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Admirers of ShortTop

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Started by #447042 at 26,Feb,14 12:52
I am a fan (obviously) of ShortTop. I hope others will check his page and share their favorite pics of him and their thoughts about him. He's crazy sexy and amazing in the sack. Thank you, everyone.

Similar topics: 1.small cocks   2.Uncut Dicks   3.Fuck ****   4.Many Thanks   5.Narcissists  

New Comment

By #354861 at 10,Mar,14 00:32
He looks nice, but you're better in my opinion.
By #447042 at 10,Mar,14 02:16
Well, thank you, Sir. But Daddy's really the man.
By pifad at 11,Mar,14 02:29 other posts of pifad 
Agreed! Shorttop IS the man

By #447042 at 02,Mar,14 12:42
Daddy's bulge from below. My glory!

[deleted image]
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Pics of ShortTop you won't find anywhere else!
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With HIS permission, of course!
By #445126 at 02,Mar,14 13:05
You should have been sucking instead of taking pictures, boi.
By #447042 at 02,Mar,14 13:08
If I recall, I wasnt the only one down there at this particular moment
By #445126 at 02,Mar,14 13:10
By #447042 at 02,Mar,14 13:25
Just sayin' !
By *kmadeau* at 02,Mar,14 13:48 other posts of *kmadeau* 
next time I should take pics of you both
By #447042 at 03,Mar,14 12:17
See, I think that'd be hot!
By *kmadeau* at 03,Mar,14 12:29 other posts of *kmadeau* 
sure but I should take off your pants and OMFG
By #445126 at 03,Mar,14 13:12
Yeah bud. Take his pants off!
By *kmadeau* at 03,Mar,14 15:21 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thx Daddy, I should treat your beloved son pretty good

By #289712 at 03,Mar,14 12:44
Been kind to me. Thanls

By hunnngry at 02,Mar,14 12:48 other posts of hunnngry 
Yes he is very hot . One day shorttop one day

By spermkiss at 02,Mar,14 00:17 other posts of spermkiss 
Count me in!

By #447042 at 01,Mar,14 12:41
A new favorite!

[deleted image]
By *kmadeau* at 01,Mar,14 15:15 other posts of *kmadeau* 
that makes me so hard...

By #447042 at 27,Feb,14 15:23
From my private collection !! ShortTop showing off in the locker room:

[deleted image]
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Such a stud
By #445126 at 27,Feb,14 15:37
Hey! That's me. I guess I am a bit of a show off. Can't help myself
By *kmadeau* at 27,Feb,14 15:40 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I gonna help you both
By #445126 at 27,Feb,14 15:44
By routemaster at 27,Feb,14 15:49 other posts of routemaster 
Don't ever stop doing porn, my friend, we love you for it
By #445126 at 27,Feb,14 15:52
You just want me to fuck you again!
By *kmadeau* at 27,Feb,14 17:57 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Oh buddy, have a mercy...

By #447042 at 26,Feb,14 20:04
ShortTop has said to me: You never really know who a man is until you know how he fucks.

[deleted image]
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Such a hot man.
By *kmadeau* at 27,Feb,14 14:06 other posts of *kmadeau* 
love you guys both so bad

By bella! at 26,Feb,14 14:11 other posts of bella! 
In the short time that he has been a member, ShortTop has acquired an army of admirers! Call me PFC bella! !
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 15:27 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Oh Bella, don't fuck in my area...
By bella! at 26,Feb,14 15:30 other posts of bella! 
Oh kmad, I might just be PFC bella!, but did I mention I'm a sharpshooter?
By Gntlmn at 26,Feb,14 18:05 other posts of Gntlmn 

By #399342 at 26,Feb,14 15:53
[deleted image]
By bella! at 26,Feb,14 16:12 other posts of bella! 
I admire elefant's beautiful schwanz!

By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 17:30 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By pifad at 26,Feb,14 17:04 other posts of pifad 
Treat him well. He's awesome! And from what I can see you are as well.

By basque9 at 26,Feb,14 16:25 other posts of basque9 
[deleted image]

This fab picture of Short Top is dear to my hard...oops, I meant heart! I find his sexy bod, big schwanz and pretty butt easy to admire!
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 16:55 other posts of *kmadeau* 
really so much Fuckable

By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 12:59 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hello Sexy boy!
By #447042 at 26,Feb,14 13:07
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 13:10 other posts of *kmadeau* 
oh now I see, he is your "Father", my dear friend Sorttop
By #447042 at 26,Feb,14 13:11
Yessir! He's a good Daddy
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 13:16 other posts of *kmadeau* 
love your Daddy, man! and hope we could share you with him for a passionate threesome
By #447042 at 26,Feb,14 13:17
Thank you. He likes you too Sir
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That would be sooo fun!!
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 13:21 other posts of *kmadeau* 
where is your Daddy now, I'm so crazy hard... can't wait man...

By #399342 at 26,Feb,14 13:52
Tallness strong and shining acorn, i like that
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 13:53 other posts of *kmadeau* 
thx my sweet buddy!

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