| The guy who originally posted this topic bans anyone who disagrees with him, but I thought the subject deserved more discussion. *
"Spoken with hundreds of guys and perhaps twenty women on this site over the last few years. 50% of the guys never respond 99.9 % of the women never respond to a simple hello About 75% of the guys respond answer a question and leave after a few minutes then come back an hour later and answer another question the gone again every 5 minutes or less. Your both chatting away trading pictures and again gone before you either get hard. Less than 2% are reliable make an effort to respond within seconds or a minute, are polite and continue the conversation until you both are satisfied . If if remember correct this is a SEX SITE. Your here to jerk together have fun call each other and make an effort to stay in contact. I have banned hundreds for wasting my time. LIFE IS SHORT ! If you going to be a flake don,t waste my time or others. Most flakes don,t tend to last more than a few months here and they are easy to spot within a few minutes. If you are reliable i thank you. FLAKES"
How many of you think that this guy has a skewed idea about this site and how to behave on it?
*NOTE: I am a huge fan of FLAKES and believe that they are never a waste of time. Especially if served in a bowl with ice-cold milk and some fresh fruit. |
Shit, toilet paper, pissing dog, granny panties, gag, poison .... And, to add to that, I just sent him some cheap soap so that he can clean his dirty mouth-- if that's possible. Even though I'm banned, I can still send him gifts. Nice and popular guy, isn't he?
--------------------------------------- added after 12 hours
Perhaps we should start a tally here...just to see how accurate his accounting is.
That's only seven. Who else?
--------------------------------------- added after 16 hours
With Ray, that makes eight.
Nowhere near "hundreds".
What a fucking hoot that was!
--------------------------------------- added after 49 seconds
Oh sorry. You did.
He clearly states that when he's online, dick out, he has the EXPECTATION that whoever he messages is going to chat his limp dick through a 60 minute jizz session. By extraTHICK's own words, if that member messes up by taking too long to respond, that member is a times waster, ie SEX SITE FLAKE and is in "jeopardy" of being blacklisted. Now if you weed out all the fake members, how many real members do you think has time for his silly games?
I suggest we flood the thickshit with "gifts".
Please spare some points and add to the collection:
I'm going to "qualify". I've been a flake for less than a week, but it really got a hold on me. Been jonesin' for it....thanks for letting me share."
"Chill out dude. This is what real people's behavior is like. How much are you paying to be on here? Nothing, I guess. If you want to have constant attention from "horny" women or men, join a paying sex site.
By the way, you aren't gonna change anything by posting your anger on the forum."
I also received the following eloquent private message:
"By extraTHICK at 20,Sep,15 18:36
He doesn't seem to be able to use English very well. I bet English is not his native language.
Wow. He only gave me one.
He must hold you in higher regard...
And I'm so sad!
I think the guy needs to lower his expectations a bit or go and play on chaturbate ...
I think that this guy won't make too many friends calling everyone flakes. There are new members joining and his flake rant is not helping with his first impression.
On the subject of flakes, I do not prefer flakes as they get soggy too fast, I really enjoy Grape Nuts....they're higher in fiber and who doesn't like NUTS!?