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Thinking about going to a Gloryhole. Thoughts?

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Started by #341611 at 07,Oct,13 03:37
Hey guys, long time viewer, first time poster here. In a couple of weeks I'm going to go down south to visit some friends and I'll have a hotel room to myself. I like to stop there to make that night even better! I usually stop at an adult book store in Ghent, WV that I am almost certain still has a gloryhole in the arcade. Ive been in there a few times but never went back to the arcade. I really want to this time but am unsure of what will happen/what to do when I get back there. I just have a huge fantasy of doing stuff in there and for some reason the feeling is stronger than ever this time. I am just really nervous about going back there. Like, Ive thought to myself a thousand times what to do if an actual dick appears. I feel I would give in. What are you thoughts/tips to approach this?


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By #436014 at 13,Oct,13 09:39
i like watching straight (not gay) gloryhole porn, watching the chicks get all nasty on just this nice big cock sticking through a hole, often works to get me cumming. sometimes i imagine i'm in the sucking position, moving my mouth back and forth over that hot hard fleshpole etc.

don't know if i'd do it in real life, though.

By bigone21 at 08,Oct,13 20:19 other posts of bigone21 
the concept of a gloryhole is great! i've enjoyed it very much, mostly sticking it through, but also being on the receiving end a few times.

my last experience: i was pulled on my PA-piercing very roughly, and when i told the guy to stop, he smacked my cock and ran off. my dickhead was blue for a week.

i don't dare anymore...
By #291618 at 10,Oct,13 23:50
are you serious?
By bigone21 at 11,Oct,13 21:31 other posts of bigone21 
yes, h a t e to say I am..!

By #383671 at 11,Oct,13 05:36
I`ve always wanted to try one out

By #358797 at 10,Oct,13 21:13
Gloryholes are fucking hott.

By dickisgreat at 08,Oct,13 03:54 other posts of dickisgreat 
And go now, because they're getting shut down more and more!

By dickisgreat at 08,Oct,13 03:54 other posts of dickisgreat 
Glory holes can seem off-putting if you haven't been - but once you go, you see it's really no big deal. Like eating an oyster - weird and scary until you do it once.

The main thing is, feel free to do only what you want. If someone sticks their dick through and you're not into it, just don't do anything and they'll stop.

If you only want to jerk - just do that. If you start and aren't into it - just stop, no big whoop.

Remember you basically can't get HIV from sucking. You can only get it if the guy comes AND you have an open scratch or sore in your mouth.

You can get other STDs but I've sucked at least 200 anonymous dicks (really!) and never got one. However, at most 50 came in my mouth, probably fewer.

By pifad at 08,Oct,13 03:47 other posts of pifad 
Gloryholes are loads of fun

By #147052 at 07,Oct,13 14:33
It is a very good way to get a blowjob or give one. However it is even a better way to pick up something you will regret the rest of your life. Practice safe sex and help stop the spread of disease.

By spermkiss at 07,Oct,13 06:05 other posts of spermkiss 
Go for it. I've sucked guys off and been sucked off thru glory holes dozens of times.

If a dick comes thru the glory hole, suck it. If a guy puts his fingertips at the edge of the hole, put your dick thru it and let him suck you.

Glory hole sex is the ultimate in anonymous sex. You know absolutely nothing about the guy on the other side and he knows nothing about you. You cannot even see each other. All you know is that you both want sex and that's all that matters. Since you identify as straight, that's probably the kind of man-on-man sex you want. Do it.

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