![]() Laughably Small Penis? Enlarge it At Home Using Just Your Hands! | ![]() Want a bigger penis? Enlarge it At Home Using Just Your Hands! | ![]() Stay Hard as Steel!!! | ![]() Find local men to exchange blowjobs |
Started by bella! at 02,Apr,13 22:51  other posts of bella!
Similar topics: 1.RAND0M BULLSHIT 2.The ORIGINAL "Random Bullshit" thread is now in the Dumpster 3.RANDOM STUFF..... 4.RANDOM STUFF, JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT STUFF 5.RANDOM BULLSHIT New CommentComments: |
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Monted must have been a pistol,,
By accessing the site, you agree to conduct yourself in an adult manner. This specifically means being polite to all members in chats and in the discussion forums. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated by any member. If Site Administration is informed of aggressive behavior, we will check the discussion forums and logs. Please ensure that you provide specific examples and remit for review via private message. Site Administration reserves the right to determine what is deemed aggressive behavior on a case by case basis.
If it is determined that your actions are deemed inappropriate or aggressive, action will be taken to restore order to the site. This includes a temporary or permanent ban to the chat room and discussion forums. For flagrant violations, your account may be deleted without further notice.
If your account is deleted, Site Administration will NOT issue refunds for lost points or memberships.
And have we read this? "The creation and existence of multiple accounts is strictly prohibited by Site Administration. If you elect to create and maintain multiple accounts, you do at your own risk and peril. Site Administration will not be held responsible for any lost points, account deletions, etc."
(Anyone reading this should know that the "Who got deleted and why?" comment was, initially, a copy of the Site Rules for Behavior. Just, you know, trying to keep things fair and honest...)
Okay...now it edited its edit, and put the original back. (Wait. Is pointing that out going to get me deleted?)
However, 1 John 3:6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
Now I'm confused! You can keep the stones, and I will keep the bat, since baseball post dates the Bible.
What is the last movie you saw?
I saw A Quiet Place.
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Thank you, MONTED for putting your original response back.
Incidentally, after I left the chatroom, several of the guys in there (who kept quiet) PMd me to apologize for the idiots in chat. That was very nice of them but, really, wasn't their responsibility.
If you don't stand for something
You'll fall for anything.
Aside from that, have you attempted to build a friendship base? It is really odd that no one has added you as their friend.
The dumpster is home to many awesome threads of days gone by...
Usally last's a few weeks then they are gone as quick as they appered.
My neighbor said they have the same problem.
Guess I was just wondering if it only happens here in Maine .
I know they are harmless and nothing to worrie about BUT It gets rather boreing vacumeing my ceiling eveyr day!!!
I just remove them with a vacuum. If you get pest control, that's a bigger problem. They can die out in the envelope of the building, and they other bugs, like carpet beetles, come to eat them. Carpet beetles eat wood, like termites.
It's such a pain.
If I had to grab one thing... not including my bag... I'd go for my double bladed axe. It's got a sword in the handle, so two weapons in one... Plus an axe can be used to cut trees for shelter, or crafting additional weapons or supplies.... The leather binding on the handle would also come in handy, could be used to set up a basic trip wire, bind wood, tying together found supplies... All kinds of uses.
Water can be heavy and hard to carry... I have four bottles in my bag and that's it. The bottles can be reused. Boiling water from a lake or stream for a few minutes kills bacteria and parasitic organisms. And water purification tablets are compact and available at most camping stores. There's good chance prepared water will taste "off", so liquid flavoring, koolaid packets or tea bags can be useful for flavoring.
Ways to create fire are important as well, for cooking and creating warmth in colder months... Bic lighters last a long time, and after the fluid runs out, the flint can be removed and used to make sparks for further use. Plus, the ashes from burnt wood can be combined with fat drippings from prepared food to create a crude soap for cleaning supplies and bathing.
Sometimes things you wouldn't think of as very useful have the most purpose. Pantyhose can be used to gather and carry food, such as fruits, as well as straining water, and carrying supplies, plus they can be used as an extra layer, or even a rope if needed. Condoms are good for carrying water and protecting wounds from contamination, and Maxi pads make great bandages in case of accident, and can replace worn insoles in shoes to ease discomfort. Nail polish is good too as it can be used to seal off frayed edges in torn clothing to prevent them from becoming more damaged, and it can be used to paint over and seal off small cuts.
Clothing is important as well. Think layers. Socks, thermal pajamas, gloves... Those sort of things are most useful.
And obviously, a good survival knife and multitool are quite useful as well...
If the situation is world ending, work your way to an area that has boats with an un populated island within eye sight so you can hide on the island and go back and forth as needed for supplies.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Bless you too Miss Bella!
Happy St. Patrick's Day
The emerald of the sea
From the fishing boats at Dingle
To the shores of Dunardee.
I miss the river Shannon
And the folks at Skibbereen
The moorlands and the meadows
With their forty shades of green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day
by a bit of Irish luck,
brightened by a song in your heart,
And warmed by the smiles of the people you love.
When Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.
trouble neglect you,
the angels protect you,
and heaven accept you.
Any hint of maple?
YOU decide grandma's fate;
1. Let's eat grandma!
2. Let's eat, grandma!
If I had to choose only one, it would be Cholula.
I had something similar but slightly different happen to me around Christmas. I was shopping at Bath & Body Works for gifts for a several of my friends. I clearly bought 4 bath gels, 4 lotions and 4 body sprays, plus some things for me. When I checked out, the clerk flopped all the items into one big bag. I asked her for 4 smaller bags and tissue paper so I didn't have to stop and buy holiday stuff. She told me she was not able to do that, I said presenting gifts in a B&BW bag is pure advertising. Unable to accomodate my 4 bag request, I said, thank you very much and I left. I believe my bill was slightly more than $100.00. Buh-bye, Bath & Body Works!
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Haha. Victoria's S.ecret-"S.ecret Crush".
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Or is that, catch "Pokemon" even though it's plural.
There's actually 2 GoT games that I'm aware of... Telltale games made one, and it's pretty awesome... One of those choose your own path games... Follows the story of House Forrester of Ironrath... The mobile game is Conquest... It's similar to Kings of Avalon... I love it... It's definitely a challenge to play but I'm on it pretty much all day. I play in kingdom 5...theres like 85 different kingdoms now.
And Pokemon...I bet they sure don't make it easy to get all of them. That game is banned in some places.
And there isn't any areas here where it's banned that I'm aware of... It's just hard to get a decent team together for the raids. That's how ya get all the good Pokemon
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When you do the raids, do they only allow local teams where you're with other people standing right next to them in realtime or can you join with non-local people miles away?
I know people who if they won Ј1000 on the lottery would be unhappy that it wasn't more. They are almost professionally sad and unhappy. Everyone of their clouds has a black lining.
I always feel so sorry that they have that perspective.
While I was on vacation a couple months back, at lunch, the boat always offered made to order pasta. Made to order where the cook had a selection of toppings and you could have whatever your heart desired. This particular day, the pasta chef had hot pasta noodles that included your choice of vegetables all tossed in a slight bit of olive oil. I selected a couple of veggies and he asked if I wanted "this or that" with regard to spices and THEN asked if I wanted a pinch of red pepper flakes. Hmmm...I thought about that for a moment, pasta with red pepper flakes....then said yes. That "pinch" was wonderful and I enjoyed that dish so much that I had pasta several more times. Each pasta dish, I had him include a pinch of red pepper flakes. Who-dah thunk? So delish!
I bet you selected broccoli.
What a bunch of pervs y'all are. What did you think I was going to say, guys? NO! But when I do refer to a young guy, I call them a tenderoni!
Is there a feminine of tenderoni?
A friend of mine has a wife many, many years younger than he is. The reality of that relationship was very different to the fantasy many men may have of that situation.
One major issue was ****. She wanted them, but he already had a family from a previous marriage. In the end they did have **** and that was the cause of many issues/arguments. Being a father at grandfather age is no picnic.
Also, despite what his conversations with me implied he was not meeting her sexual needs due to long periods of no sex at all, and indeed she had a brief affair.
Dang! I misspelled sprouts!
Maybe you thought of that word since you dated a Sicilian.
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Hmmm...that didn't come out right. I hope it didn't sound like I was bashing mature women. To me, older women are every bit as beautiful as young women.
Who said to his girl, you`re a tight 'un
She said Bless my Soul
You`re in the wrong hole
There`s lots more space in the right one
Sushi, prime rib, mozzarella and tomato salad, lobster, and bacon wrapped prawns stuffed with cheese and jalapenos, and this orange Russian pecan creme cake from the Crixia bakery in Berkeley CA.
Many moons ago, there were a group of men that objected that the employer afforded the women employees a lounge area in every restroom on every floor. Apparently, the intent of this lounge was to give the women a place to go if they were feeling poorly, but not bad enough to go home. So, the men filed a class action suit, saying that they were "discriminated against" because they were men and to put this all to rest, the company provided the men folk one lounge on the 12th floor of a 22 story building.
Now fast forward to the 21st century and women are given a "nursing" room, an area for nursing mothers to retreat to to express their milk. Do you men feel left out where you work? Do you need an area that is designated just for men? I don't know what would possibly ever be the reason, whether it be a real need or a mental health need..... Ha! Maybe you need a "wanking room", somewhere to go in the middle of the day where you can bust a nut which could put you in the right mindset to work til 5 or 6 pm?
"Hey Boss I'll be right back. I need to go to the PRA."
You're on to something Bella.
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i have not paid for anything yet it just takes time
--------------------------------------- added after 169 hours
One week later........I finally finished level 30. At this rate, I don't think i will finish all 257 levels until I'm 302 years old!
One of my friends insist that SCRABBLE is not about making the longest word, it's about word placement. Whatever!
It's been blue a little over a month now, but it faded a bit. Looks a lot better now that I've touched it up.
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Why the fuck did this post here too. I posted it into the Christmas songs thread
Once the blue wears off I'm thinking either red or purple.
• The U.S. government considers bitcoin property, meaning every single purchase made with bitcoin has to be reported on your taxes.
• If you've held those bitcoins for less than a year and sell them, that cash will be taxed as income. If you've held for over a year, it's taxed as a capital gain — which could run 20 percent.
• A bipartisan bill was presented to Congress in September in an effort to create a tax exemption for cryptotransactions under $600.
Whether you've used bitcoin as an investment or as a currency, you owe taxes on it.
As far as Uncle Sam is concerned, bitcoin is not currency. It's property. That means whenever you buy something with bitcoin, it's two transactions, not one. What you're actually doing is selling a property (bitcoin) for a cash value and then using money from that sale to buy a product. So every single purchase you make with bitcoin has to be reported on your taxes.
For many, though, bitcoin is just an investment. If you've held those bitcoins for less than a year and sell them, that cash will be taxed as income. If you've held for more than a year, it's taxed as a capital gain — which could run 20 percent. Adding on transaction and accounting fees could raise costs to 60 percent, as was the case for one early bitcoin adopter.
But here's the problem: Almost no one reports this.
From 2013 to 2015, fewer than 900 people each year reported bitcoin transactions to the IRS. That prompted the IRS in 2014 to label cyrptocurrency as property back and to recently serve a summons to Coinbase. In it, the agency called for the records of over 14,000 users who have "bought, sold, sent or received at least $20,000 worth of bitcoin in a given year."
A federal court narrowed the scope of the summons but ultimately ruled in favor of the IRS. The tax status of those transactions is still unknown.
Moving forward though, there may be some relief. A bipartisan bill, "The Cryptocurrency Tax Fairness Act," was presented to Congress in September. It's seeking to create a tax exemption for cryptotransactions under $600.
Some remain hopeful for amnesty, but it looks like Uncle Sam is still poised to get a decent cut of the bitcoin action.
Bitcoins are 'mined' using computers by some people, and I imagine they can be bought or sold by you or me if we know how. You don't have anything physical though, these 'coins' are held in wallets online somewhere.
I saw yesterday that a Japanese digital currency 'bank'? was hacked and lost over $400 million !!!!!!!! of customers currency.
I am sticking to my local savings accounts.
He seems to think that disabled people go 10, 15, 20 years or more without physical contact and to add insult to injury, their inability to pay for sex because often, they are on welfare/public assistance. He asks that people support sexual equality for the disabled.
I don't understand what he's seeking, sexual equality, does anyone have an idea?
[deleted image]
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[deleted image]
As for supporting sexual equality for the disabled I don't think it is for us, fully able people, to say what that means. We need to be advised by those who are suffering from this inequality as to what steps we can take to help them gain equality.
Just my opinion, there's got to be a bigger underlying problem other than a wheelchair or crutches that keeps someone from fulfilling their sexual needs and desires.
I agree with you that sexual inequality applies to other sections of the community too. Which was why I said that we need to have it explained to us just what the sexual inequality is that he was referring to and how we, the fully abled can help overcome that predjudice.
As far as I am concerned, if you really want to "get lucky", all you need to do is just "put it out there", cuz somebody will oblige. But if you're looking for something more substantial, ie a "real relationship", that's altogether something different.....
According to this years Sunday Times Rich List J.K Rowling is worth Ј650 million and the Queen Ј360 million. It states 'The Queen, of course, would be much better off if she could have all the Crown Estate’s income and assets: the total value of its property assets rose 9.7% to Ј12bn in 2015-16.'
That J.K rowling is worth so much is almost unbelievable but evidently her book sales are valued at Ј6.1 billion which suhggests that she would have earned around Ј900 million from her book sales alone and a further Ј200 million from the films. !!!!!
I really never thought too much about the flu being so harmful, just a couple of days of feeling like crap.
I don't think I've ever had the flu, but I have had a real bad cold that had turned into bronchitis which was really bad.
The flu has hit Colorado hard and from what I have seen on the news it is like this all over the country. The flu vaccine is only about 30% effective but it is better than nothing.
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Two days into December and that's literally all they're playing in stores here. Barf.
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Here's the deal: If I wish you "Happy Holidays", and that isn't to your liking, then go fuck yourself with a candy cane you ungrateful asshat!
I don't understand where 'Happy Holidays' came from or why it came into use. Was this invented to include Hanukkah? Do non Christian religions reciprocate?
It's typical of the egocentricity of Christians to assume that their December holiday--a bastardization of the pagan Yule festival--is the only one that counts.
Fortunately this 'Happy Holidays' greeting has not yet taken hold in the U.K, at least not to my knowledge.
I have no problem with people wishing each other "Merry Christmas". In this day and age, unsolicited kindness of any type is rare and should be accepted with good will and pleasure. However, anyone who gets offended by a wish of "Happy Holidays" is a total asshole, and should be avoided as much as possible.
It gets quite tiresome.
I do love to listen to my music playlists in the car though.
Jolly xmas tune?
ps Christmas sucks and Jesus was just a lazy carpenter.
That's gotta be challenging for medical people..
He wouldn't get his signature for me though, the bastard. That would've been a great conversation piece to display in the living room.
Personally I would find it difficult not to let the fuckwad go but...
"Infamous serial killer Charles Manson has died after a brief hospitalization, authorities say. He died Thursday in a hospital in Bakersfield, California.
A spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed news of Manson’s passing, assuring the press her outfit will very soon put out an official statement on his passing.
The head of the Manson Family was found guilty in 1971 of orchestrating the murders of seven people, including actress Sharon Tate. He was reported to have sought to start a ‘race war’, which he dubbed ‘Helter Skelter’ after The Beatles’ song of the same name.
Manson was sentenced to death, a sentence which was later amended to life imprisonment in Corcoran State Prison after California discontinued the death penalty."
I wonder what the actual cost was to keep this killer incarcerated and for 4+ decades?
"This site is for showing beauty of your bodies" and
"Most of people here do not pay attention to categories if it's not the main category. Main category is different because it's shown on main page of SYD/SYC. But "tits" is not a main category so I doubt this pic would be flagged. Some formalist might flag it, but no way 5 people would. And it requires 5 people to work."
Although this has nothing to do with "tits", why would it take 5 members to flag this picture having been uploaded in the wrong category and is now featured on the Popular Normal Dick page? It's a cucumber not a penis.
Your mistake here is to apply logic and common sense.
It looks like anything goes! The SYD members might as well bend over, spread their cheeks, upload it into Normal Dicks category and hope that their friends vote 'em up!
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Now thats random ⬆
Have you experience any unwanted sexual advances? Have you ever witnessed any man suddenly pull down their pants and masturbate in front of you? Have they touched you in an inappropriate and/or sexual way that you did not want to happen?
If so, what did you do about it?
I know this is an explicit sexual site, and it should be expected that men will hit on you in various ways.
I'm just curious.
Similarly any men who had leeringly groped a woman's breasts. crotch or butt has no defence or excuse.
So i am not defending them. However, at the risk of pulling down the wrath of many women onto me, I am a little concerned that we are at present having a mini Salem Witch scare where any public figure who has flirted with a woman over the past 40 years is at risk of being 'outed', seen as a sexual predator and thus losing their position.
The allegations need to be carefully examined and innocent/naive flirting differentiated from sexually predatory behaviour.
With the blend of commitment and good health, couples can have longevity with marriage, and in my mind, that means 50 years or more.
I think that as you suggest young people today lack commitment. To my parent generation, you were married and you made it work. Luckily they were happy and as far as I know had no major 'problems'.
I have read quite a lot on this subject and seen many documentaries around it. Two things opposing ideas always strike me:-
1)That often the convicted murderer has committed such an appalling, horrific and often senseless crime that they totally deserve to face the death penalty.
2) There are way too many people who have been convicted of murder spent 20 years in prison/on Death Row and then been exonerated.
In the end the risk of executing an innocent person is far too great to justify the risk of continuing with the death penalty.