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Another warning

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #28707 at 29,Dec,09 02:13
Youngteen tells me he is sixteen.

Similar topics: 1.Vote warning   2.RANDOM BULLSHIT   3.Why bother   4.Do you ever cum without a warning?   5.pathetic hypocrisy from our government  

New Comment

By #28707 at 29,Dec,09 16:21
BL, I try to respond to everyone who contacts me, and if they are underage, I tell them that it is illegal for them to be on the site, I report them to admin. and I post a notice of this on the forum. Unfortunately, there does seem to be a number of underaged guys posting. Why they sometimes contact me, a 70 year old man, I have no idea.
If the members on site think I am doing more or less than I should, I will welcome their counsel.
By #22008 at 30,Dec,09 18:54
You'd be surprised how many U/A's seem to go for granpa types.
By #22384 at 30,Dec,09 20:03
not the piont..... dreason is right, they should not be on this site, thanks dreason, will stand by you all the way, regarding this matter... It is a criminal offence for them to be on this site, but the other issue is how do you stop it without making the site a subscriber site where you have to pay!! and they can obviously lie too.....

By MoeJoe at 29,Dec,09 09:36 other posts of MoeJoe 
Report him...

Adult Discussion Forum