i dont think it can feel like the real ones

By WristThick at 07,Sep,12 01:59 other posts of WristThick 
I have one and the vacuum pressure it creates is UNBELIEVABLE. Unlike a real pussy, which will adjust to my size over time, the Fleshlight doesn't, so it's super tight all the time. Those are the good things.

The bad things are that it sucks up lube like there's no tomorrow. Bigger guys will know what I'm talking about. That's the case with the real thing, the Fleshlight won't keep on getting wet like a girl will. That causes lots of problems for me because of my thickness.

I know there are all sorts of inserts and other options, but I'm too thick to take advantage of any of those things. If you're closer to average, then it should be just about perfect for you. Plus, there are now a bunch that are designed from various starlet pussies. I have the original, so they may be even tighter than what I have.

My 50 cents.
By *kmadeau* at 07,Sep,12 10:21 other posts of *kmadeau* 
ever mind, that why I never try it!

By steve8211 at 06,Sep,12 14:36 other posts of steve8211 
They are ok when you don't have the real thing.

By #277673 at 06,Sep,12 13:24
hmm, i really enjoy mine. Check out my vids to see how much. I got the Clear one. i like seeing my dick goin all the way up into it.

[deleted image]

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