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How do you shoot cum far?

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Started by #463650 at 14,Jun,14 07:56
I'm a big lover of huge cumshots. The further a person can shoot their load the better. I try to shoot my cum far, but I'm not sure how. Most of the time it just dribbles out. I had a few times where I could make my cum just jump out, but I'm not sure how I did that. I've heard multiple things about this, sometimes it takes practice and other time you have to be born able to do this. I was wondering, is there some sort of magical technique to achieve this glorious cumshots I dream of? or am I out of luck?

Similar topics: 1.BRA SEX   2.How far does you cum shoot..   3.Big cumshots   4.How much do u shoot??   5.Shoot or dribble  

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By leopoldij at 19,Jun,14 22:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Try to stick a finger in your ass when you're about to cum. And also squeeze your balls. Preferably all at the same time.
By #482836 at 21,Aug,17 20:33
Haven't got enough hands!
By #536760 at 21,Aug,17 20:55
Lol. And pat your head and rub your stumic.

By leopoldij at 21,Aug,17 21:07 other posts of leopoldij 
That's what helping hands are for.
By #536760 at 21,Aug,17 21:29
Mum said no.
By leopoldij at 21,Aug,17 23:22 other posts of leopoldij 
That's what good friends are for.

By leopoldij at 21,Aug,17 01:08 other posts of leopoldij 
One way to ensure to shoot cum far is to bring back the clock by a few decades.
By brian2 at 21,Aug,17 20:09 other posts of brian2 
I'm an old fart in my 50s and can still shoot a bit. My advice is to spend a couple of days edging to the cumshots on this website and then finally let go.

By RealTitsLover at 21,Aug,17 17:30 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Everyone's different, that's all I know. I shoot very far, especially if I haven't gotten off in a couple days. I don't normally jerk off standing up, so I don't know much about shooting solo. The furthest times were always with a girl stroking it (maybe the added excitement), when they miss and it flies across the room over their shoulder.

One time, a girl gave me a handjob on the bed and aimed it kinda perfectly so that it shot straight up and came back down into her mouth (and on her face). It looked like how people throw food up and catch it, only it was like squirts of cum from a fountain.

By #536913 at 21,Aug,17 08:27
Most of the time it dribbles out, but I used to shoot far every time. I can still shoot but only if I make myself especially hard right as I'm cumming. It doesn't go as far as it used to though.

By #536760 at 21,Aug,17 08:10

By #536760 at 21,Aug,17 08:09
Just like the guy said below.
bring back the cock by a few decades.
or use a spud gun.

By boy at 15,Jan,17 22:35 other posts of boy 
The more excited you are, the farther you shoot. And younger men shoot farther than older ones. It's as simple as that!

By xxx25 at 15,Jan,17 12:19 other posts of xxx25 
[deleted image]

By #520352 at 14,Jan,17 14:02
Just like the guy said below,dont cum for a few days and have a good edging session before.I went 2 weeks without cumming which wasn't easy and had a good few hours edging until i was so horny and had to blow and i shot about 12 ropes of cum with about the first 4 going about 6 feet in distance

By Texas_Born29 at 11,Jan,17 17:55 other posts of Texas_Born29 

Not cumming for a few days helps as well as edging which is playing with it till its about to blow then stop wait and repeat. There are also muscles in that area you can squeeze. Like if you were making your cock bounce up and down.

By kebmo at 11,Jan,17 08:41 other posts of kebmo 
I wait until I'm almost going to cum then hold just below my head to prevent it from coming out for a couple of seconds and when I let it go it SHOOTS!

By #527164 at 11,Jan,17 08:32
A combination of these used to enable me to shoot a lot and far when I was younger. 1. Dont cum fir a few days, but do masturbate without cumming. 2. Go somewhere where its sex,sex,sex, like a porn theater or bathhouse. 3. Start and stop a lot for hours. 4.Be doing something very wild and hot when you do cum. 5. Make pelvic thrusts.

By CreativeOne at 21,Nov,14 14:16 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]

Here is one from my page and as for shooting farther ... simply let it build up inside for a few days without any action . Meaning the more you prolong the urge to the further you'll be able to shoot ! So good luck

By #465054 at 21,Nov,14 10:59
my CUMpliation

[deleted image]

By #289712 at 21,Jun,14 20:56
When I masturbate, as my orgasm builds up I increase the pressure just underneath the head, and it extends the duration of my orgasm and makes my cum shoot harder and further. Try it!

By #443664 at 14,Jun,14 08:40
I think a lot of it's genetics, some people shoot far while others dribble. When your coming towards the end, you could try to jerk it about four times, stop for a 1 second pause, then repeat until you shoot, that's the technique I use for my tributes.
By #455846 at 14,Jun,14 11:52
that sounds like it should work have to give it a try

also i think a bigger room helps or all the space you need...

By jack_coolero at 14,Jun,14 11:36 other posts of jack_coolero 
You can try some exercises to be able to shoot far. Just search it on the net. There are lots of them exercises.

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