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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #22008 at 17,Nov,09 22:55
This has become a" please look at me" site for wankers!I can't take any more.I want to say THANK YOU to those with whom I have shared pleasure and fun and an even bigger thank you to people like superhoop who became exteremely abusive about my very mild criticism of his PLEASELOOKATME pleading.I have better things to do than grind my teeth about inferiorority complexes.I will leave Site on Dec 1st after donating my 250 points to some of the REAL guys,straight,bi and gay that I've had so much online fun with!HASTA LA WANKA!!!

Similar topics: 1.DO YOU ATELL YOUR SPOUSE   2.Boring   3.going to delete my profile and leave this site   4.Women On This Site   5."LIX" and "AUSSIE" THEY WILL BE MISSED  

New Comment

By boy at 18,Nov,09 23:09 other posts of boy 
Many users have already left the side and on the other hand even more have joined, but none of them has made such a fuss about their leaving and even announced their leaving date. Why don't you just push that "delete all my pics and my profile" button? Why do you stay on this side until Dec.1st when you find it so boring?
Bye and have more fun somewhere else!
By #22008 at 19,Nov,09 18:54
So I can say goodbye to assholes like you.
By boy at 20,Nov,09 14:14 other posts of boy 
That's what I like about some of the guys on this site: They are polite and friendly and love communication on a highly sophisticated level (at least due to their own comments).

By #29566 at 18,Nov,09 10:40
I'm enjoying this site greatly, like a lot of things you get out of it what you want, yes the forum does seem to be a lot of look at me's but surely that's want we want on the site Dicks and Cunts etc to look at. You can pick and choose the forum topics that interest you, and of course you could start topics that you want to discuss.
By #22008 at 18,Nov,09 20:46
There used to be great discussions.Some of mine come back up from timme 2 time but the majority are just "advertising".There used to be quite a few long lasting discussions started by many people including me,but then the ""lookatmes" took over
By admin at 18,Nov,09 21:18 other posts of admin 
it does not take to be a math genius to see that "lookatme" topics are not even 20% of recent topics page...

Adult Discussion Forum