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Is this site a total waste for straight guys...

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Started by #12547 at 19,Dec,09 13:22
Seriously, if you are straight, and just looking to chat, swap pics and the like, is this site a waste of time?? Seems like I dedicate a goodly amount of time posting pics, trying to chat, filling requests, being friends, and nothing. After months of work, not one single regularly writing "friend". Am I doing something wrong, or am I expecting too much??

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By #24308 at 09,Jan,13 02:14
just wait no harm if your looking for pussy it will take longer that getting cock play

By #7976 at 09,Jan,13 01:11
You're not doing anything wrong and yes, you are expecting too much - sadly. I have had the privilege of meeting some really interesting and lovely women here however, they usually don't stay too long. A year or two at most. At the moment, there isn't anyone, male or female, that has made a serious effort to be friends but I am meeting some good people from time-to-time.

For the most part, people are here for the titillatory sensation is provides. The chance to step away from reality and enjoy an unfiltered experience that goes far beyond anything they can experience publically. For that reason, the majority of females on the site are in it for the short term, and aren't looking to make long term, committed relationships here, even if they are simply platonic, internet oriented chat sessions.

My advise is to view every attempt at communicating with a straight, bi, or lesbian here as a one shot affair. If your lucky, they might converse with you for a while. Whether it's a blunt sexual dialog or a less graphic intercourse, is typically up to them so expecting anything is largely a dead end.

Keep trying and when you least expect it, you may meet a soul mate that you can converse with and get to know. Either way, good luck and have fun.

By #21910 at 20,Dec,09 06:17
Reality time: by definition, the majority, if not the large majority, of members of a website called "Show Your Dick" will be gay.or bi.

The number of women attracted to the site will be comparatively small, because A) they are not all that interested in cocks, and B) they know that the majority of men at the site are not that interested in women.

And because of that, straight men looking for ladies with whom to chat or write are facing heavy odds against them at SYD.

That's the way it is.
By #38502 at 20,Dec,09 06:25
am just wondering HOW u can talk in the name of women by stating that they are not interested in cocks!!
By MoeJoe at 20,Dec,09 09:40 other posts of MoeJoe 
I am sure that the vast majority of women are not interested in looking at cocks like men are interested in looking at pussies, tits and cocks as well. Sexual turn on is a highly visual thing to men, whereas it is less so with women.

By slipper at 20,Dec,09 21:58 other posts of slipper 
Sorry, but all the research supports what Masturstroke says about women's general lack of interest in cocks. Certainly, there are exceptions, but it's a fact of life. Penis envy is in the heads (top one) of guys!

By #301038 at 08,Jan,13 02:14
As a bi fem, I like cocks, I think they are awesome and can be useful, sometimes,
By boc at 08,Jan,13 11:08 other posts of boc 
well thanks for the acknowledgement.

Apparently a lot of lesbian women like cocks as well, as long as the cock is made of a hardened petroleum byproduct.

By #88520 at 08,Jan,13 11:03
It takes some work and charm, but there's definitely girls on here that enjoys some steamy chats. Have to know how to grab their attention though and make sure that they come back for more

By #8995 at 20,Dec,09 03:44
well, i think that the objetive to this site is to see and that other people see my own body, the second one will be to do and have comments of the pics we see in here, the third it will be to chat and read and comment in the forum. Sometimes you can meet some people in here, but there is not such a big comunication between them. But if you come regulary to this site your gonna see someones who are almost all the time in the chat, or at least in the same hours. But i have some chat with a very few ones.
By admin at 20,Dec,09 04:02 other posts of admin 
This site's objective is what you make it. And the most communication goes via private messages, that I can tell you for sure - I can see a number of messages in the database. I'd say it 10 times bigger than number of all other messages (public chat, forum, pic comments) together.
By slipper at 20,Dec,09 21:56 other posts of slipper 
Interesting data, admin. Thanks. As a behavioral researcher, that is interesting, but not surprising.

By #42738 at 19,Dec,09 22:23
Yeah, You Right Slipper!By the way,if you are referring to is me, I`am not trying to date,...Are you Kidding? besides that,most of them are older than me.
By slipper at 20,Dec,09 21:53 other posts of slipper 
No, not referring to anyone in particular, Dicky. Just think some may have unrealistic hopes and expectations. As for "older" than you, , they are usually the best fucks!

By #12547 at 19,Dec,09 23:23
Thanks so far for the commments, BUT...I don't want to hook up, date, go out with, or anything like that. I'd just like to find a couple of women to write to and swap pics with. It sucks when the only email you ever get is spam, chain letters, or work related. Just thought it'd be a break from reality to have a pretty stranger drop you a line and maybe send a surprise along every once in a while.
By admin at 20,Dec,09 04:04 other posts of admin 
I'd say that's is strange. Women like write and receive mails much more than men. So you should not have any problems in finding correspondents. I guess this kind of women just do not go to this site...

By #6568 at 19,Dec,09 22:37
I think the regular users of this site all have their own reasons for posting and showing. If they don't get something from the experience,..either looking or showing, then they will move on.

I have had some interesting exchanges with people on this site and some of them are women. I do think it highly likely that quite a lot of women come here to 'have a look' as there are many women who, while they would deny any especial interest, are still interested to look at the various types of penis. A certain percentage of those probably get turned on by looking since most women are 'curious' about the male organ but not neccassarily turned on when they do.

The big 'fly in the ointment' for me is all the fairly disgusting stuff (nothing to do with cocks) which floats in here lately and which will certainly put off a lot of nice ordinary women, the ultimate detriment of the straight users of this site.

By slipper at 19,Dec,09 22:05 other posts of slipper 
Trying to meet (or meat) woman here??? Come on! I suggest a dating site... or, gawd forbid, real life?!

Seriously, the number of women here cannot be that great and it is a voyeur site, plain and simple.

Best of luck.

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