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Prefered places for masturbating

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Started by #323075 at 11,Jan,13 05:16
Do you have prefered places for masturbating? And do you have special technisier?

Similar topics: 1.Jerkin in public places??????????   2.Beating off in risky places   3.Masturbating in odd places   4.Have you ever masturbated next to someone sleeping?   5.Where was the last odd or semi public place that you masturbated?  

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By leopoldij at 14,May,20 05:14 other posts of leopoldij 
The best place to masturbate is next to a woman who's also masturbating!
Try it, if you haven't, and you'll never want to masturbate anywhere else.
By Lvphose at 28,May,20 20:37 other posts of Lvphose 
I second that!
By leopoldij at 28,May,20 22:40 other posts of leopoldij 

By t-rex at 11,May,24 03:07 other posts of t-rex 
I’ve done this a few times, they have all loved it, and were very turned on

By BigDaddy132 at 02,May,24 00:37 other posts of BigDaddy132 
My backyard is really dark and fenced in with a lot of trees. I love going out late at night naked except for a bathrobe. I find a spot in the darkest part of the yard and put s chair there. I absolutely love to be completely naked outside so off comes the robe and i start jacking my cock. When that first gov of hot cum erupts and it starts spilling out of the head and running down my shaft and on to my balls I have to stop myself from moaning.

By #711401 at 27,Apr,24 07:10
At home. wanking in my armchair while other guys watch.

By johndoe at 24,Jun,20 15:58 other posts of johndoe 
I like the shower but last week I found a wooded place out of sight with a small clearing and the sun on my skin where I took a picture of myself completely naked I was excited but I did not go any further I promised myself to do it there during the summer ... to follow

By #522791 at 23,May,20 21:42
I love hiking thru the woods, finding a nice sunny spot to lay a blanket down on...I'd get naked cover myself in oil, lay down break out the lube and phone and put some porn on...I love edging in the summer sun, course i get to tan as well

By #463848 at 23,May,20 13:01
When I was younger, anywhere would do. Now it is mainly at my desk/PC or sitting in front of the log fire.

By #582040 at 16,May,20 17:55
Semi public places, outside, or hotel window shows are my faves. I enjoy long edging sessions when possible and the riskier the better. I once slid down my shorts and stroked cock with my stepdaughter sitting 20 away. The incidental and acedental flashes are great too. I have stroked cock naked in my house standing in the window or doorway a lot and have been seen many times. 2 times were less than desirable tho. Outside I try and keep enough distance not to make anyone feel threatened.

By #536019 at 13,May,20 17:03
I'm old and boring these days. I masturbate in my home study, watching porn pics and videos, and stroking my 4-inch boner with a fleshlight-style toy.

[deleted image]

By Nevermore at 13,May,20 14:28 other posts of Nevermore 
Onto their face

By #64328 at 10,May,20 17:04
Secretly masturbating in Odd, risky and semi public places has always been a major turn on for me. Been doing it since I first started and still do it today. I could write a list of 100s of places that I've done it.

By CreativeOne at 04,May,13 00:25 other posts of CreativeOne 
I do it outside quite often when I'm on outdoor hikes ! I get so turned on when I go hiking on a really great warm sunny day ! You know what they say ... "If it feels good ... Do it" !!!
By #359325 at 04,May,13 00:47
I agree as well.

By #164428 at 04,May,13 01:27
OMG. I wish I was with you. And I wish I could catch the cum in my mouth. And I wish I was jerking you. And I wish we could lie down in the grass and make hot, sexy love. I wish a lot!
By CreativeOne at 13,May,13 01:35 other posts of CreativeOne 
Mmmmmm .... I love the way you think Miss Steffi !

By #201155 at 15,May,13 07:53
Me too!

By 3fdfd at 10,May,20 03:03 other posts of 3fdfd 
Well come on down & visit me and we can go for a walk in the woods.

By 3fdfd at 10,May,20 03:01 other posts of 3fdfd 
Normally on my bed - looking at a cock on my Kindle. Often in computer chair looking at a cock on the computer. The bed is more comfortable, so I usually do it there.

By #616943 at 10,May,20 00:56
My locked bedroom, or hotel room.

By DeepThroatThis at 15,May,13 14:30 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
usually in the shower

By #326485 at 13,May,13 05:47
Where ever I am when the mood strikes me and I can get away with it. Getting old now, so I need to get some extra stimulation at times and I need a lot of time. That limits me to in front of the computer when the wife is asleep.
By #261269 at 15,May,13 03:40
Me too

By #8222 at 05,May,13 17:29
I like to inside a vagina when I can
By #289712 at 13,May,13 04:32
Yeah that's my preferred method of masturbation haha

By #291618 at 13,May,13 04:02
my room on my bed

By #289712 at 10,May,13 14:20
In bed in the morning most days or at night propped up on the side of my bed watching porn on my pc.. Its always best in the morning, feels so damn good, great start to the day!!

By jackie at 10,May,13 04:56 other posts of jackie 
I do inside the toilet and bathroom

By #378662 at 09,May,13 21:36
Definatly bus and train in mornings, i cum on girls hair n coats lol
By bella! at 09,May,13 21:50 other posts of bella! 
LOL! For sure! In the morning, on the bus or train and on the hair or clothing of a female passenger? That's so funny! I bet if it were me, I guarantee you that your coworkers would wonder who put the "beat down" on you!

By #285354 at 05,May,13 00:09
I love to mix it up indoors and outdoors. Love the sensation in water.
By #201155 at 05,May,13 18:42
I did it in a friend's hot tub once. On my own, sadly. (His wife is VERY hot...)

By #64328 at 04,May,13 19:57
Secretly masturbating in semi public places has always added to my enjoyment

By #365932 at 04,May,13 13:59
I have done it in the jacuzzi of a hotel when on my own.
Slipped my swimsuit off and positioned my cock so a jet
stimulated the sensitive area. this brought me off. it was lovely.
By #201155 at 04,May,13 15:44
I did that in a friend's hot tub once. (Also on my own, sadly.) It was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had

By #220845 at 11,Jan,13 18:18
Living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, xxx theater, to name a few.

By #323075 at 11,Jan,13 09:54
I like to do it with a waterjet in the whirlpool of Public Bath. So I come without the help of my hands. Interestingly my cock doesnt become hard thereby and no ejaculation occurs. It occurs only a lot of precum and a super orgasm. Do anyone observe similiar?

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