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Shoot or dribble

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Started by #420230 at 01,Sep,13 09:02
How many people on hear shoot and how many dribble! If you shoot how far? I shoot about 1meter!

Similar topics: 1.How far does you cum shoot..   2.How much do u shoot??   3.When you cum   4.How do you shoot cum far?   5.Dribble cummers  

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By boombastic at 13,Jul,14 14:13 other posts of boombastic 
@ Bella "dribble or dribbling" is used in Soccer to describe running past the opposition player/s while keeping the ball under your control.(tricky little side steps etc)

By bella! at 13,Jul,14 16:14 other posts of bella! 
Thank you!
By boombastic at 14,Jul,14 18:40 other posts of boombastic 
Thanks Bella!

By jocstfr at 13,Jul,14 14:10 other posts of jocstfr 
I have shot huge ropes at times and other times just oozed or dribbled. I have not been able to capture a pic of the ropes but here is an oozer

By #374353 at 13,Jul,14 13:48
I used to be a shooter... now I am more of a dribbler...

By gazlittlewilly at 12,Jul,14 10:18 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
I'm so jealous of you guys that can shoot.
I'm a dribbler... Although I'd call it more like oozing!
By #457775 at 12,Jul,14 14:26
I think oozing looks sooo hot!

By foreskinfetish at 12,Jul,14 14:07 other posts of foreskinfetish 
Definitely a dribbler! My days of shooting are over.

By #457775 at 10,Jul,14 16:01
I sometimes shoot also about 1 meter but more often only 30 or 50cm...

By #454187 at 10,Jul,14 13:01
Sometimes I shoot and then sometimes I dribble all over myself haha

By Texas979 at 10,Jul,14 12:39 other posts of Texas979 
Sometimes I shoot but I have to squeeze it and build up a little pressure. I don't cum very much. Don't know if its due to being fixed or not, any idea's on a better cum shot???

By #289712 at 21,Jun,14 19:56
Definitely a shooter. If I rush it, or if I masturbate multiple times, it can be a little weak, but its always airborne. Not sure of distance, but it would have to be a metre or more at times. Ive had many instances, masturbating on my bed, of blasting cum way over my head, splashing the wall behind me. Once my gf didnt dodge quick enough, and I shot a big stream right in her eye when she was giving me a handjob. I love seeing my cum shoot out of my penis.

By #464196 at 20,Jun,14 23:03
hmm well **** to brag but I cum buckets, never measured the distance but 10ft on first shot I wouldn't be surprised

actually someone remind me to take a video
By iowaguy at 21,Jun,14 13:15 other posts of iowaguy 
I would love to see that fuck being modest brag about that

By #81191 at 21,Jun,14 00:10
I am just a dribbler with days of shooting now history

By botanic at 01,Sep,13 10:13 other posts of botanic 
I used to be a fantastic shooter , but these days I mostly dribble !
By #400852 at 20,Jun,14 20:15
it's hell to get older,I am the same way

By bella! at 19,Jun,14 11:53 other posts of bella! 
Shoot, dribble.......are you speaking of basketball?
By #463249 at 19,Jun,14 14:34
I thought we were back to the World Cup!
By bella! at 20,Jun,14 04:46 other posts of bella! 
My nephews were both involved in soccer and admittedly, that's the exposure that I had to the sport of soccer, aka football. I am not familiar with the terminology.... I suspect that the players do 'shoot' but is 'dribble' a technical term used in soccer?

By #410609 at 20,Jun,14 03:52
I'd say shoot.. .but that's just my opinion. [deleted image]

By Meandick at 18,Jun,14 20:41 other posts of Meandick 
Shoot hard

By #213926 at 03,Sep,13 14:18

By #417547 at 03,Sep,13 00:08
Most of the time I Dribble sometime a shooter
But all way feel great

By Odin_york_pa at 02,Sep,13 14:03 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
shooter here, known to squirt the wall behind my head if I am laying down. Don't hit it every time, but still some distance none the less. Usually 7 or 8 spurts

By #303909 at 02,Sep,13 10:47
A bit of both...

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By tallmanjd at 01,Sep,13 19:06 other posts of tallmanjd 
i shoot

By #6568 at 01,Sep,13 10:09
Always been a 'shooter'...very powerfully in my youth and I can still amaze myself even now on a good day!.....

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By Trekkk at 01,Sep,13 09:19 other posts of Trekkk 
I just dribble

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