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Started by bella! at 23,Sep,13 17:06  other posts of bella!
C'mon people, there's only 7 more days in September and currently 23 votes that separate gaydude65 from the new guy. I'm certainly not bashing the new guy HOWEVER let's promote one our longtime members, gaydude65. This is a no brainer and a "twofer" one. Why settle for one "masterpiece" when you can ogle two!



Similar topics: 1.Farewell, farewell   2.Gaydude65  

New Comment

By basque9 at 30,Sep,13 14:31 other posts of basque9 
Nice pic from an even nicer guy and his mate; I always vote for his sexy pics and I salute you Bella for helping his cause. He is an awesome man with an extensive array of positive qualities, not the least of which is talent for taking a sharply focused, sexy, well composed picture...time after time!

By bella! at 30,Sep,13 05:31 other posts of bella! 
Last day, don't forget to vote! Thank you!
By JeffinKS at 30,Sep,13 11:45 other posts of JeffinKS 
I have already voted for this pic!

By #341257 at 30,Sep,13 12:08
Thanks Bella. I voted for the boys.

By bella! at 27,Sep,13 16:59 other posts of bella! 
C'mon people! It's the 27th and there's 3+ days to vote and only 20 votes separate gaydude65 from the new guy. Show YOUR support and vote for gaydude65 using the link above!
By #161491 at 27,Sep,13 22:53
You are too kind, bella!
By bella! at 28,Sep,13 00:44 other posts of bella! 
Vote for gaydude65!

By #204902 at 27,Sep,13 22:10
I voted for him. He is a very kind man.

By #161491 at 25,Sep,13 03:26
I'm so flattered by this. Thank you, bella!, for going out of your way to show such incredible kindness to me, and thanks to everyone who has been so supportive whether through votes or through comments. Although I don't believe I'll have enough "hot" votes to overtake the new guy (who does have a great pic and a beautiful dick, I might add), the friends I've made on here mean much more to me than any competition.
By pifad at 25,Sep,13 03:45 other posts of pifad 
In addition to being a hot and sexy guy you are by far one of the sweetest and most genuine guys I've met on here. I am happy to know you!

By CreativeOne at 25,Sep,13 01:30 other posts of CreativeOne 
Done ! Wow ... really great pics they both have , and again "Wow" !!!

By bella! at 25,Sep,13 00:31 other posts of bella! 
Don't forget to vote!

By pifad at 24,Sep,13 14:56 other posts of pifad 
I voted for Gaydude65. He is by far the best!

By gradurgaur at 24,Sep,13 12:34 other posts of gradurgaur 
i have vote for gaydude65
By bella! at 24,Sep,13 12:36 other posts of bella! 

By bella! at 24,Sep,13 11:13 other posts of bella! 
Please vote for gaydude65!

By bigone21 at 23,Sep,13 21:41 other posts of bigone21 
I don't vote for that! Ugly pic! In 1 picture, 2 times: much tabacco, little cigar!

Nothing against gaydude65, on the contrarie, great guy! But is it a pic-contest or a is it a vote for my friend contest?

I voted for this uncut beauty:


By bella! at 23,Sep,13 19:08 other posts of bella! 
Don't forget to vote!

Adult Discussion Forum