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Tiny dicks

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Started by #450013 at 15,Apr,14 06:23
Tiny little cocks are so sexy, who has the smallest dick on the site?

Similar topics: 1.Do bigger guys like looking at smaller dicks?   2.tiny dicks   3.TINY PENIS LOVERS   4.HUGE UNCUT BLACK PENIS   5.My cock is tiny n am proud  

New Comment

By #678044 at 12,Sep,22 23:42
[deleted image]


By earthy at 24,Oct,15 22:53 other posts of earthy 
Maybe not the smallest But a little on the small side.

By #194437 at 20,Jun,14 01:02
[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By #471389 at 23,Oct,15 17:16
Love your cute little dick! Wish I could play with it!
By spermkiss at 23,Oct,15 17:43 other posts of spermkiss 
Isn't it great?! I think lahbr has the finest micro on the site and his photos often make it to the Most Popular page. His lean, hairless physique is also a Major Plus.

By #416899 at 18,Apr,14 03:14
[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 18,Apr,14 15:01 other posts of spermkiss 
My dear sir, I just went to your page and looked over your photos, and while your dick is indeed on the small side, it ain't tiny. Not by any means. It's on the low end of average. And that ain't bad. Sure, the dicks at the opposite ends of the size scale, the ultra small and the ultra large, are interesting to look at, it's the average size and slightly below average size that are the best for sucking. Enough to provide a satisfying mouthful without triggering a gag reflex.

Having said all that, I gotta add that your dick is ULTRA ATTRACTIVE. It's stunningly beautiful. Thanks for showing.
By #416899 at 17,Jun,14 11:19
Thank you sir

By gazlittlewilly at 21,Apr,14 11:50 other posts of gazlittlewilly 
What do you think of my little one?


By #194437 at 17,Apr,14 22:49
[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 18,Apr,14 00:11 other posts of spermkiss 
I don't know if yours is the tiniest dick on SYD, but it is definitely the sexiest small dick. And you are a master at putting your little wonder on display and at photographing it. Your pictures are consistently off the charts for being sexy.
By #194437 at 18,Apr,14 01:22
Thank you!!!
By spermkiss at 18,Apr,14 15:05 other posts of spermkiss 
You're welcome, it's my pleasure. I'm far from the only SYD member who likes your tiny dick and your photos. I notice that you again have a photo on the Most Popular page, so a lot of members are voting for you.

By #23212 at 21,Apr,14 06:36
I would also add here, Herr 'lahbr', that your photos are some of the finest on this site.

By #424469 at 21,Apr,14 01:32
[deleted image] hope u like

By #320258 at 19,Apr,14 22:07
mine is small

By #194437 at 16,Apr,14 08:51
Itґs not the smallest, but you will like my dick too!

[deleted image]
By CreativeOne at 17,Apr,14 05:08 other posts of CreativeOne 
Wow ... Really nice shot "lahbr" , added it right to my favorites !
By spermkiss at 18,Apr,14 00:13 other posts of spermkiss 
It's wonderful, isn't it?

By leopoldij at 18,Apr,14 00:27 other posts of leopoldij 
Very cute indeed.

By CreativeOne at 17,Apr,14 05:09 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]


By leopoldij at 15,Apr,14 07:13 other posts of leopoldij 
By #455846 at 15,Apr,14 14:38
ok...big clit -small dick?

ok a big cliti is sexy! but so is any clit i think...

By leopoldij at 15,Apr,14 22:11 other posts of leopoldij 
i agree

By 3fdfd at 15,Apr,14 15:37 other posts of 3fdfd 
mine is small

Adult Discussion Forum