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Anyone had sex with a dead body?

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Started by #6568 at 17,Dec,09 10:39
I don't find this an attractive idea,'s just that with so many perverts turning up here I was wondering if this site had achieved the ultimate depravity of the necrophiliacs joining yet....

Similar topics: 1.About sex with dead body.   2.How do you think of your body ?   3.Great dry skin remedy.   4.Game of Thrones   5.Don't confuse "I want to fuck you"...  

New Comment

By #621517 at 05,Sep,20 20:04
No, but sex with some people feels like that.

By nekekal at 05,Sep,20 19:54 other posts of nekekal 
My wife is alive, the last I checked anyway, but fucking her was like fucking a dead person. She just laid there, didn't even spread her legs or grunt once in a while.

By #22068 at 10,Jan,10 22:05
Yeah! I've tried necrophilia, bestiality and flagulation...but I gave it up as was flogging a dead horse!
By #23212 at 09,Jun,10 03:09
"Flagulation"? Is that masturbating with a (insert country name here) flag?
By MoeJoe at 09,Jun,10 14:55 other posts of MoeJoe 
Hmmmmm...maybe he meant flatulation......?
By #23212 at 10,Jun,10 01:08
Oh that's right, "dead horse" meat gives lots of gas.
By #24286 at 15,Jun,10 22:38
By #23212 at 17,Jun,10 01:42
Oh, that makes sense--flogging with a flag!

By leopoldij at 05,Sep,20 15:35 other posts of leopoldij 

By DJS at 30,Dec,13 21:41 other posts of DJS 
Whistle you come across as a intellectual person OB,ive read alot off your comments,& i agree with your post on this(seem there is more perverts/sad fkers turning up on here)And going by some of the responses on your post,I wonder if the same people would have the same responses,if it was a member of their family..wife/mother/father/daughter/son/gran-parents..
There as been cases recent on this matter in europe,& even worst women in coma,s..were some fker has had sex with them,
If these sad fkers cant respect the living they will never respect the dead..But a old English saying it would only take 25p worth off brass to stop it

By MoeJoe at 18,Jun,10 18:14 other posts of MoeJoe 
I would rather have sex with a dead body, than watch a soccer match...........ROFL
By slipper at 23,Jun,10 00:25 other posts of slipper 
...or football, or baseball, or...

By DJS at 30,Dec,13 21:12 other posts of DJS 
Seems your from the USA(calling it soccer)

By slipper at 23,Jun,10 00:24 other posts of slipper 
"No... but, I'm willing to learn." (from: "Stripes")

By #67104 at 18,Jun,10 03:26
this is the most fucked up question i have ever read on the forum. i wonder why you would even post this. this post should be deleted cause necrophilia is the grossest shit ever, and your fucked up for even posting this question. im really not an asshole, and i dont usually respond to weird posts, but why would you post this, fucking weird!!!! i dont know u and i dont judge people, but wow was i surprised 2 c this in the forum.
By #6568 at 18,Jun,10 07:11
Well perhaps you could go back to the beginning of the topic and, er, what/why I posted it! You will see that I did NOT post this topic casually or to be amusing or 'grosse'...there were very real reasons why I posed this question and they are even more apposite to the future of this site now......

By #10886 at 17,Dec,09 11:34
....wonders if first wife qualifies?
By fancyabit at 17,Jun,10 02:25 other posts of fancyabit 

By #24286 at 12,Jun,10 23:47
Is irony missed by most folk on here?
By #23212 at 17,Jun,10 01:44
It may be, but most certainly not for some of use here?there are some rather ironically funny comments posted on this topic, IMHO.

By #30090 at 16,Jun,10 04:11
cold ethyl -Alice Cooper

By #23212 at 19,Dec,09 08:51
While I also find the thought of this very repulsive, in the spirit started here by oldbugle, I would ask, isn't this just another 'victimless crime', like illegal poker games and such? (Now please don't start in about 'unwilling participants' or we'll really go nuts.)
By #39904 at 19,Dec,09 17:44
I think that it would be very wrong to play illegal poker with dead people, too!
By #23212 at 07,Jan,10 06:32
Yes, I guess you're right. A 'weighted' game is not a fair game, and, 'dead weight' really tilts the odds! So, are you also saying therefore, that "sex with a dead body", which apparently 'victimizes' no one is OK, as long as there is no gambling and cheating?

By #16649 at 19,Dec,09 20:12
Here's a "word" for you. Sarchasm, the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
By #6568 at 20,Dec,09 11:01
....Going to remember this for future use!...thanks!

By #18580 at 18,Dec,09 12:02
you must have had a fucked up childhood bugle,,,,somethings fucked up in your head to even think of a question like that,,,,,what a idiot
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 13:34
....I think you mean "what AN idiot"......but presumably this is just evidence that your childhood was even more "fucked up" than mine........Sorry if this topic was more than you can stomach but a similar feeling about so much stuff on this site caused me to make the point, although perhaps my sarcasm was a bridge too far for people such as yourself.

By slipper at 19,Dec,09 22:07 other posts of slipper 
"...a idiot"

By #11431 at 17,Dec,09 15:18
I have had a few men who may as well have been !
By #15347 at 18,Dec,09 10:32
By #11431 at 18,Dec,09 17:06
well you know what I mean .. mind you judging from your excellent tackle , that would NOT be the impression you would leave on a lady !

By #23508 at 18,Dec,09 00:51
Do you seriously expect some one to admit getting it on with a corpse, jeeze what a question to ask
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 10:21
Well, in view of some of the stuff thats turned up here lately I think it may only be a matter of time......
By #23508 at 18,Dec,09 15:49
Too true Mr O I honestly think in this day and age the boundaries of depravity are being stretched every day someone somewhere is trying new and bizarre ways of feeding their sexual appetite like slicing their bell end down the middle (I don't see the point myself but...), so necrophiliacs are just another one of those groups that exist out there and if they appear it will be time to zip up my fly and move on but until then LETS HAVE FUN

By #14216 at 17,Dec,09 17:37
What an odd and macabre thought. You're not called Norman Bates by any chance???!!!!
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 10:24

By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 14:01
Actually, I have more in common with 'Blaster Bates'....remember him?

By #21910 at 17,Dec,09 23:16
That's on my Things-To-Do list right below pouring molten glass into my pee-hole. But...

Two men camping in the mountains had spent four days together, and they were getting a little testy. One morning, the first friend says, "You know, we're starting to get on each other's nerves. Why don't we split up today. I'll hike north and spend the day looking around, you hike south and do the same. Tonight, we'll have dinner and share our experiences over the campfire." The second friend agrees and hikes south. The first man hikes north.

That night over dinner, the first man tells his story.

"Today I hiked into a beautiful valley over the next ridge. I followed a stream up into a canyon and ate lunch. Then I swam in a crystal clear mountain lake with large trout jumping all around. As I sat on the bank and dried in the sun, I watched deer come and drink from the stream. The wildflowers were filled with butterflies and hawks floated and swooped all day overhead. How was your day?"

The second friend says, "I went south and ran across a set of railroad tracks. I followed them until I came across a beautiful young woman with long legs and creamy skin, tied to the tracks. I cut the ropes off, gently lifted her off the tracks, and we did it in every imaginable way all afternoon. Finally, when I was so tired I could barely move, I came back to camp."

"Wow!" the first guy exclaimed, "Your day was MUCH better than mine. Did you get a BJ, too?"

"Nah," says the second friend over his meal, "I couldn't find her head."
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 10:23
Good one!....I note you understood the attitude of sacrcasm in which I made this topic.....unlike some here!

By #39904 at 18,Dec,09 02:35
What I find interesting is that you view necrophillia as the "ultimate depravity". (Not saying that I think sex with the dead is in any way an exceptable practice!). I think that sex with children or rape are more in the ultimate depravity range. Don't we all have our own take on what the worst of the worst is? After all, some folk think that guys who take pics of their dicks and post them for others to see are pretty perverted, too!( prob with that on my part. Love to see those cocks, guys!)
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 10:20
Yes, I agree with all that.....

By slipper at 18,Dec,09 06:37 other posts of slipper 
You mean stopping off for a cool one?

By #7976 at 17,Dec,09 23:36
Although my first wife could have qualified the month before we were divorced, NO, NO, NO! And, just to be sure it's said, this is a discusting question outside an accademic setting.

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