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How far does you cum shoot..

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Started by #12873 at 22,Dec,09 21:52
im just wondering how far you can shoot. sometimes mine just goes a couple inches and other times it flys feet.

Similar topics: 1.BRA SEX   2.Big cumshots   3.How much do u shoot??   4.Shoot or dribble   5.How do you shoot cum far?  

New Comment

By naked-porn at 18,Jun,14 16:33 other posts of naked-porn 
never been a long distnace cummer...when teenager about 1 m (100cm), now not more 10cm

By Cutewilly at 17,Jun,14 23:14 other posts of Cutewilly 
I've had mine shoot several meters before, it depends on how horny and aroused I am.

By #458190 at 16,Jun,14 23:30
I've hit my eye too many times

By gabriel at 16,Jun,14 18:23 other posts of gabriel 
Photo of a one-eyed monster from gabrielPhoto of a snake from gabriel

By DeepThroatThis at 16,Jun,14 12:38 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Between 2 and 4 feet depending on the last time I unloaded.
Massive Cum Shot !

By #6568 at 23,Dec,09 10:56
When I was a youngster I often used to shoot over my head and hit the wall behind me, depended on how excited and 'into it' I was. Nowadays I usually shoot a couple of feet although there are times when it's a good deal further and there have been times when it's not much more than a few inches.......

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By #38932 at 22,Dec,09 22:39
My cum almost always seems to shoot pretty far... I even accidently hit myself in the face with some drops of my load before...

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