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Started by #220845 at 17,Aug,13 09:23
Do most of you take your own pictures or does a friend help?

Similar topics: 1.Fans of Bernd8888's photos   2.When You Take Photos Of Yourself , Do you Keep Them After Posting   3.Last chance to see my photos   4.Issues Uploading photos   5.Am I a pervert if I'm a faggot?  

New Comment

By #358797 at 23,Sep,13 20:20
I'm also a self-shooter. I don't fancy the idea of someone else taking my picture... lol.
By #428387 at 23,Sep,13 21:15
Me too as I said earlier don't want anyone to see me naked.
By #358797 at 23,Sep,13 21:52
Understandable. I'm extremely self conscious, and I can't stand how I look. It takes enough courage to photograph myself, having someone else do it would be pushing it too far for me. Lol.
By #36548 at 25,Sep,13 04:47
don't know what you have to be self conscious look pretty damn sexy to me and i'm pretty sure no one on this site would disagree with me.
By #358797 at 25,Sep,13 08:02
You're too kind.

By #278535 at 26,Sep,13 19:20
same here

By #278535 at 26,Sep,13 19:19
I am self picture shooter.

By CreativeOne at 25,Sep,13 04:16 other posts of CreativeOne 
I do All my own pics ! (Notice the remote control in my hand) lol

[deleted image]

By #201155 at 24,Sep,13 16:41
All my own work – although I'd love to have an assistant to help with the trickier shots...

[deleted image]

By #311947 at 24,Sep,13 15:17
I take the ones I have posted but my girl has taken them before. I dont have problems with someone seeing me naked.

By #359325 at 24,Sep,13 15:06
I do my own pic's....

By minkip at 23,Sep,13 20:16 other posts of minkip 
The same here. I take my own pictures.

By 2pierced at 09,Sep,13 08:19 other posts of 2pierced 
I take my own pictures, however if someone else was available to take them, it would allow for better angles and images.

By #157044 at 09,Sep,13 08:12
Take my own

By bigone21 at 08,Sep,13 16:02 other posts of bigone21 
mostly by myself or with delayed action shutter, and none with my (i)phone, that's poor quality..!

By #417547 at 08,Sep,13 15:28
Most I take with iPhone some with a remote control with 35mm or Timmer 35mm all by taken myself

By #361268 at 08,Sep,13 14:19
I take allot of my picks myself but as i am also a naturist my friends or other people that come around to visit me also take picks of me naked i love being naked and having my picks taken

By xdjxx1 at 17,Aug,13 10:14 other posts of xdjxx1 
I've taken the majority of my photos myself, and all the videos I've posted.

My gf thinks I'm a bit crazy for taking photos of my penis and posting them online - although I'm sure she thinks I'm a bit crazy in numerous other ways as well - and tries to avoid being involved because she doesn't want to think of herself as encouraging me. Not a problem really, not worried about taking the pics myself.

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