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who likes to have sex with guys 50+

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Started by #315350 at 07,Nov,12 00:03
If you like older guys,let's hear why.

Similar topics: 1.no one likes me   2.Rimming   3.Worship Men Who Want It   4.What turns you guys on?   5.My boyfriend  

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By botanic at 20,Nov,12 17:04 other posts of botanic 
I hope my wife does !

By #310864 at 20,Nov,12 14:01
older mature guys are the best, understanding, careing, skilled, horny and know how to fuck, a real turn on for me.

By #305812 at 12,Nov,12 22:10
I do and Im over 50 myself so if you live nearby yell at me and lets get together.

By #220845 at 12,Nov,12 18:25
I've enjoyed older guys since I was in my late twenties

By #252724 at 11,Nov,12 19:43
I like sex with men I can relate with,if they are sexual and older that's fine with me....

By bella! at 10,Nov,12 20:56 other posts of bella! 
What I would like to mention, men that are 50ish plus years of age seem to seek *women* half their age......

By t-rex at 10,Nov,12 12:39 other posts of t-rex 
I am in that age group, just contact me

By niginni at 10,Nov,12 10:00 other posts of niginni 
I had a friend who was 28 years older than me we had a lot of good times

By bikev at 09,Nov,12 12:42 other posts of bikev 
I much prefer an older top man. Especially if they have a nice cock and are on the larger size. Older men take more time when making love, its not all, in, shoot, out and away.

By #276278 at 09,Nov,12 07:34
i wanted to get topped by a dominant older man for my first time

By #242452 at 09,Nov,12 00:01
lol. I thought your topic meant "who likes to have sex with 50 or more guys"

By #11431 at 08,Nov,12 16:49
When you are my age , it becomes the norm, but then again I have always preferred older men.

By #147052 at 07,Nov,12 14:53
I like older men. They seem to have their heads screwed on straight and are not into playing games. They take is slow and easy and give you their complete attention.

By #293865 at 07,Nov,12 13:42
yeah Mike meet up with me somewhere lets get it on babe

Adult Discussion Forum